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Everything posted by Dashingly

  1. +1000 if I give someone the keys to my bike and there game crashes, and they run up to my bike expecting to still have a key they get fucked.
  2. you can turn it down physically in the gta settings, hit escape > find audio/voice chat > turn it down... but i agree they should bring it up because i find myself not being able to hear some people but hear other people too loudly, and it'd be nice to change it on demand. without opening up the menu
  3. huh? that's like one of the dumbest things i've ever read. did you read my OP at all? i explain why the reports are bogus. if a report is rejected that means the players didn't break the rule. if i spammed 30 reports on you, and you didnt get in trouble for any of them, should you still be made out to be a rule breaker?
  4. i've only taken part in one kidnapping ever. do you mean robbing weapons from our rival gang members? this is like ic stuff that I feel like is good rp. why would we let rival gang members walk away?
  5. Huh? Did you even read the thread? This thread is partially for players to tell us how we've wronged them and then we can share our POV of what happened. See here: "I don't want this to turn into a hate thread, but truly let us know how you feel, what rubbed you the wrong way, or whatever and we'll explain our side." I'm trying to clear the air a bit, let all parties share their grievances with us, so we can explain our side, and try to be better next time. yo again, like read the thread. when did I ever say that "I did nothing wrong, your fault?"
  6. yo Stephen. TY for your honesty and telling us how you truly feel. I respectfully disagree with the points you make about us taunting you because we're in an NCZ. And I'm sorry that you didn't like when we robbed you outside of your house. I don't see us stopping home invasions or running and baiting out a few enemies to get them alone, that's just our play style. I don't think the receiving end of a robbery or house invasion ever has fun, but people rob and rob houses all the time so I'm not sure why we seem to get singled out the most. Thank you for your post, I honestly really appreciate it.
  7. We never ever fight an unfair fight, we even the odds by splitting your group up and picking you off in pieces. We don't try to get ourselves killed. You're asking us to fight head on, because it gives you the advantage. It's never too late to try and better yourself/environment, and if everyone feels the way you do then fine. I'm not going to purposefully avoid you icly, because I don't think that's realistic. Dang lol, I thought you were Stephen we home invaded, do you know his forum name by chance. That's partially why I made this thread, I want to know how I can make it fun for both of us, instead you're just being combative and not constructive. Not to call you out specifically, but you killed me with no RP at the scene near chop shop and then reported Phil hours later because he killed you for killing me. Is that the type of RP that you like to do? If no one else wants to respond as you say Sam, I'd be fine with that. I at least tried haha.
  8. Yo dogs, Dashingly aka Leron Davis here to discuss a matter for the betterment of the server. Recently my faction The Gut Pushers (specifically me, @Phil McGee and @WoogeTV) have been accused of breaking rules, being hurtful oocly, and being bad rp'ers. I want to clear the air a bit, share my POV and hear your comments and suggestions about what we can do better. I don't want this to turn into a hate thread, but truly let us know how you feel, what rubbed you the wrong way, or whatever and we'll explain our side. I hope this thread is allowed to stay on the forums, I hardly ever see discussion threads and I would like them to occur more because I feel like they can be very productive, like this one will hopefully be. So to start, I've been playing this server for like 10 months or so and have been pretty active on the server/forums. I've always taken the server pretty seriously (in regards to not breaking rules), but also like to have fun. A while back Phil, Deshawn, Niko, Lewis and I made a faction called The Gut Pushers. Since then, we've received quite a bit of hate lol, I feel like we have a bad reputation but am not sure exactly why (which is partially why I made this thread). I feel like people don't like us because of actions that we do ICly (that are within the rules), and they grow an OOC disdain for us and they spread shit or whatever oocly to make us look bad. People who have never interacted with us before have talked shit on our rp and call us rule breakers, which again, I think is unfair. I think that we play by the rules, and do have good RP despite what players that we've been at war with think. In fact, I believe a lot of players are pretty hypocritical (which is what a lot of this thread will be about) and a lot should look in the mirror before accusing us. Expanding on what I mean by people disliking us for IC things and then taking it ooc (despite us being within the rules), here is an example. In the past month we've been reported a fair amount of times, all of which have been rejected: (https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/topic/7500-mask-9160_3466-mask-2687_3144-stranger-5928_5805-mask-9633_4196-stranger-180_966-mask-7254_4439-mask-1663_324-cal-harrow-8796_3123-mask-8056_1155-rules-532535/) (https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/topic/7306-deshawn-davis-and-leron-davis-531-deathmatch-5519-non-roleplay/) (https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/topic/7234-leron-davis-and-acquaintances-value-of-vehicles-requirement-5519/ (https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/topic/7508-5747_9862-6217_1031-death-matching/) (https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/topic/7392-scotty-turf-leron-davis-55-non-roleplay/) (https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/topic/7377-phil-mcgee-failfear-rp/) I'm sure I missed a few, but you get the point. All of the reports on us have been rejected, and we have been found to not have broken the rules in any of our reports. When people grow an ooc hatred for us, I think they look for reasons to try and get us removed from the server, thus the reason for all the reports. On the flip side though, while all of the reports against us have been denied, all of the reports that we have made on others recently have been accepted: (https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/topic/7460-rdm-531-deathmatch-mask-3725_460-gaiustavi/) (https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/topic/7273-rdm-mask-3206_5644-mask8592_8687/) (https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/topic/7184-stranger-476_8030-failrp-fearrp-meta-gaming/) (https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/topic/6437-tavi-patronus-meta-gaming-utilizing-waterfail-rp/) (https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/topic/7388-fearrp-9002_9398/) (https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/topic/7371-failfear-roleplay-id-1685_190/) I'm sure I missed a few there as well, but you get the point again lol. I find it hypocritical that we're accused of being rule breakers and bad rp'ers when all forum reports made against us have been denied, and when we make forum reports on the players that report us, they've been accepted. We get the wrap of being rule breakers from some kind of internal circle jerk of gut pusher haters, yet when taken to the forums we're found not guilty. I'm not saying we're saints, the admins know we're not, but its shitty and hurtful for rumors to be spread when they're untrue and hurt our rep. When we're made out to be such horrible people for the server, admins take notice and we can definitely feel that on the forums. In a lot of the threads where we're being reported, I feel like the admins that handle the reports seek to get us punished by bringing in his or her feelings to the thread. See these threads here: (https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/topic/7500-mask-9160_3466-mask-2687_3144-stranger-5928_5805-mask-9633_4196-stranger-180_966-mask-7254_4439-mask-1663_324-cal-harrow-8796_3123-mask-8056_1155-rules-532535/?tab=comments#comment-34791) (https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/topic/7306-deshawn-davis-and-leron-davis-531-deathmatch-5519-non-roleplay/) In both of these threads, the admins both bring in their feelings about what they think that we did wrong, and didn't judge the thread based off of if there was an actual rule violation. I'm not saying that these admins have an OOC disliking of me, but when they hear rumors that we're bad for the server, why wouldn't they want to try and get rid of the bad rp'ers? I mean realistically if I was an admin, and I heard from many people that a certain individual was always breaking rules and a general troll, I would also try and seek to get them removed for the greater good of the server. That's why it's hurtful to our reputation when people claim things that aren't true about us. This doesn't just hurt us when we're being reported, but it also hurts us when we make reports. In reports that we make, I feel like admins seek to call our character into question or seek to make the reported parties look better or not guilty, when they should be a neutral party. Here's an example: (https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/topic/7273-rdm-mask-3206_5644-mask8592_8687/) In this thread Phil is reporting 2 players for deathmatching, the admins reviewing this thread claimed that they heard some noise that wasn't there that would have exonerated the reported parties. When Phil slowed the video down, the admins abandoned that theory and essentially tried to groom a response from the reported players, by asking them specific questions to try and exonerate them. When it is found that they are in fact guilty, Phil gets punished for metagaming for saying the word "Health" while he is in a panic for his IC life. While it's definitely incorrect for someone to say health while they're in character, I challenge any person to link me a thread where someone is punished for such a mild metagaming that no one was around to hear (except me on the radio). This thread bolsters my points that we're being sought out for rule breaks, while others get treated fairly. To move onto my other point, which was that we're accused of being bad RP'ers I'd like to bring up @Triple Seven's statements he made about us in our most recent report seen here: (https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/topic/7500-mask-9160_3466-mask-2687_3144-stranger-5928_5805-mask-9633_4196-stranger-180_966-mask-7254_4439-mask-1663_324-cal-harrow-8796_3123-mask-8056_1155-rules-532535/) We're made out to be horrible RP'ers because we attacked cops who were trying to arrest our downed friend. I ask you all in the community, is this reasonable? This sort of thing happens on a daily basis, have any of your criminal characters, ever shot at the police who were trying to arrest a fellow gang member? Well that's what I was being reported for, and in the thread we're being made out to look like shit. Triple Seven says this: "The situation in the video supplied as evidence for the report shows extremely bad RP," I would like Triple Seven, cops, and criminals, all to tell me what better RP could we have done there? Would you have rather us attacked the police straight on? We took the high ground and surrounded them from all angles, leaving the cops completely defenseless so that we could save our friend from life imprisonment. We made an attempt to get him revived before the script killed him off. Would you guys have rather we waited for the cops to get him to a hospital, got him arrested, then got in a swat transport truck before we made our attempt to rescue him? Would that have been better RP? Or did you just want us to completely leave our man down, when we had a superior numbers advantage and height advantage? Triple Seven also said this: "The injuries of the man are not important, he is brutally injured by the script and that should be roleplayed ICly, saying he only hit his head a little on a pole at low speed is no excuse." I believe this would be horrible RP, why would you treat every wound the same if a player is downed? I get that there is a script and all of that that makes them die in several minutes, but saying that we should RP every person downed as if they would die is really bad rp. Should you RP someone's grievously injured because they get kicked in the thigh once when they're at half health the same way you would treat a person who has been shot with an ak47 30 times across the body? I'd like to call out Triple Seven specifically now, because of his comments about us that really rubbed me the wrong way and how hypocritical of a statement it was. https://plays.tv/video/5a9565d75640647ff4/murder-death-kill?from=user ^ in this video you can see triple seven, and his gang do the exact same thing that we did except worse. Triple Seven was shot down by several police officers with high caliber pistols, and his gang members kept driving back and forth in gun fire, ramming police, then getting out and fighting them head on in a gun fight. @Triple Seven since you consider what we did, as horrible RP, what would you consider this? Where you and company do the same thing, except you are downed from many gun shot wounds (our player fell off a bike at low speeds), and your gang members fight them behind small cover on the ground? I'm not trying to turn this into a call out thread, but merely to bring to light inconsistencies and hypocritical behavior that work against us unfairly. We get called shit RP'ers who break the rules, but hardly get in trouble from the forums. An admin says that we have horrible RP, yet does the exact same thing that we do. This unfair treatment that we get, is getting out of hand, players do what we do on a much larger scale on a daily basis but don't get accused of being shit rp'ers. We try to follow the rules as best we can, despite what people think. To conclude, in this thread I hope I've given you some of our POV on some stuff that we go through. I believe that we are given unfair treatment, we do things that other players do, but we get heat for it. I believe that players that have an OOC disdain for us try to find ways to get us banned, and I want that to stop because it hasn't worked thus far, and it hass just wasted both our times and the admins times. I do want players to tell us what more we could do to RP better, I know that our RP level isn't as high as it could be, but I'm not sure exactly what you guys want from us specifically. I want people to give us ideas to have better RP, I want anyone who has a problem with my faction to please bring it to light so that we can try and solve it together, in a public setting. Anybody can give their comments or concerns, but specifically I would like to hear from the following players if they wish to speak on it: @Gaius @GaiusTavi @Steven_Doherty @Jbacon @ImSuspensee @Triple Seven @SteScotland @MrKantonine @civexr ^ I respect all of the above players opinions, and would value them greatly as they've all been on the receiving end of my RP. I promise I will take all of your comments into consideration and hope this thread stays alive long enough to hear them. And I hope this thread betters the server. Sorry for the wall of text, but I had several hours to kill on an airplane lol. Thanks for reading, Leron.
  9. +1, great ideas and they don't seem all that hard to implement.
  10. +1 great faction, harvey is a gentleman and I sense the bumblebees will be a top faction on the server very soon.
  11. oh word i thought it opened up a waypoint to that location, i feel like its done that for me in the past, maybe im mistaken.
  12. /goto is a command @ElizabethC like /goto weazal /goto lspd ... but yeah I agree with this, tough to call out your location if no one knows street names and where they're located lol.
  13. Thought crowded touristy areas are the best places to rob people, that's easy pickpocket territory
  14. wow such gr8 vid bro keep up the good work!!1! +1k
  15. yeah it rains way too much, rains a good thing but not in so frequently would be nice +1
  16. Dashingly

