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Everything posted by Yputi

  1. Yputi


    He is talking about the money transport job. The one with the armored vehicle where you have to go from ATM to ATM. The only job that exists of 2 seperate blips, so I get that he is confused
  2. Yputi


    Hey! The money transport job has 2 locations that are important for you! This is a little confusing as others only use 1 icon. You basically have: - The head quarters - The garage / storage First you need to go to the Head Quarters. Then if you are registrated there as a Money Transporter you can go to the garage to get a truck and start driving! Try to ask people where the Headquarters and the garage is! Small tip: You can call a taxi and just say "Money Transport HQ".
  3. And that is why I think this should be more a thing and more focussed on:
  4. And I think the official faction system should be based on this. Me for example, my character is based on torture RP (if people consent ofc), mostlky trying not just to do "hands up this is rob" stuff. I think if this will be more of a factor in becomming official, you will get more creative robberies.
  5. Understandable. Exact reason why I have both a crime alt and an alt now who is applicant in PD. I do have to disagree with the part that they always succeed though. I think this is more of a personal experience. When playing more, you will get a sense when things will escalate, for example: https://plays.tv/video/5c813add0d49f04a56/how-to-value-your-life-car Also an example of where they didn't succeed.
  6. You have to act like you wont respawn anymore. You should act that if you die, you die. So "you lose all memory of what happened before your death anyway." isnt really a valid reason to fight back IC. IRL, if you will just wake up at an hospital, sure, I should fight back. But you don't. That is why that rule is there, people need to act like they only live once. And also, the people fighting back IRL do that mostly when the person robbing is not paying attention or doesn't have vision. The rules state: "When the attacker's view is obstructed by an object or when they turn their back on you." Now I do agree, IRL its kinda more easy to suprise the attacker and for exmplae punch a pistol out of their hands. Sadly, GTA physics doesn't really allow that. You will need to do /me's and /do's which will require /do's if you succeed or not. And ofcourse, some people would like to have it in their favour. Hends why I use /dice sometimes.
  7. Rule breaks shouldn't be a reason to punish other "criminals" who actaully proper RP IC aswell. They need to be punished OOC, personally. About TLDR: 1. New players don't necessarily report more. At this point, we deal with loads of new players who are not 100% aware of rules or are just here to troll. I see them daily, but I can avoid them. 2. This is more of an IC issue in the first place. The reason why applications for PD are closed is because the current applicants are getting trained. Yes, I am one of the applicants who is waiting for an academy date I can attend. If those trainings are finished, they are open again, so its not that they think they don't need more. 3. I do have to inform cars save the lock state when you park them, no matter what. If you want your vehicles to lock automatically after a certain amount of time, you are looking for VIP. Then you can set a time with /autolock where your vehicles will lock automatically if you didn't lock them. 4. I honestly wonder how lawabiding someone is if you need to reach out to gangs for ammo. I got around 210K EXP on my legal character and I never had to do that. Though, I've done a server suggestion about adding tasers, so citizens can defend themself with tasers then just shooting. Instead, tase and run. 5. Not sure if crime needs to be punished harder. here is what I think: I've been a mechanic on this server since... forever. And what I noticed, now also having a crime alt, is that the "easier" jobs (mechanic, DCC and Weazel) are basically routine work. I even bought a secondary monitor just because of this. the question is, should crime be punished harder or legal be mode more adventurous and attractive? I have seen many suggestions for mechanic that would add some things to do for them. I do wonder, have you been to jail actually? There is SADOC there. I have amazing RP experience with them. And no, jail is not 5-10 minutes at all. There is a fine line bewteen what is RP'ed and actual OOC punishment for what you did IC, as multiple weeks RP'ing in jail is just punishing OOC. Not to mention we don't even have a court, so imagine if you also get in there without doing anything wrong/not that major. And about the money, yes, its kinda random. 2.5K for speeding tickets are just to try to stop speeding people in NCZ. At the end, new wheels are cheaper then a bag, you can get 3 new Warreners instead of a laptop and Camera's cost 15K. We got to think what is the best. IRL, things are based (mostly) on what the best is for people. Why not do teh same in ECRP? Not everything IRL works out the same as in here. PS. Sometimes the beginning can be harsh ye. Like mentioned earlier: Loads of new people who are not that aware of rules and got in somehow. I do recommend; help them out, try to interact a lot with others and once you've been on the server for a while you will find your place. Not saying you will not see any rule breaks anymore, but you will be able to avoid them more. New(er) players can be just some more easy targets sadly...
  8. It's a good money sink, for the people who have been playing for a longer time now though.
  9. I see where you come from (again, like others), but if you gonna go to prison anyway, why even bother slowing down? It defeats the purpose why they were added though. And if "richer" people just have to pay them... How will you force them?
  10. This is not the case we talk about though. The topic is about the people who can't pay them.
  11. I dont see how this got to be an expensive sport car... Not only those reach 81+ Also, these are added BECAUSE of OOC reasons. Not saying I dislike them, but I see where this post-maker is comming from.
  12. Yputi

