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Everything posted by Linden

  1. A donation is just that. You shouldn't expect any reward or gratification for a donation. Server downtime is not Eclipse's fault. I assume the downtime is the result of a DDOS or a server hardware issue. It is the hosts responsibility to ensure customers receive the services they are paying for. Even though it was Easter weekend, allowing an extended outage like this is a poor business move; they surely could have paid staff overtime to ensure affected customers could be given the support they are entitled to.
  2. Linden

    Judicial Sytem

    At the end of the day, while a Department of Justice and court roleplay can provide very enjoyable and engaging stories and enforces accountability for your actions (civilian or police), the flaw is that punishments for crimes are normally very minor. No matter what kind of crimes you commit, you only end up serving a couple of hours in prison. In a real life situation, if the police have a warrant for your arrest or a valid reason based on probable cause or reasonable suspicion they can arrest and detain you for 72 hours without filing charges. Obviously we're not trying to perfectly emulate real life and the LSPD aren't going to hold somebody without charges for an extended period of time; after placing the charges you are immediately sent to prison. If a court system were in place then it would be necessary to have a judge, criminal defence lawyer, and police prosecutor available at the time of arrest in order to have a trial. In the event that one of these are not available, a court date would need to be organised and then a decision would need to be made on the suspect. Depending on the suspect and their alleged crimes, it may be acceptable to release them on bail. While released on bail they may be required to avoid contact with certain people, stay away from certain locations, and check in with police. If the suspect has committed a serious offence, has previously broken the terms of bail, been convicted of a serious felony, are unlikely to turn up for court, or are likely to commit a crime while on bail then they cannot be released on bail. At this point does the suspect serve a full sentence, get released after a couple of hours, then go to court in a few days? If a judge determines that the suspect is innocent, but they have already been fined and served time in prison, will the LSPD be responsible for reimbursing the fine on top of a payment for false imprisonment? If the suspect is deemed guilty, will they just be released due to time served or is there extra fines and imprisonment added on top? There is also the consideration of having and selecting members of the jury, which is very difficult when there are so many criminals on the server.
  3. On NGRP factions had to use their funds to buy high-grade materials, then everything cost varying amount of materials to take out. The problems with this is: having people available to deliver the materials (it was San Andreas Armed Services) people stealing those crates (which happened a lot, because >80% of civilians were major criminals) running out of materials and nobody being able to get anything from the lockers The third point occurred every few days because of the points 1 & 2, and because getting new equipment after dying gets expensive when >80% of the server would gladly kill you if it meant avoiding a $500 ticket. Even if you ignore the delivery of crates and just make guns remove money from the treasury, how much money do they currently have and how much do they earn? They need a stable source of income which means criminals complying or getting caught. Server staff isn't going to want a system that allows criminals to steal weapons from police, or a system that can leave the police with an empty armoury and massively drained treasury.
  4. What kind of value does this actually have? What benefit is there to providing incentive for people to attack police? Keep in mind that we're roleplaying in a first-world country and not some Middle Eastern or Asian country where there are terrorists actively hunting down and killing law enforcement officers. I'm looking at an article from 2016 which states the deadliest attacks committed against police in the last 100 years in the United States and the only thing close to an attack on a police station is from Nov 24 1917 a police station was accidentally bombed after a suspicious package was brought in by a concerned citizen. The intended target was a church and not the police. Keeping in mind that raiding a police station would be considered an act of terrorism, the only other events that involved premeditated targeted attacks against LEOs were in: Oct 30 1950 when eight officers were killed during a political revolt in Puerto Rico. Dec 31 1972 - Jan 7 1973 when a member of the Black Panther Party started targeting police officers, killing 9 people (5 officers) and injuring 13. Apr 19 1995 when a truck bomb was detonated outside a federal building, killing 168 people including eight federal LEOs. Jul 7 2016 when a sniper opened fire at a protest, killing five officers, injuring five others, and injuring two civilians. Jul 17 2016 when a shooter killed three officers and injured three more. Of course more happened in between those incidents and more have happened since, but the biggest thing to take away from this is that in points 2, 4, and 5 the perpetrators had radicalised ideas and died in the incidents involved. In all the above points, the perpetrators were radicals with an agenda. If you were to raid a police station in real life you would end up dead or imprisoned for life, but because this is a game you would get shot up a bit then thrown into prison for 2 hours with no real consequences. The reason you're attacking the police is because you want to take their confiscated drugs and guns, not because you are a radical anarchist terrorist. If this were a one-life server, would you still consider raiding the police station or is it only an option because you know you can't actually die? If so, the moment you raise a gun inside or near a police station you are not valuing your life or roleplaying fear. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2016/07/17/deadliest-attacks-police-last-100-years/87222472/ Edit: Here's an idea. Staff allows people to raid the police station, but anybody who killed and does not receive EMS attention within 10 minutes gets perma-killed. The people who do get EMS attention are given lifetime sentences and will never step foot outside of prison. /s
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