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Everything posted by ShawnsBeard

  1. Huge and also very massive +1. I was a similar situation 2-3 nights ago where LITERALLY 10+ (total count was 14 but may have been less from desync) headshots to a police officer with a .50 was not enough to even injure them. It is incredibly ridiculous at some points. I am heavily hoping that the gun update that is being worked on sort of addresses this sort of thing, as its super unrealistic and gives an almost insurmountable advantage to LEO.
  2. There's been a suggestion for this recently, and my opinion is still -1. There is absolutely nothing stopping people from diversifying the gangs they have now and creating more varied groups with smaller numbers besides their own laziness. For a very long time now, none of the larger factions on the server have posed the sort of threat/mentality of 'steam-rolling' enemy factions with simple numbers advantages. Many people on the server reminisce of the 2018-2019 days of the server, often stating that was the most fun period for criminal and overall roleplay on Eclipse. Since then, there have been a few major changes that have seemingly killed off a large portion of the criminal RP player base. 1) The faction member cap was reduced from 60 members to 40 members, which only truly affected two factions at the time, but was a big source of demotivation for said larger factions. 2) NonRP standards were heightened, disallowing 'random' robberies. At the surface level, this was a great change, however at points this rule has been misinterpreted by staff and players alike, causing a mess of confusion as to what is or isn't allowed based on matter of opinion of interpretation of what is and isn't escalation and reasoning. The same sort of thing has also happened with the DM rule changes. 3) Faction war status/rules were implemented. I don't think I have heard from a single person that liked the implementation of this rule, and it has since been completely ignored by the entirety of the player base after directly affecting an active gang war at the time. Obviously, there are plenty of other glaring issues that do and have affected the crim population on the server, but these were the big shifts that changed the way Eclipse operated past its 'golden age'. Any time further restrictions have been placed upon factions on the criminal RP side of the server, they have been met with negativity and a decreasing active player base. In my opinion, the approach that Eclipse should take to revitalize criminal RP is to loosen restrictions, not tighten them, and give a little more agency back to the players themselves. If we were to introduce a lower faction member cap again, all it would do is force players out of factions that may not have the time to spend 4+ hours a day on the server, and would promote an even heavier win mentality IMO. Edit: Also, I think the 'rule of 6' would only work in an environment built around that sort of system. There would need to be a large overhaul of various aspects of the server for the rule of 6 to viably work out on Eclipse.
  3. -1. There are already an extraneous amount of OOC limitations placed upon criminal factions on Eclipse RP, and it can certainly be argued that the previous change of reducing the faction member limit from 60 to 40 is one of the biggest reasons that so many criminals/factions have already left the server. Especially when you consider that a very large portion of the player base is now some version of an LEO, there is already a large strain on all criminal factions when it comes to standing any sort of chance against police. The general reality of criminal and cop encounters on Eclipse is that if the criminal does not successfully evade a situation where they are involved with the police within a very short period of time, they are almost certainly screwed. I don't think that police shouldn't be strong and difficult to maneuver around, but my general point is that it is already extraneous and implementing further restrictions on criminal factions would only increase this burden. I also disagree with the notion of the lowering limit allowing for more RP, as there are currently rules in place that stint true development/hostility/alliances with other factions. In my opinion, there needs to be a fundamental change to certain rules and restrictions for criminal roleplay on Eclipse to be enjoyable again, and placing further limitations on the criminal factions will only cause more issues.
  4. What happened to the house robberies update that was teased? Scrapped or delayed? A variation in things to do as a criminal on the server would be nice, and the fun thing about adding content for criminals is that it also directly affects LEO RP. People have supplied countless ideas and suggestions for criminal content development, but lately it has really felt like a huge kick in the ass for criminals over and over and over. Drug labs in apartments -> removed in preparation for the "drug update". Gun attachment imports -> removed in preparation for the "weapon update". Chopping cars becoming impossible unless you front a 350k investment just for the tools, let alone likely hundreds of thousands more for a suitable property to set it up at. Hell, robbing ATMs took a year to add after they were teased for some reason.. What happened to garages? What happened to the banking system update? It has gotten to the point where I honestly believe that Eclipse is gearing up for a full wipe and a "3.0" drop with the amount of teased content that has seemingly vanished into thin air. If that is the case, then I could potentially see why development has grinded to a halt for the past year, but there needs to be more transparency with the community IMO. I wish the best for Eclipse, as when it comes down to it the community of players that the server has is what makes it special. However, expecting players to hold onto hope that "things are in the works" when things have been in the works for literal years now, is a bit of a pipe dream. It is clear as day to any faction on the server that community morale has dipped harder than ever before, with people being extremely unmotivated to play due to a slew of different problems facing the server. Luckily, the lack of development is one of these problems that is fixable, but the player base is slowly bleeding out.
