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Everything posted by Linden

  1. Pour one out for the pizza boys we left behind.
  2. Linden

    Aiming dot.

    Within three years, not three hours.
  3. Government sets rules for civilians and provides welfare cheques to everyone, so by that logic everyone is a Government employee. Loads of private organizations receive money from Federal and State Governments IRL, but it doesn't mean the people working there are Government employees.
  4. You said Government employee, which by definition would mean somebody who is employed by a Government entity. If you are an employee of LSPD, LSEMS, SADOC, or are a member of the City Council then you qualify. Unless you are telling me that the media is owned by the Government, which would certainly be a terrifying prospect. Reckless Driving should not disqualify you from getting a firearm license, if it does you should contact the police ICly to talk about it.
  5. Linden

    Aiming dot.

    In real life a criminal doesn't leave prison, instantly buy a gun and commit another felony resulting in them going back to prison in the span of a few hours. They certainly can't do it multiple times a day. Criminals tend to avoid police. Just because the US has a high rate of crime does not mean it's realistic for you to shoot them in the face multiple times a day, if you did that in real life they would use lethal force and it is likely you would die or otherwise get caught and sent to prison for a long time - that is undesirable and you should be valuing your life and freedom more than that. The problem you are having is that you are treating this server as cops and robbers. Good for the PD and bad for criminals? The changes are good for anybody who wants any level of realism, and better for those who are on the side of the law. If you have a problem with how the police operate, start a suggestion and don't include anything about how they are "overpowered", how criminals have been "unfairly affected by the gun changes" and without claiming that it is realistic to attempt first degree murder on a cop every few hours.
  6. Hey yeah sort of remember you. FTO lyfe.
  7. Linden

    Aiming dot.

    If it can be done, perhaps force first-person view when aiming a gun and require the gun to be aimed before it can be fired. Weapon sync should be possible by having the server sync with data sent by the shooter's client and sending it to the other client (shooter priority), though it can result in you dying despite being behind cover on your screen because of delay. I can see reasons for and against a crosshair. Unfortunately you can't do much about people cheating by using third-party applications or built-in crosshairs.
  8. There needs to be more houses added to the game.
  9. Linden

    Weapon Suppliers

    Despite the amount of support here, I don't really see how it's realistic that some random people without solid support from powerful gangs in the city are able to get illegal firearms into the city and sell them. Stuff like this should be controlled by gangs. What would be better is if there there were more but smaller official gangs that had preferred goods to smuggle. Some gangs want to control the flow of weapons, some gangs fight over production and distribution of drugs. -1
  10. More customization of all types would be good. +1
  11. Twitter with @mentions and #hashtags would be interesting and could lead to some enjoyable interactions, plus in the current age of social media it just makes sense. Simple image sharing is possible through third-party applications, doesn't seem majorly useful to have an app for specifically for them. DM's seems unnecessary since there is text messaging. Events can be posted on twitter. Business pages and applications are just more easily handled through the forums. Profile I assume could be Facebook/LifeInvader, could have it as an opt-in feature rather than everyone having a profile. Wouldn't be too bad.
  12. More civilian jobs and opportunities would be fantastic. +1
  13. I just want to give my friend a brojob. +1
  14. It shouldn't be easy to obtain a gun, legal or otherwise. -1
  15. Linden

    Money Laundering

    +1 to dirty money from certain criminal activities.
  16. I believe he's talking about the prices of new unowned houses, not people reselling their homes.
  17. Having drugs provide positive and negative effects would give them some value; so long as they are balanced. Positive effects such as reduced incoming damage, increased movement speed. Negative effects such as reduced visibility, shaky vision, visual and auditory hallucinations. Implement addiction mechanics so that frequent and/or excessive use of drugs will cause minor negative effects to occur while the drug is not active.
  18. Government employees should absolutely be allowed to carry a weapon while on duty, if they have a gun license. I imagine part of the recruitment process for these people includes a background check, so the people in these positions should be capable of acquiring said license.
  19. Surely that kind of information would be accessible through IC bank statements. May need clarification by an admin and if it is indeed against the rules it should be changed.
  20. There are some of you who previously played on NGRP and may remember the logos used by the LSPD. While waiting for my application to be accepted I've had little to do in my spare time, so I have been updating my old graphics. I have recreated the LSPD and DOC logos currently in use with my own style, created an EMS logo, and per Sammy's request I've made some divisional logos.
  21. Hello everyone. Jack Francis/Peter F Linden, formerly of the LSPD on both SARP and NGRP. Recognise a few of the names in this thread, good to see some of you again.
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