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Everything posted by Brawnkoh

  1. +1 Agree with the "ammo in gun stores" section.
  2. First, let me start off with saying, and this is coming from a “criminal”, that I agree that prison sentences need to be increased. I’d also like to state you would have an extremely hard time finding a single person that I’ve robbed that wasn’t out of retaliation for attacking me first. I simply do not rob civs. In my opinion, the problem is more complex than just increasing sentences. There has been numerous occasions where I have been arrested via illegitimate methods. Allowing a single officer to slap down a 24-48 sentence without a trial, evidence being provided, etc seems like it will create just as many problems as it solves. First step of this in my opinion would be to allow someone to plead guilty or not guilty upon arrest. Pleading not guilty would require a judicial system implemented that can handle the legal aspects (but if found guilty would result in a longer sentence). This is how it’s done in the US. While I don’t exactly agree with the US and their prison reform, it works, kind of. Tl;dr Prison sentences need to be increased, but I’m not sure long sentences can be supported via the current system. Police should not be judge, juror, and executioner.
  3. Finally getting a thread together, good luck boys.
  4. Date and time (provide timezone): N/A - Can replicate any time Character name: Michael Reese Issue/bug you are reporting: After taking a trucker job, and filling up your truck, if you crash after this you lose the trailer and the job. However, you do not lose the product you were trying to ship as the db field is persistent through these crashes. This causes problems because you can't deliver the incorrect product, to the incorrect location. The only way to fix this (that I have found) is to quit your trucker job, go back to the Trucker's Yard, and re-accept the job to wipe the stored product. Expected behavior: Should be able to take new delivery, without having to /quitjob and reaccept job. Maybe wipe DB field upon acceptance of new job, or create a drop load button. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: -Join Trucker Job -Accept a delivery (i.e. food/water) -Pick up trailer and fill up with designated delivery product -Leave server/crash/etc -Rejoin -Accept another job (i.e. Vehicle Delivery) -You will have no trailer, and the job will more than likely have been taken by another trucker (working as intended). You can accept a new job, and pick up the new trailer. However, you will not be able to fill up the new designated items onto the truck because it's still full of the old product.
  5. There is one in the same spot in my house.
  6. I'd like to be able to sneak in my back door occasionally. But sitting on the back porch would be nice too.
  7. Were you in the car? Was your car moving? In an actual scenario, cruiser roadblocks don't typically involve someone still inside their cruiser. If you block off a road, and get out of your car. Your cruiser turns from a vehicle, to a stopping tool. It's more about how the blockade is performed, not the blockade itself.
  8. I'm going to assume you're referring to internal ballistics, and this is a factually incorrect statement. There is no ballistics record for every firearm sold in the United States. Examination of bullets can be done to identify characteristics which limit the amount of guns it could have been fired from (i.e. caliber, and sometimes model). But there is nothing to tie that information to a database of registered firearms. This is why murder weapons are needed in most cases. You need the specific gun that was used to run ballistics tests. Secondly, ballistics change due to normal use, and intentional modifications. Meaning even if there was a database, it would be useless because the ballistics of a specific firearm change over time. 257 man hours were spent on the rifle that killed MLK by firearms examiners (and it was test fired 18 times). Yet, there was no conclusive evidence that the rifle in possession was the one used in the crime. Each of those times, the ballistics were different.
  9. Good to know. I missed it in the patch notes.
  10. Considering the majority are 1k jobs, the system still needs some tweaking. Possibly a rental variable being a percentage of the payment for non truck owners rather than a flat rate.
  11. The point I'm trying to make here, is sometimes realism has to be set aside for balance. I was using the cameras as an example. If you want to deter people from working legal jobs, it's going to result in people committing more crime. It's counter productive to the overall problem the server is experiencing with the "hands up" mentality. Driving people away from legal jobs, drives them towards illegal ones. No matter how much in your heart you want realism, you're not thinking about the IC consequences of the realism you're asking for. There is both IC and OOC consequences to every action. Even today, recidivism rates in the U.S. are extremely high. A large portion of this is due to lack of employment, or lack of good employment and lack of skilled workers. Do you think in a situation where almost everyone is a criminal (The US amplified exponentially) less crime and more RP is going to happen if you take away jobs? Taking away jobs will create more criminals in Los Santos, not less.
