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Everything posted by Osvaldon

  1. Osvaldon

    Global /duoanim

    @CallumMontie hello, thank you for your bug report, but this is not a bug, the distance check is only added in the acceptance phase.
  2. @kenichis hello, thank you for your bug report, this issue has been resolved in the latest /modview update.
  3. @Kukata hello, thank you for your bug report. I believe this could happen anywhere, not just the HE, it's a problem with the GTA V physics engine, not a server bug.
  4. @Papadakis hello, thank you for your bug report, this issue has been resolved in the latest /modview update.
  5. @ArrtaMyrdhyn hello, thank you for your bug report, this issue has been resolved in the latest /modview update.
  6. @Asterisk hello, there was a bug with the rating system, I believe I have fixed it in July, but forgot to update it here.
  7. @Eddie_J hello, thank you for your bug report, this issue has already been fixed in August.
  8. @Chris Bluestone hello, thank you for your bug report, this issue has been resolved in the latest /modview update.
  9. @Chase_ hello, thank you for your bug report. This happens because in GTA the rooftop is randomized each time the vehicle spawns, however, in the latest /modview update players can control such components and prevent them from changing.
  10. @CallumMontie hello, thank you for your bug report. The autologin will not work if there are changes made to your network or hardware, also, if any of the RAGE features are blocked by your antivirus software, it could prevent the autologin from working. If you still experience this, you can PM me to help me troubleshoot.
  11. @Kjaer hello, thank you for your bug report, however, these are not rental trucks, but job trucks, you get paid for doing jobs with them.
  12. Osvaldon

    PD Vehicles

    @HobGoblin hello, the reported issue (along with some others) has been fixed.
  13. @Pazz hello, thank you for your bug report. This issue is already resolved in the current server version.
  14. @wipdax hello, thank you for your bug report. Some animations have special effects in certain conditions, it is normal for this type of animation.
  15. @Jessi hello, thank for your bug report, this issue should be resolved in the current server version.
  16. @LeftSharkie hello, thank you for your bug report. The warehouse scripts have been updated in the criminal/turf update, including the entrances, locks and permissions, so I believe the issues listed should be resolved now.
  17. @kenichis hello, thank you for your bug report, I believe that this issue had been already resolved in the May-June credit store update.
  18. @Broker the recent /modview update includes new improved specifications, so it should now show some kind of fuel or electricity use and it's one step forward to having more electric vehicle features in the future.
  19. @Itssmegol58 hello, you need to provide me with more information. What is the car model, number plate, can you show me your /modview where the headlights are?
  20. @Johnnie_Hill hello, are you sure that the credits have been deducted from your account? I can only see a number plate purchase for your Nightblade.
  21. Osvaldon

    PD Vehicles

    @HobGoblin hello, thank you for your bug report, I have already made a list of fixes that need to be done, including all the mods, plates and colors on faction/job vehicles. You can expect all the issues to be fixed quite soon.
  22. It's in the polishing phase and I need to make a converter to transfer the old mods into the new system, maybe within a week (or a little more).
  23. @Luxas in regards to the transfer requests and your faction's official status, these are questions better suited for staff members in the transfer request department and faction management.
  24. It's not staff owned factions, but server owned factions where leadership will be given away to other players, as we want to establish more factions for more people to be included in the criminal content. That does not mean that custom factions will not be possible to create. We also plan to make more changes to make the black market more accessible to non-official faction members.
  25. The current UI is not designed to support an extremely wide resolution, but it will attempt to scale itself if the ratio remains +-2:1 (more or less).
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