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Everything posted by Curtins

  1. Sarah Curtin 5 tickets https://imgur.com/o904vkm
  2. Darragh Curtin - 20 Entries https://imgur.com/gJ0Sik6 https://imgur.com/PIsEyOr
  3. really well made jonas good shit
  4. This has most likely already been suggested but I believe that the Character Creation UI need an update. 1. Better UI, as it is the Character UI is extremely simplistic and could use an update, that being said the UI works fine it could look extremely better with a new look. 2. Add rotation while looking at your character in the customisation screen, I believe adding rotation would make it 10x easier for players to see features like their nose and chin easier with a rotation option along with looking at their characters side profile in general. 3. More hairstyles need to be added as they are already in gta files and im 80% sure there is already mods/scripts that could be implemented for this (applies for barber shops also). (also one thing that has not got to do with the customisation is more clothes would be a nice add also) Please leave any feedback.
  5. Sarah_Curtin 5 Entries https://imgur.com/SkJfll4 https://imgur.com/Q7dCHXq https://imgur.com/W2wVzkj
  6. Darragh_Curtin 5 Entry's https://imgur.com/OtpeGmG https://imgur.com/RxHwcaa https://imgur.com/U3if4r9
  7. looks good I cant wait to see how all the other motorcycle clubs interact with each other!!
  8. I only agree with the armor plates, empty body armor as it is, is useless would be a pretty cool feature. The heavy prices are fine as is, they have been set that price for a reason.
  9. could just implement scripts would be way better and the casino as it stands is outdated and not being used
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