  5. Hate to break it to you, but you are not some vast omnipotent overseer that has 100% knowledge on everything that happens within a faction just because you are a part of it. I will say, the issue is definitely more prevalent with the PD faction, as I have personally seen units camping outside of primarily the life invader bank very often. On multiple occasions I have seen units set up directly in the parking garage that is across the street, overseeing the bank directly. Just because officers don't state on their PD/SD frequency that they are going to "camp a bank" does not mean that is not happening. I personally think that the primary problem is that the robbable banks have no use besides being hit for heists. It is of my opinion that they should all be functional as a limitless ATM, much like the 2 main banks on the server. This way, the cops are not instantly sussed out any time a person enters a bank to check if it is open and available to rob. Another issue is there are far too many PD/SD units for the size the server has become, but that is a much larger problem to be discussed.
  6. you can check at the door with the 'pick' option, not at the vault edit: just tested it, this is the message you receive when the bank is 'closed'
  7. +1 to the the idea of adding more RP behind bank heists, by having actual planning and various preparation goals leading up to the heist as you stated in this post. However the first part of your post seems to be misguided, as you certainly are able to check if a bank is able to be hit without having to aim guns around, the same way as people did before. There just isn't a specific timer that will tell you exactly when it opens anymore, as the message has been made vague and will simply just inform you if it can be robbed or not currently, based on either the timer or cop numbers restrictions while keeping those specifics hidden.
  8. M&M'S Chocolate covered goodness that melts in your mouth, and a phrase that would remind most of a delightfully sweet snack. However, to Shawn Morningstar, M&M's meant something completely different. "Meetings & Meetings" was all that Shawn could think anytime he spotted the colorful candy at a store or on the television. Ever since he joined The Rooks, the meetings have been seemingly endless. With the continuous cycle of varying gangs occupying the streets of Los Santos, The Rooks have had to constantly build and maintain relations and business operations with other criminal organizations. To top it all off, there was also a steady flow of inner family politics that needed to be occasionally ironed out. At times, Shawn had certainly felt exhausted by the constant need to go over the same business model to dozens of different criminal groups. However, at the end of the day, only two things are certain - death and taxes. Shawn wasn't planning on dying anytime soon, so he figured he'd focus on the taxes portion of life. Thankfully, the endless cycle of meetings helped him solve this 'issue'. You know what is much harder to track and tax than a check or wire transfer? Cold hard cash. Two of The Rooks primary lines of criminal business are done through money laundering and gun sales. One major benefit of having business deals with other criminal organizations is the mutual supply chain between groups. You scratch my back, I scratch yours. Over the years, The Rooks have been able to build these sort of relationships with other groups. They supply us with cash to launder through our businesses throughout Del Perro, and we supply them with weapons for their protection. These mutual understandings are the backbone of the criminal underworld of Los Santos.
  9. welcome to ECRP mr church! always love to see new players excited
  10. I don't think the weight itself needs changed, but I would love to see the drug materials become stackable.
  11. +1 to stackable drug mats now, with the changes to weight
  12. +1 I agree with removing the visible timer for everyone. I find that far too often are multiple groups setting up trying to do a bank directly as the timer is finishing up, and have even seen some setup inside by the back vault door for 10-15 minutes before it even opens. I think a good option would be to just have a yes or no answer regarding if the bank is open for robbery, with the timer being randomized between a certain number of hours and hidden.
  13. PIER REVIEW Keeping business running on the pier has been anything but easy. Recently, with the pier becoming a hangout spot for criminals, civilians, and cops alike, The Rooks have had to up their game to keep control. To make sure business is running smoothly, sometimes organizations must be watched. Of course, when Shawn is dressed normally, people will almost always tell him what he wants to hear. So, Shawn decided to do a little camouflaging to secretly question individuals who should know of the past deals their organizations have made with The Rooks. To begin, Shawn decided to simply become a listening ear on random individuals based all around the pier, to see if they would mention any sensitive information that would affect his organization in any way. After a while, Shawn noticed that nothing pertinent was being mentioned by individuals who were unaffiliated. However, this technique did work well on some talkative gang members, namely members of the newly formed Clowns gang. Shawn had overheard members of the Clowns talk about fighting with what they assumed to be Russians at Braddock's Farm the previous night. Little did they know, they had shown hostility on land owned and operated by The Rooks, and so later Shawn helped other members of the organization setup an ambush for the Clowns at Braddock's Farm. After the shooting was over, the remaining Clowns on their frequency had been told not to enter Braddock's Farm any longer. Shawn's plan to test Los Santos Drift was to hang around their members for a little while to build up anonymity. After a while, he would ask if they were selling any weapons. If they agreed to sell weapons at the pier to what they assumed to be an anonymous man, they would be breaching an agreement that their organization had made with The Rooks. After attempting this technique on multiple members of Los Santos Drift, all of them had passed Shawn's test. None of them had agreed to sell any weapons, and none of them name dropped Shawn's organization. Shawn's next target was slightly trickier, as The Rooks had been working towards an agreement with Tri-State. So, Shawn decided to approach the situation with them differently. His first attempt was meant to get their members to name drop The Rooks, which they should know not to do. Shawn went up to one of their well known members, Mr. Ryoshi, and began to talk trash. The man defended himself well, and did not mention Shawn's organization in any way or form. Mr. Ryoshi had passed Shawn's test and gained his respect. His next target within Tri-State was renowned member, Ronald Burger. Shawn approached Ronald and asked if he knew of anybody who may be selling weapons. Ronald instantly declared that he didn't, which was exactly what Shawn wanted to hear. After a long day of reconnaissance, Shawn decided to change back into his suit and relax behind Pearls for the rest of the night. Discussing business affairs with other members of The Rooks over the radio and via phone.
