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  1. I 100% support this suggestion, especially for ads! My friend @Diddern is colorblind and he's always asking me if he guessed correctly what colors did they use for ads. He gets angry when he's wrong. I can't keep living like this. Please help our colorblind friend!
  2. I did not see the "limit reached" when trying to buy it. I do not have a clip anymore. I guess you can archive it. If it happens again, I'll submit a full clip.
  3. Date and time (provide timezone): 30/JAN ~ 12:10 - 12:15 (UTC) Character name: Luca_Andollini Issue/bug you are reporting: Purchasing a shotgun does not spawn one at gun store and does not register to you on MDC Expected behavior: Purchasing a shotgun should spawn it in your inventory and register on the inventory Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Gun store says the weapon limit is reached, MDC does not show the pump shotgun Vehicle license plate number*: Irrelevant
  4. Hey. I have not experienced any issues in a while regarding this. You can archieve. Thanks!
  5. Hey there! Let me start with the basics of the /cpr command. /CPR command is used to extend your life bar while you're downed. That means that you will still lose health at the same rate and if need be, /cpr can be used again to check on your injuries. (/stabilize completely stops your HP from decaying) What does this mean in the RP terms? Well, let's take the scenario you've already mentioned - you've been in a firefight with a cop and the cop shot you down. The cop has a BLS bag in the trunk with limited supplies. In the same way, those supplies are there to provide BASIC LIFE SUPPORT, not to do a full surgery on your person in the middle of the street. So, the cop then grabs whatever they can to try and slow down the bleeding and keep you alive for as long as they can, focusing on the major injuries. (If there is no MD on shift, PD/SD will utilise /stabilize command as instructed) Secondly, you have to understand that people in this community might not have the best English vocabulary, starting of with me. Additionally, they would not have medical knowledge either so they wouldn't be able to RP to the extent you're looking for. Rules that are taught about /CPR and /stabilize are the following: /CPR: provide medical RP -> treated party claims the medical RP is enough to stabilize major wounds -> utilise /cpr command /stabilise: check the injured for injuries -> utilise /stabilize command -> provide medical RP until treated party believes it is sufficient. Now let's say you're being treated and the person treating you can only provide /cpr, you should first remember that the /cpr is there to extend your life until further medical assistance is provided. Then, the party that is treating you provides medical RP for treating the fatal wounds. If you believe the treatment wouldn't be sufficient, you can always utilise the /do command but give them other party info on why the treatment is not sufficient. For example "/do the treatment would not help as the bullet went through the body and the exit wound has not been treated" I want to emphasize one thing that I dislike when people complain about LEO medical RP and /cpr (and please, let's not pretend it's not like this). Scenario 1: You're shot after the shootout with another gang and your gang wins. A person from your gang comes and with a single "/me" treats your wounds and the medical RP is enough, utilises /carrybody and dumps you in the trunk, dropping you off at Pillbox - you survive and grab the good loot from the opps. Scenario 2: You're shot after the shootout with PD and there's no backup for you. Suddenly, you expect top-tier medical RP from LEOs and provide an in-depth description of injuries to someone who might just be new to the LEO RP, ECRP or whatever. They don't know how to treat the super fatal wound - You die, you respawn at pillbox, you lost probably some illegal items but you're not paying fines and not serving time at DOC. When I say "you" - I'm not calling you out. I'm not calling anyone out. Being part of both sides of the story, I've seen how these things are treated and I get triggered whenever people "complain" about the current state of the medical RP. Much love!
  6. I'll just put "/alias" here. Yes, you can argue that you changed your name but then again, if you were to change your name legally, you would have to go through a complex process with JB or GOV not just press F6 and type in the new name for 5 buckaroos. If a cop would put your name into the system, it would not show up and you're again in trouble (I'm talking about background checks, traffic stops, etc...) Additionally, license suspensions should be visible in the system, not only when you show licenses but here we are. There's just too much work for almost no benefit. Overall, -1 from my side.
  7. Date and time (provide timezone): 20/OCT/2023 approx 13:30 UTC (happened on multiple occasions) Character name: Luca_Andollini Issue/bug you are reporting: On two occasions now, I could not see the vehicles or people in the vehicles. To be more precise - on one occasion I could see people standing still while they informed me they were in the vehicle. On the second occasion, I couldn't even see the vehicle or people. Expected behavior: Well, you should be able to see stuff that everybody else sees. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Can't really say. It might not be the server issue, but I'm hoping to get some intel on how to try and resolve this. Here's the POV where you can see people shooting at 3 stacked jugular while I can't see anything. BE CAREFUL I WAS A BIT LOUD... Vehicle license plate number*: Once it was a police cruiser (scout), the other time it was jugular.
  8. Make those banks work 24/7. If people withdraw their salary after "working hours", tax them something some small additional fee (like 1-2%)
  9. Hey there gamer! Here's a POG topic! If you have any troubles, feel free to reply with questions
  10. I've been experimenting with Photoshop for the last couple of months. I'll share some pictures. If you are interested in making one for you, feel free to contact me and I'll give it a shot! FACTION THREAD(S): PICTURES:
  11. +1 I was thinking about the same idea.
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