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Everything posted by punched

  1. punched

    Boombox, MP3

    There is currently a feature on Eclipse RP for the speaker. They were placed around a few NCZs playing christmas tunes (only placable by admins). However an mp3 would be cool, you can play music through voip (after rping a speaker) and set your voip proximity to 'shout' (using control+z). No real need for script implementation in my opinion, there are other priorities.
  2. punched


    You can use the command /duoanim to do this. /duoanim lists a few animations including a handshake, hug, kiss, and highfive that you can perform with another person.
  3. +1 to this. However, it is possible and very easy to individualy open doors of a car. You just need to open each door manually while being outside the car. Step to do it: walk to the door you want to open > make sure the car is unlocked > press F (or G depending on which door you want to open) > quickly lock the car when you see the door open.
  4. BIG +1, this will allow criminals to tax evade, just like IRL, when you sell drugs you get drug money in cash. When you rob stores its all cash. Any illegal activity that you do gives you cash. Doing any form of legal work should go into your salary where it is now and be taxed. When you sell a certain amount of drugs for example it would give you "money bags" then you "strip" or "unpack" the bags (similar to the strip attachments button recently added) by right clicking on the item and it will give you actual cash in certain quantities. This will allow for more immersive drug deals/transactions with players. If you would want to buy properties or houses however, you would need to bank the money and still pay taxes when buying from highend, house tax, etc.
  5. I feel like people are not understanding the suggestion, the time before the house goes on sale is not set in stone, OP probably gave those times as an example. It doesn't mean thats how long you will have before your house automatically goes on sale. If this is implemented that will be determined by the founders. The new mayors office will provide lots of opportunities for this kind of stuff. Of course the founders will set the minimums on the bills but you can probably vote for different candidates that will offer various bill amounts and various times to pay them. However I do feel that if you are only buying a house to store vehicles and neglecting the actual property a system like this will be incredibly useful for the rest of the server population.
  6. Huge +1, This way people cant horde nice houses and go offline for long periods of time. This will also probably decrease the price of houses because im betting a ton will go on sale from "unpaid bills" within a few weeks, maybe less.
  7. +1. Just to add to this, whenever you leave the actual ncz a personal /do should be generated saying that you have left the area monitered by CCTV cameras. There should also be a 30 minute or more cooldown to avoid script generated /do spamming when entering and leaving the ncz. Something like “<insert player name> has left the area monitered by CCTV” appearing over the player’s head.
  8. +1 to this. It doesnt make sense for a vehicle to be missing wheels when you pay to get a replacement from mors. If a tire is popped before a chopping and the vehicle is chopped you should recieve it back full hp for the engine and visual. you wouldnt go to the insurance company irl only to receive a car with 2 tires...
  9. -1 adding the coma system was probably one of the best ideas in a while, whenever someone gets caught in a crime, its instant “deathrp” in /b. If we grant it they get off scot free even after killing cops daily. Now there is a consequence of deathrp which is great. On another note, people without anything on them usually just refuse calling medics and break nlr when they spawn which is also an issue. This coma system hinders that a bit and gives people more value for their life especially during rp scenarios. The coma time should be INCREASED. But not trigger unless killed by a player specifically (shot, beatdown).
  10. Right now when a pistol runs out of ammo is becomes completely useless/worthless. People just leave them laying around the map as if they are nothing. The old system made you buy an entire new pistol to refill the ammo which also isnt very realistic. Adding this would give any pistol you buy actual value. Regarding the attachments, the extended mag could be abused but flashlights, special sights, and silencers could make your pistol unique and allow more rp opportunities.
  11. ENORMOUS +1. Drug labs are the main source of income for criminals. At this time nothing else is worth the risk and time. Choping cars is pointless (very little money and you need another car to escape (5k split between 2 people is trash considering the time it takes to get the car, drive to all the chopshop locations until you find it, wait for the car to chop) unless it is a super car). Robbing stores is broken at quite a few of the stores. Robbing people gets old and is not good rp when you are rping as a rich gangster with multiple sports cars.
  12. Honestly its getting quite old to get on everyday and see snow. Especially when it rains and the snow doesnt go away... like what?? Another thing is that los santos is LA so why is it snowing and for so long? Huge +1 from me as the snow got annoying the day after it was added. My hate of snow could be because in canada get -20 celsius temperatures from December to March :(
  13. im still experiencing it, loading the save file did not fix it
  14. No i only installed it into the game files then launched rage
  15. Nope, i also tried installing a 100% game file and it did not work
  16. punched


    Is this gang still active?
  17. You can already earn money at a fast pace so i dont think it would be a good idea to let EVERYONE get a supercar. When i see a super car in game i think “damn that guy must be super rich i want to get that rich one day”. Having an overly saturated population of super cars will remove the special quality they have. In real life these cars have limited production anyway. If you want a supercar offer a few million to someone with one and they might sell it. I even saw 3 super cars at high end for sale a few days ago.
  18. @LightWolfy Did you have to retake the drivers test? that is what I meant by revoked. I was told this by the officer that removed my fine.
  19. punched

    The Monroes

    @samo what do you consider low class? I would think that im atleast middle almost high class with around 900k assets. Ive got into many altercations with narcos and still never saw a single monroe interfere... A week ago I saw samo and meg around the city quite alot, along with others wearing the monroe outfit but I have only seen a monroe once in the past week rather than 3+ times a day last week. Last I saw samo he was wearing all red as per the narcos outfit. So if the leaders arent wearing their own highclass gang outfit what does that tell me and everyone else about your gang?
  20. punched

    The Monroes

    Either this is a dead faction and this thread needs to be archived or they merged into Narcos. Either way, I have not seen any cars or people matching these descriptions in the server recently
  21. Ok i feel like i worded some things poorly, and thank you for the reply osvaldon, but would it not be better if all businesses were always in stock?
  22. +1 A police officer pulled me over and gave me a 3rd degree speeding ticket and a demerit. 3k fine. I went to PD, spoke to the officers and got the ticket removed because 3rd degree speeding is 80km above the limit and i was going 20 above. They told me that the demerit however cannot be removed. The only way to remove it is to have your license revoked and retake the drivers test ($400)
  23. Thanks for the quick reply i will try that!
  24. I and a few others are unable to enter certain door and buildings. Some examples of doors/gates/building that dont open for me are: Back door of tequilala, Big gate at altruist camp, indoor of building at scrapyard. Is there any way i can fix this?
  25. I see why the 3 month system is in place but it is very frustrating when i pull up to a store or gas station multiple times over several days to see that it is empty or out of stock and i dont think im alone in this. There could atleast be a script that automatically takes money out from that persons assets and restocks the business after 2 weeks of inactivity then becomes manuel when they become active again
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