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Vince Torelli

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About Vince Torelli

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  1. So one thing I've noticed is how a lot of faction/character story threads are written as a summary of events, rather than a showcase of actual RP scenes. While this is cool for documenting the progress of a faction, and isn't necessarily a bad thing, I think faction lore and development becomes better nuanced and expanded when actual RP scenes are depicted for the audience of viewers. It demonstrates that you can actually roleplay, including writing quality dialogue and scene descriptions with /me's and /do's. Now, being that Eclipse is mixed VOIP and text (and more people are inclined to use VOIP), it makes writing dialogue verbatim difficult. However, since the traditional way of creating 800x600 RP showcase screens is to only have a few lines and a short summary of the RP scene (as to avoid metagaming), it's easy to save POV of the conversation and transcribe it for the screenshot. HELPFUL TOOLS Photoshop, or... https://www.photopea.com/ For those that don't want to buy Photoshop, this is a web based alternative with the same UI as CS6. PROCESS While some methods involve screenshotting the scene and removing the raw text using a magic wand, I have found this to be detrimental for several reasons - 1, grammar errors. 2, Eclipse's font is bulky and there's too much OOC artifacts. INSTEAD, I recommend the "ROLEPLAY TRANSCRIPTION" method. This means taking a raw screenshot or, in case of VOIP usage, a POV of the roleplay you wanna include - including speech and /me's and /do's. Keep this handy, because you'll be transcribing this roleplay onto a CINEMATIC SCREENSHOT. HEX CODES: Me = {c2a3da} Do = {c2a3da} Talking = {f1f1f1} Whisper = {eda841} Phone call = {fbf724} FONTS: I recommend Arial Condensed Bold or, on Photopea, DejaVu Sans Condensed Bold. REMEMBER THAT YOU SHOULD ADD A BLACK OUTLINE OF 1, 2, or 3 PIXELS (give or take) DEPENDING ON HOW BIG YOUR TEXT IS. CINEMATIC SCREENSHOTS So for the screenshot you're gonna be pasting the text onto, there's a specific method. You want the main focus of the picture to be the characters and/or main item of the RP... this could be a car, item, or anything pertaining to the scene at hand. Since your screenshot will be posted in 800x600 format, you'll want to go ahead and crop/resize your image to fit those dimensions. It is vital that you leave room in the upper-left corner of the screenshot for the Roleplay Transcription. Example: After cropping the image, you'll want to add the text. Your final screenshot should look like this: Now you're ready to post! Remember to check with your faction management if they approve the screen to be posted to the thread. (Every faction's rules is different.)
  2. It's RP. While I'm skeptical if that notion should justify the creation a Klan faction, it should at least justify this word and others like it to be used. There's a clear divide between In-Character and Out-Of-Character. People should be able to freely express fictional characters and their actions, especially something as trivial as saying such a commonly used word like this, without being policed OOCly. It's this stigma and almost hyper-meta approach to RP that's leading to such poor portrayal everywhere on Eclipse. If you can't discern IC and OOC, you probably shouldn't be allowed on this server, for your own mental health. Like always, Mel is speaking words of wisdom. I agree with her 110%. - The Vince has spoken.
  3. Underground on top, forever. Viva la nostra rodentia. ↑ Never forget the Melody Shuffle. ↑ And always remember - clear comms, you bozos. And keep it pink - forever. - Vince Torelli
  4. Hey spencer, I'm Vince. Pro gamer tip: join The Underground you won't regret it
  5. Until next time, you beautiful pink bastards. Vincent James "Lucky Vince" Torelli UNDERGROUND RAT October 19th, 2021 - July 10th, 2022
  6. Glad to see another paesano in the city! Excellent story-writing, keep it up!
  7. ("Mischief Night" is Halloween Eve for New Jerseyans)
  8. Good to see another faction that's pushing the boundaries of what is typically made. I'm super excited to see you guys out and about in the city, and I wish you the best of luck towards accomplishing your goals. Super creative, well done!
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