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The Bridge Street Brotherhood

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Christopher Bridge, the now Leader of the Brotherhood, was born in the slums of Chicago and grew up very poor and with his mother struggling to pay bills. When Christopher was 20 years old and almost finished with college he was faced with the traumatic event of losing his mother. After struggling with the passing of his mother for 2 years Christopher decided it was time for a change. This is when he boarded a flight to Los Santos. Shortly after arriving Christopher knew life in this city was ruthless and there was only one way to live by “Get it how you live.” With this mindset Christopher was set out to do whatever it took to be successful and would stop at nothing to do so. After mining some oil and hunting animals, Christopher realized he needed to do something different. This is where he discovered the art of cooking and manufacturing narcotics. The job was daunting and often boring sitting in his apartment assuring his lab was cool and stable but the payout was good. One day Christopher was out moving product and came across a stranger who seemed to have good potential. This is when he met his closest friend Swarles Barkley. Swarles taught him the art of picklocking and petty theft, which when done efficiently can bring a pretty penny in on a daily basis. “As long as people have shit to do, there will be cars to steal.” Shortly after cooking mixed with stealing cars Christopher bought his 3rd house. This house wasn’t just a property he would be using to hold his product for the time being, this place felt like home. So with that feeling Christopher made it just that. Putting tons of hours into decorating and furnishing the interior as well as exterior this house now held a deep place in Christopher's heart. After a year of being with the Organization known as La Nostra Famiglia, Christopher decided it was time for him to move onto bigger and better things. Not only for himself, but everyone who he considered family at that point.


The Bridge Street Brotherhood is an organization built on Love, Trust, Respect, and most importantly Family. Christopher Bridge and Swarles “Barker” Barkley built The Bridge Street Brotherhood in hopes to make something that had felt more like a family rather than a gang. So that's exactly what they did. Convincing their closest friends and brothers that this was the right move Christopher acted on the opportunity to make something of his own, something he would be proud of, his family. So Christopher and Barker got to work, recruiting, making phone calls, building bridges that would be necessary for the gang's success. The first person Christopher called was his best friend from the past Joey Scadaducci, Joey was in LNF with Chris at the very beginning but had to leave the city to deal with complications back home. Once Joey was ready to return Christopher came to him with the opportunity of running BSB with him. Joey was at first skeptical knowing the task of running a gang was a lot of work but with the support of Christopher he knew everything was going to work out. Another person who played a big part in helping Christopher secure connections was Jay Valentino, who had tight knit connections in the Rooks organization. It started by getting in contact with a man named Suken who was able to put Christopher and Jay into contact with the rest of his organization and begin forming the connection between the two organizations. Whilst working on these relations the brotherhood continues to build their presence around the city and Bridge Street. Byrese Randle, another member of command, helps the organization run smoothly and on track by keeping the members' heads in check. Potential for the organization seems limitless, only the length of time will tell the tale.



BSB is a Crime Syndicate with street gang qualities. The majority of the groups members were born and raised in low income areas but their paths in life had led them towards a higher class lifestyle all with the common goal of "Making it out the hood." Being located in Mirror Park they have achieved that goal but in no way are they near their peak. A classy group of individuals who also aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty, that's what they were and they promised to stick to that. The Brotherhood resides on the eastern side of the city primarily on Bridge Street in Mirror Park. Everything BSB does has a purpose and is not for nothing. BSB’s primary interests are conducting professional business with solid benefits whilst trying to stay out of unnecessary drama and beef. Members of BSB indulge in all sorts of business that ranges from chopping cars and other petty theft, manufacturing narcotics, and hitting banks on occasion.






-Maintain a presence on Bridge Street and in Mirror Park

-Build solid business connections with like minded organizations and become integral to their success

-Expand their criminal enterprise into other parts of the eastern side of the city.

-Defend their turf and Bridge Street at all costs.

-Avoid Unnecessary heat from PD.


-Must have 20,000 Experience Points In Game

-All members of the Faction must know and strictly abide by the servers rules.

-All members must display a high level of roleplay at all times.

-There is Zero Tolerance for OOC Toxicity


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Defending The Bridge

It was a normal day on Bridge Street, everyone was chilling waiting for the next move when there was a stiff silence in the air followed by the humming of car engines. “Any of yall hear that, sounds like someone is circling our block” said Mr B. over the radio. Immediately you could feel the tension in the air. Christopher knew something was about to unfold. Then Christopher saw a yellow car turn the corner and come to a screeching stop. The car lurked on the corner for a few minutes appearing to be scoping out the BSB boys then suddenly a car alarm went off. They were attempting to pick lock cars in BSB’s own backyard, something that the members of BSB did not appreciate at all. Christopher approached the yellow cars to warn them that who they were messing with could prove to be dangerous for them. The members of the yellow gang who had been identified as the East Side Locos seemed to be confident and cocky in their ability to defend themselves and continued to disrespect Christopher and the rest of Bridge Street. In the meantime everyone continued to return to Bridge Street from their errands and saw all the commotion unfolding.


