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Everything posted by Skippy

  1. I don’t understand why you think it’s so bad, it won’t even require u to buy anything extra just an extra 30 seconds or so that adds a little bit of rp? And honestly chopshoping is not that bad now, 3K every 15 min or so if u do the minimum and constantly it doesn’t take much effort
  2. +1 to the forensics side of it. Maybe /ldos with the person so you can find fingerprints/dna or really anything that can tie a person to have interacted with the body so then you can then track them down
  3. makes no sense to be able to just turn a car on like magic, even if it is a push button car then u still have to have keys in the vehicle for it to work. +1 makes a lot of sense
  4. only way to loot them when it’s like that is to frisk them
  5. +1 makes sense, and if u try to aim above 130km then u should get something such as the affect of being drunk not in the way your sight is effected but he ability to control the vehicle so you start to swerve, etc.
  6. +1 im just waiting for the houses with the admin markers to be actual houses and what u said about the market being to high is very true. I saw a 1G go up for 499K the other day there is simply not that many houses left
  7. -1 a 10 - 15 second timer would be terrible in multiple ways. It takes me less time to write out the rp and pick the body up. Also the timer would not be in place of the rp so u would have to do the rp plus a timer. I don’t think so. That just makes u wait and stand out in the open where people can just run up to you and kill you in situations such as gun fights and gang wars when realistically you would just grab the body and drag it away. Overall good thought but it has way more negatives than positives
  8. Massive +1 would also like to see a feature to edit a contact without having to delete it completely
  9. U never know. Before u played this game did u think anyone would enjoy doing nothing sitting at a bank all day?
  10. Not really, they don’t have the ability to arrest or anything they just alert the police when something illegal is being done
  11. Make a new job: bank security Their job is to stand outside and look for anything that might be suspicious they can search you and then call the cops if it is necessary, tell people to take masks off, basically just make more realistic and it gives another job opportunity to the citizens who wants something to do. They would have to go through a process to become a guard like training and all that
  12. -1 there are too many bikes that can easily hit an excess of 190km/h even without a wheelie. If you were to make all these bikes cost that much then bikes would not even be an accessible tool for a crim and that brings even more disadvantage to them because bikes are just about the only way to escape police and half the time you still can’t. Not to mention, like everyone else has said, crims don’t have a steady income such as civilian rp and it is extremely difficult to get 10 mill unless you are a crime boss, and we have very few of those. Not a bad idea, just isn’t realistic for our severs economy
  13. I think a scripted vehicle would just add the the rp and to the risk/reward factor. For example, if there was not a scripted vehicle you could just take a super or a drag or any number of overpowered vehicles and outrun anything. If you take a bike or vehicle with low storage then you have less space to store the product which would lead to less reward due to less risk of using a vehicle of your choice. Also it would have a better rp experience and would force gangs to move as a group since the scripted vehicle wouldn’t be able to go solo.
  14. +1 Maybe even add in more elements like how drugs are different ingredients, maybe have it to where you have to get not only paper but ink and then maybe take that and put it manually in the crate then to the van. But overall a great idea, hope it gets considered!!
  15. Skippy

    The Valors

    You guys still around? Haven’t seen you in a while.
  16. Skippy


    I love how you guys took a real life gang and instead of acting like you were the ones to create it you built off of the irl one. 10/10 RP. Love it!!!!
  17. Rough times but we’ll get things straight hopefully. Just waitin to get people in town at the same time to get more content for the thread.
  18. Just wondering, what else is a gang supposed to do. You talk about diplomacy, in your eyes that means sitting in front of your precious store and talking shit about people who roll by. I mean what do you expect from a gang that can’t import weapons for profit, to go around and use their words to solve problems, “diplomacy”. Correct me if I’m wrong, im not, didn’t the zetas go around “robbing civvies and killing cops all day” to get to where you are. You say you have to put in time and effort but apparently that time and effort that GANGS have to put in to grow goes against the “criminal authority” that you have apparently implemented to the sever. If you give a proper alternative to “robbing civvies and killing cops all day” besides saying “USE DIPLOMACY” all the fucking time, someone might actually listen. But no, you just make up some dumbass excuse to get gangs to stop growing and getting more powerful so that you can stay on top. Anyway, I know this isn’t gonna affect the way you think and your going to continue to be the way you are thinking that your the sever alpha dog, but I’m telling you, it’s not gonna be that way forever. Just remember all the big gangs before you. All good things come to an end.
  19. seaweed isnt gone, they still very much around
  20. actually gangs roll up on cops a lot. +1 for me, just make some sort of rules where you cant hunt them. Maybe even make it to where it is not a guaranteed drop, like sometimes it despawns sometimes it doesnt, something like that, and its only the weapon in hand. Also, it would be a lot more rewarding if you got into a big shoot out with cops and at least got a heavy or two since now you get nothing. Much more realistic that way.
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