    Car Lock Indicator

    +1 With the old system (a really long time ago) you were able to see it in your chat, but they changed that to a /ame and a message in the UI that dissapears. I do miss it to see if my car is locked without having to lock/unlock it again.
  13. Pain without love
    Pain, I can't get enough
    Pain, I like it rough
    'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Yputi



      awwww did someone break your heart? 

      Nah. actually here are the reasons:
      1. Aira likes to torture people 😄
      2. It's the lyrics of a song with as meaning: a song about feeling like you're constantly numb to things around you, thanks to your own actions, and it's about being sick of that feeling.

    3. Femo


      ah cool, what is the song called?

    4. Yputi
  14. From what I've understand in this topic, yes. Cant confirm 100% though as I haven't been caught by police yet, but I heared others say the same aswell, so I think so yes. " but they still can't afford them when they get out, so they end up going back to prison - it's a vicious cycle and something needs to be done."
  15. I think teh main point is that they can't pay them. Not only that they won't pay them. There is some sort of cycle wherer they get to jail for not being able to pay them, they get out and they are wanted again right away because they can't pay them.
  16. Yputi

    Los Santos Triads

    "Who doesn't like Chinese food" were the words that went over Bayview. Hard workers deserve the real quality Chinese food, so we decided to share our culture.
  17. Yputi

    Los Santos Triads

    While thinking back about the store rob, training is what keeps you fit. Who knows which next stores we will hit.
  18. Congratz you guys! Keep it up! -Stabby
  19. Yputi

    Add tazer

    I get you. Though, why tase someone first instead of shooting directly? Taser is only short range and if you hold a gun up they have to show fear. Sprinting towards someone with a taser doesn't sound like the best idea either. Imo it isn't abusing either though. But maybe atleast make the tasers for others less trong than the ones of PD? Or that it needs to be charged/load (while aiming) before you can shoot it?
  20. Yputi

    Add tazer

    Indeed. With a taser, you can protect yourself just a little more without having to murder someone. instead, you can tase, run, call PD.
  21. Yputi

    Add tazer

    I just thought of the idea and its fairly simple. Why buy pistols for protection if you would be able to buy a tazer? Personally, I thought it would be nice to add the taser for also other people then PD. Please let me know what you think. Edit: The reason why I came up with this was that I was wondering what the laws are in California about having a stun gun and I stumbled against this page: https://www.southbaylawyer.com/Blog/2018/12/California-Stun-Gun-Laws-2019-Illegal-Carry-And-Use-Tasers.aspx/
  22. if it isn't too hard for the developers to add, sure! Though, the UI is OOC, so it is not what's actually in the car. I do agree the current system is a little too small. For me because I have an ultra wide monitor and the UI moves all the way to the sides, no matter what aspect ratio. Here you can see how my UI looks like: I did get kinda used to this though and yes, 4K screens causes similar issues. I still would love to see some updates in the UI.
  23. New profile banner. I might be up to make some for others if intrested. It's fairly simple with the use of internet tutorials, but I still think it turned out well! I can make them exactly like this one but with other text, but I can also do stuff completely differend. Other background, colors, font, size, etc. Also, feedback/comments are welcome! I would love some idea's!
  24. Yputi

    Death cooldown

    What if there is only a cooldown if you get killed by a person? Is that something more towards to what you would like to see maybe?
  25. Yputi

    Death cooldown

    +1 This was implemented in the past, but as I didn't really play on my crime alt at that time I've never seen it. I did hear people complaining about when people got DM'ed or killed by desync... But I still support this idea as NLR states you can't return for 30 minutes anyway, no matter what.
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