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Everything posted by Kris

  1. Archived per request.
  2. Archived per request.
  3. I ask everyone, as already mentioned previously by another staff member, that this suggestion remains on topic. The suggestion here has nothing to do with when or more criminal content is coming, which is up to the developers, or to do with vehicle speeds of PD or the speed of super cars. Thank you!
  4. Ah okay, thank you for the heads up @Aieos.
  5. Moved to Technical Support.
  6. Date and time (provide timezone): 1/9/20 6:31:44 PM UTC Character name: Alex Donnelly Issue/bug you are reporting: The following text: [PHONE] Text from Los Santos Treasury Department: Los Santos government bank is now open! gets sent to you when your phone is off. Expected behavior: You should not receive any SMSes what so ever when your phone is off. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: 1. Have your phone off. 2. Wait until the bank opens up 3. The SMS will still come through.
  7. I can confirm as well! It does delete the vehicle when it only clears the unit.
  8. Date and time (provide timezone): 21/DEC/2019 Character name: Alex Donnelly Issue/bug you are reporting: Backup Calls and Panic Alarms can be spammed, look at the picture below. This is all in the span of 2 seconds. Expected behavior: There should be some sort of cooldown (5 seconds) to prevent people from spamming backup calls and panic alarms. It would be excellent if Panic Alarms could be changed to be red color to make it more clear that it is a panic alarms, as backup calls and panic alarms looks too alike. One is more important than the other. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: 1. Be in either PD/SD/MD 2. Spam CTRL + B and/or CTRL + E. Vehicle license plate number*:
  9. Date and time (provide timezone): 21/DEC/2019 Character name: Alex Donnelly Issue/bug you are reporting: Prison time rollback after server crash/restart Expected behavior: Your remaining jtime should save more persistently to prevent prison/jail time being rollbacked. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: 1. Be in jail/prison 2. Stay on the server when it restarts/crashes. 3. Your jail time will rollback. Uncertain by how much, but I think back to the time you had when you last logged in. Vehicle license plate number*: N/A
  10. The new life rule is triggered whenever a player’s character spawns at a hospital
  11. I agree that you should lose your phone when your character dies. But your character never dies. It respawns at the hospital.
  12. Welcome to Eclipse Roleplay. Glad to have you onboard!
  13. I am glad to hear that you have gotten this resolved. Next time - please be patient and make a /report 2 in-game, and a staff member will assist you as soon as possible.
  14. @ege212 - Can you please reproduce the issue and make a video of it? This will make it easier for our developers to see where the issues lies.
  15. Duplicate report. This can be archived.
  16. @DrVolcan - Please use the correct format for reporting a bug found below.
  17. @Philo - Please follow the correct format for posting a bug report found below.
  18. @Alithyera - Please follow the correct format for posting a bug report found below.
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