    NCZ Exploit

    +1 totally in agreement with this, you should still be able to attack people if they enter a NCZ, barring maybe the PD because that would be heavily guarded with armed police officers and such.
  17. nah these are normal ticket prices, you fled from the police and are now a wanted criminal probably best not to hang around PD as well.
  18. yeah its a known bug i think, should be resolved soon enough. in the mean time next time your in game type /report 2 my bike is bugged in the water... and an admin should be able to help you pull it out
  19. Dashingly

    Chopshop Campers

    yo man cry a river, if you didn't want to be killed you shouldn't have brought a stolen car where all stolen cars get sold off for cash. although I would agree that they should add one more in the city.
  20. Dashingly

    Chopshop Campers

    this is why the ncz rule being put at the chop shop is very utterly retarded. irl, anywhere that a large sum of cash money is on a single entity, they have a chance of being robbed. if you're saying that chop shops should be a ncz because irl no crime would take place at a chop shop, do you think that all organized illegal activity should be an NCZ? do you think warehouses where gangs transfer guns/ammo/drugs should be NCZ's? how about the drug dealer job, do you think that should be an NCZ? it doesn't make any sense, it's actually ridiculous
  21. Dashingly

    Chopshop Campers

    ive made one two report ever in almost a year of playing the server, i just cited you the dm rule and i'm completely in right. it's not considered dm'ing if you do the same roleplay over and over again. listen man let me not derail your thread, ill leave you with this -1 because a chop shop being a no crime zone is an oxymoron.
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