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Posts posted by Osvaldon

  1. 22 hours ago, Osvaldon said:

    @alpha7610 hello, thank you for your bug report. We've recently found the potential cause for the delayed audio, which might happen if your computer's clock is out of sync with the actual time. Check https://time.is/ and if your clock is either behind or ahead by a significant amount of seconds, you should resync your time. Let me know if this does anything for you!


  2. 22 hours ago, Osvaldon said:

    @Arrta hello, thank you for your bug report. We've recently found the potential cause for the delayed audio, which might happen if your computer's clock is out of sync with the actual time. Check https://time.is/ and if your clock is either behind or ahead by a significant amount of seconds, you should resync your time. Let me know if this does anything for you!


  3. @Arrta hello, thank you for your bug report. We've recently found the potential cause for the delayed audio, which might happen if your computer's clock is out of sync with the actual time. Check https://time.is/ and if your clock is either behind or ahead by a significant amount of seconds, you should resync your time. Let me know if this does anything for you!

  4. @alpha7610 hello, thank you for your bug report. We've recently found the potential cause for the delayed audio, which might happen if your computer's clock is out of sync with the actual time. Check https://time.is/ and if your clock is either behind or ahead by a significant amount of seconds, you should resync your time. Let me know if this does anything for you!

  5. I had experienced a weird bug, where a damaged Calico had broken steering, so I assume that would be it, though I have disabled the lowered stance and low grip tires, but the bug still persisted, so this could be a GTA V bug related to the new cars themselves. This is not fixable on our end.

  6. @WillowRaven hello, thank you for your bug report. It is most likely that you see placeholder data that is used in testing, because for some reason your client doesn't receive the actual data from the server. This could be a network issue on your end or it could be data corruption on our end. I've added you on Discord upon the request of Bakmeel.

  7. @Meloen hello, thank you for your bug report. Currently, when logging into the panel, you can use both your 2FA device or email as a second tier authentication method. 2FA will not trigger in-game unless the server thinks that you might be an illegitimate user, but I will not go into further detail about it.

  8. [Commands] /SetTime command will now require administrators to be on duty due to common confusion with the /SetInteriorTime command.
    [Factions] Added a spoiler for the Police Jugular and set the default siren lights of Police/Sheriff cruisers to the modern variant.
    [Factions] Fixed reported faction uniform torso and color issues (DCC, Weazel News, LSC).
    [Furniture] Fixed an issue that prevented the new furniture edit/remove features from working for exterior properties.
    [Furniture] Fixed an issue that caused an error to appear when clicking on the custom property boundary objects.
    [Interiors] Added the Tuner car meet interior that is marked by a blip "Drifter Arena".
    [Mechanics] Updated the default extras and appearance of the Utility Truck.
    [Mods] Moved the neons and xenon headlights to the "Lights" category and added xenon color names.
    [Mods] Added the ability to toggle xenons in /ModView and using the /Xenons command.
    [Mods] Removed vehicle freezing while using the mod UI.
    [Mods] Added low grip tires to the mod UI.
    [Mods] Added lowered stance to the mod UI (requires low grip tires).
    [Mods] Fixed an issue that prevented the new wheel customization options from being applied.
    [Objects] Increased the maximum object pool from 2.300 to 3.000 objects due to some properties needing more.
    [UI] Decreased the dark vignette effect for the /ModView menu and other similar design UI menus.
    [Vehicles] Fixed an issue that caused mods and the mod UI to break for certain vehicles (Dukes, Blista Compact, Go Go Monkey Blista, Buffalo Race Livery, Dominator Race Livery).


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