  12. I'd be okay if they started with points. I'm just not okay with taking jobs away from new players instantly.
  13. You absolutely have to rely on cruise control, this isn't a pedal. Our cars don't function like IRL vehicles. There is no partial gas, you're either to the floor, or giving your car no gas. My car gets up to 70 kph in a split second. Even today, I get tickets I don't even mean to get in the blink of an eye. IRL cruise control allows you to not have to have your foot on the gas, which definitely does stop you from going over the speed limit. I'm not sure what kind of vehicle you drive, but my car both speeds up and slows down based on my cruise control setting. Secondly, if you want to talk about "realism", camera tickets don't count against your driving record in most locations that I am familiar with. Only tickets from actual traffic stops. Beyond that, if we want to talk realism, we are getting traffic tickets wearing masks in stolen cars. Why is that? Because the primary purpose of tickets are to keep people from speeding in NCZs, and keep innocents safe. Let's not confuse those OOCly as an intended functions of "the law". Speeding tickets are not for law enforcement, they are for public safety in areas where large amounts of people congregate. Lastly, guess how many times an officer has tried to pull me over for speeding in Los Santos in the past 400 hours? Zero...If you want to stop people from speeding, start pulling them over.
  14. Maybe if our cruise control worked properly. You are looking at this from a vet perspective, not a new player perspective.
  15. I think the downside to this is new players get hammered over and over again with speeding tickets. New players will be in the negative on points due to not knowing where speed cameras are and will never be able to get a job, and many of these jobs are specifically designed for new players. I would be okay with the crime points, but I'm reluctant to take away jobs from new players over speeding tickets. That seems counter productive to me.
  16. I'm a criminal, and I'd have to agree with this. I don't want to see truckers get robbed at gunpoint for their cargo. However, even with the system as it is now, you could technically cut off the stores supply chain by stopping trucks from dropping there, and charge the store owner money to fix the supply chain. This would actually require some RP beyond "Hands up", as well as some time and persistence.
  17. Did a 1k job, I also did not notice any payment. I immediately stopped after that.
  18. This happens for me as well. I fix it the same way as Cutesander. But it's definitely annoying to do that every time you connect to the server.
  19. Here's an example. From Braddock's to Chiliad there is a route through (on top) the mountains. This route involves a series of cliff jumps to get from point A to point B due to a series of 10 foot ledge drop offs. It's how the trail is built. It seems to be, this should be an acceptable use for dirt bikes. It's great fun to go up there and just screw around in your free time. I'm not talking launching off mountains to get away from cops. To be fair, I can see how not having a black or white rule on this specific vehicle could be problematic. Maybe only allow it during solo RP and/or RP where that is your sole intention, and keep the rules the same when chases are involved. I'm open to suggestions.
  20. There's definitely a lot of bicycles and motorcycles. I belive (don't quote me) the next server update is adding flatbed trucks which will resolve that issue. I was just pointing out why the cars were so bad in that pic. The Orange comet is owned by a buddy of mine "Clutch". I tried to move it for him when it got stuck there, but it was locked so I left it. The time right before that was one of those server kicks every 10 minute days.
  21. I'd really like to see the ability for the Sanchez (or other specific dirt bikes) to stunt jump. It's a dirt bike, and should be able to successfully make reasonable jumps. The bike is intended to be used for this purpose, but can't be RP'd for its intended use. I think taking that away from this vehicle removes any value the vehicle has since sports bikes and cars can now climb mountains.
  22. I can tell you, I know who's cars some of those are. This was the aftermath after a server instability issue. These people kept getting DC'd and rolled back which caused them to stop trying to log in. Hence why those cars were parked in the middle of the road for hours. Those cars weren't parked there just to park there.
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