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Posts posted by Osvaldon

  1. The trees have returned. Known bugs have been fixed, and in response to the feedback, we have also removed certain objects from the DLC that were seen as too obstructive for driving fast, like immovable bollards, concrete  planters, etc., especially if those places had poor aesthetic value and were too scattered. The purpose of the mod is purely aesthetics. Criminals might be able to leverage the new trees as well, as police cars can also crash into the new terrain, it might be good for cover from bullets and hiding from the police helicopter.

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  2. It is too early to discuss the changes to the environment. It has just been 1 hour or so? We will temporarily remove the new map changes to fix some bugs and then put them back again. I personally agree with removing or replacing some immovable objects on the streets, but if you drive properly, they should not be an issue either way. I think it would be better to restart this discussion after everyone had enough time to get accustomed to the new changes.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  3. There is no need to worry, your vehicle has the same mods as it had, but due to new mods added by Rockstar, your vehicle is no longer maxed out as you do not have the newest mods anymore. Rockstar added new performances mods for some vehicles, although, the update is meant for the console release, so I cannot confirm that these new mods give any actual boosts.

    Affected car list:

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  4. I'd like to add that I think the concerns of both parties completely reasonable, but from a developer point of view, we also place OOC restrictions on bank robberies for the purpose of balance, so criminals do not attempt to rob banks and stores when there are insufficient numbers of law enforcement officers to react. When we assign the robbery rewards, we assume that there will be a police force to react in order for there to be a risk otherwise we would need to reduce the rewards to account for no risk. I think it's really great when players intentionally try to divert police forces before robbing a bank and that is a totally legitimate strategy, but in this case, the players on the other side tried to enjoy a training drill event with the entire law enforcement forces of all factions involved which would not happen in a real world setting as it's only an exercise and not a real emergency, so in a real world setting there still be police forces to react to crimes.

    Ideally there should not be any restrictions on players, but I think both sides have valid points and I can't really say that one side is wrong and the other is not. I think that we could make up for this inconvenience by organizing some purely criminal events so for that purpose I will talk to our staff team and see what can be done about it.

    • Like 3
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    • NAY 1
    • yooo 1
  5. It is not entirely true that there have been no updates because I really loved the last criminal updates and more updates are underway like house robberies, advanced character customization, new clothes, interiors and vehicles (thanks to our modder team), drugs, etc.. There are also updates that are not usually noticed by regular players, such as, admin tools and anti-cheat measures.

    I admit that it is a bit difficult to work in a team of only 2 developers, as there are so many different interests within the server. Even if we release an update, someone is unsatisfied as it is either a civilian/police/criminal update and not vice-versa. It is also difficult to integrate new developers in a project that is so old because training would take time, but the main issue is that our codebase is extremely large and very valuable to us and we can't entrust it to just anyone, not even with signed legal agreements. Another issue is, that the server is old and has many different scripts and each new feature needs to be made compatible with all the old ones so it makes updating certain aspects of the server more difficult (like clothes or drugs).

    All the issues aside, we are still trying to maintain the project and release new features for our players. We are definitely not waiting for GTA 6 to get released as it is unclear when that will happen and even if it were to be released next year, it might take another year or two for multiplayer clients like RAGEMP to emerge, so it is really not worth the wait. The nearest updates players can expect are house robberies, new faction and civilian clothes, character customization rework and the character selection menu updates. Drugs have been put on hold, but I'd like to get back to it when the character customization updates are pushed.

    • Like 15
    • yooo 1
  6. @Mooks hello, thank you for your bug report! This is a GTA V physics engine issue and we can't do much about it. I recommend that you try and keep more distance from the hood in the future. If you've experienced any losses due to this, you could make a refund request as this death has been caused by a physics engine bug, otherwise, you can roleplay hitting your head with the engine hood by accident and injuring yourself.

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