  14. BUSINESS AS USUAL Over the years, so much has changed in the city of Los Santos. Shawn Morningstar has seen criminal powerhouses rise and fall, endlessly. The only thing that has remained a constant for him, has been The Rooks. With his time spent in the organization, Shawn had made his way into an Enforcer position, a part of the organizations High Command. With this rank, Shawn was meant to keep lower ranking members in line, be a middle-man between the leadership and the rest of the organization, and upkeep the reputation of The Rooks by creating and maintaining contacts with other criminal groups. The past couple weeks have brought forth a plethora of business and meetings to the organization. As a member of High Command, Shawn has had to show face and help represent The Rooks on multiple different occasions. Meeting new members of Los Santos Drift. Discussing gang politics with 6ix 7even Spartans. With a newfound relationship with Los Santos Drift, Shawn had to get started with supplying them with materials they needed for some operations. In return, they would sell their final supply through The Rooks. As Shawn was waiting for a shipment, he decided to play it safe and watch over the cartel's smuggler to make sure he wasn't harassed for information. Protecting the organization's assets. In-between outer gang politics, there were also inner meetings and recruitment processes that needed to be completed for The Rooks. The organizations recruitment process was known for being... steep. Let's just say, not everyone is meant to fly. The Rooks voting on a past gang members opportunity with the family. A High Command meeting discussing the future of the organization.
  15. big big big +1. The old casino was enjoyable by itself, even with it only having blackjack using /dice. These changes would help break the static gameplay loop that many are currently stuck in.
  16. +1, I wholeheartedly disagree with the premise that one would almost never have to leave their house if you could refill water bottles in your house. The reason for this is drug materials. With a decent lab setup of lets say 24 tables, and 240 of each material, which in itself takes hours to collect in time spent outside of your lab, you would have to leave your lab to restock after less than 2 hours of cooking. Drug materials don't just come out of thin air, and when you take the risk involved in gathering plants or placing shipment orders for materials and also purchasing materials from humane labs while watching your back when you're headed back to your lab, you are outside plenty enough. Then when you add in the fact that you have to water every 5 min if you don't want to get screwed over by a game or computer crash, and the fact that the tables can blow anyway, there is already far enough risk involved with cooking. The only reason you have to go to the beach to refill the water bottles is because of current script limitation, meaning you can only refill water bottles where you can fish.
  17. Can you point me to where it states that robberies can't be conducted anywhere? From my understanding, and also from the actions that have been happening on the server for the past few months without further intervention and clarification by staff, you can conduct robberies on random streets. The robbery rule was put in place to stop robberies from happening at places like the parking lot, clothes stores, gas station, mines, etc etc. I only really put a -1 on the suggestion because I feel you are suggesting something that is already around. I have only ever seen people make nonrp robbery reports that get accepted when they are robbed in the middle of a naturally very highly populated area. Conducting a robbery in the strawberry neighborhood at night doesn't fall under this distinction. If someone in a gang that has a conflict with another gang makes a report on that enemy gang's player for robbing them in that scenario, it would be considered ruleplaying.
  18. Which is why I mentioned with enough RP reason. I never said robberies shouldn't be allowed, and it's not like they aren't. I just think the way it works currently is completely fine. I've been around the server incrementally for roughly 3.5 years. The way many robberies were conducted and the reasons for WHY, which is my major point, were very unrealistic in the past. At points we had some of the largest gangs in the city robbing people who were fishing and mining. I agree that gang members should be able to rob other gang members, and that is currently how it is. If you see a rival gang member that has caused you or your family harm in some sort of way, you can rob them in shady areas, as that is sufficient RP reason. The main problem that comes into play is when gangs begin conducting robberies in places that are highly public. How often do you see or hear of gang violence at the beach/pier irl? With your point of mafias conducting a drive-by, that is something that could happen on the server. In an ic situation, if a rival gang member hurt/killed your family and you witnessed it, you would have ooc DM rights on that player. A cool way to 'get revenge' icly would be to conduct a drive-by. Obviously though, it would be advisable to talk verbally to the person, such as saying "Ay gary, this one's for my grandma" before just shooting them, as that is roleplay.
  19. -1, there's already enough leeway to commit robberies in certain areas or with enough rp reason
  20. +1. Would be such a great change to make drug materials stackable. Afaik only reason they werent stackable before was because people could of then run a monopoly on the mats from the labs in the past. Now that we buy from humane, make them stackable and thus the weight of the materials will come into effect in regards to storing them. Would also help PD as currently when they have a lab bust they have to go through sometimes 100+ crates/bags/briefcases.
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