Taking it Personal

Christopher felt like ESL had just spit in his face and tried to threaten him on his own turf. This behavior wasn’t going to go unanswered. So as his members returned to their hood he had informed them of the current circumstances and explained they simply would not be disrespected on their turf with zero retaliation. At this moment in time, Christopher had thought back to a few days prior when he was speaking to a higher up from the 6ix7even Spartans on Bridge Street “respect isn’t simply given, you earn it.” After this thought Christopher gathered his members and told them to arm up, they were going to earn their respect and make themselves known as a force to be reckoned with.

Getting Revenge

After Christopher gathered his members his thinking was the best way to teach ESL a lesson would be giving them a dose of their own medicine only this time they would be successful by any means necessary. Christopher was determined. Pulling up to the block there were few of their vacant cars. “Get to work picking those cars” Christopher told his members and so they started. This is when one of the original ESL members who was talking reckless to Christopher earlier pulled up. He immediately used his radio to call for help. Within minutes the block could be littered with Bodies from both sides. Christopher knew this and knew he had to act fast whilst he had the man advantage. Christopher saw one of the original pick lockers get out of his Issi Sport and start to get into a fighting position. Christopher did not hesitate to pursue him and attempt to rob him right there. When Christopher approached the man and told him to put his hands up he drew his weapon and a shootout ensued. 


Shots up and down the block were being fired, they rang out for several more minutes and when the sound of gunshots stopped and the smoke settled the results were tremendously in favor of the Brotherhood, Only two of their own shot and injured and all of the Locos Dead. At this time they started to clean the scene. Grab guns off their injured comrades and clear out before MD and PD arrived on the scene. Someone employed in the MD by the name of REDACTED had told a BSB member that there were a total of 14 dead Locos scraped off the streets that day. Christopher leaned back on Bridge Street when he heard the news of their work, a sheepish smile crossing his face as he softly laughed and said “Well, we just gave 14 reasons to never disrespect us again.”




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Another Day on Bridge Street

It was a normal day on Bridge Street. Christopher had just leaned back onto the bricks in front of his house, when suddenly his phone started vibrating in his pocket At this moment in time he had no clue who it was but when he reached into his pocket and slid the phone out the name lighting up on the screen made a smile appear on his face. Dimitri Mandojev, Christopher wasn't entirely sure what the call was going to be regarding but he had a feeling that it was going to be something potentially beneficial for the both of them. "We need to meet, name a time and place." Christopher paused for a second thinking if this was something he really wanted to happen. Discussing business with Russians who he had past conflicts with was something that lingered on Christopher's mind for quite sometime, But after some thought he realized if he was willing to put the past behind him then the potential gain in the near future would certainly be worth it. "Alright, Saturday at 8pm." Christopher said. So it was set in stone. Christopher sat on Bridge Street thinking of where to hold the meeting and wondering what they would potentially discuss. 


Meeting Day

Friday night Christopher had a rough time sleeping thinking of what was to come tomorrow evening. Tossing and turning Christopher barely slept at all. Not knowing if he was nervous, excited or both. Once he awoke he gathered the rest of the Brotherhood on the block and prepared them for the meeting, discussing potential opportunity for the family, explaining that if this meeting went well the Brotherhood could take a massive step forward in regards to their progression as an organization and further excelling the growth and overall betterment of the organization. After that discussion Christopher told everyone to kick back, relax and wait for the Russians to arrive.


The Arrival

The arrival of Russians was highly anticipated by the Brotherhood and everyone was excited to see what the future had in store for them. Christopher was kicked back when he saw a Sultan Classic and a Dubsta loaded with Russians bend the corner turning onto Bridge Street. They approached one another with smiles on their faces. "Meet us in the alley around back, we will speak there." Once everyone had settled in Christopher looked over his group of people and then looked over the Russians. He then nodded and welcomed them with a warm smile. "Pleasure to see all of you here today." They then proceeded to start with introductions of one another exchanging names and numbers. Once they had finished introducing and greeting each other there was a silence amongst the group. Dimitri broke the silence with a confident tone in his voice. "Lets cut to the chase, right now the city's a mess, with everything going on and whom we have to be concerned with, fighting one another makes no sense right now." Christopher nodded in agreeance and was fully ready to take the leap of faith and begin working with the Russians on a more consistent basis. After a few more shared thoughts  both parties had agreed that BSB and Russians working together would prove to be the most beneficial for both organizations. Nearing the meeting's end, smiles across the faces of every member in both parties, Dimitri invited the Brotherhood to join them on an adventure up north gathering plants. Christopher had turned around and looked at his members with a confident look then turned back to Dimitri with a smile on his face. "We will meet you up there!"


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An Explosive Day

“Bzzzzz!” The alarm on Christopher's bedside went off in the same moment he reached over and smacked the snooze “5 more minutes” When suddenly *Boom* The house shook and plates in the cabinets rattled; a massive explosion from across town had just been set off. “Welp there goes someone's lab” said Cameron laughing. *beep* *beep* *beep* went to Chris' phone as he picked it up swiftly. The message across the screen read "Lab blew up come quick! Address REDACTED." Christopher grabbed his keys and pulled his Elegy out of the driveway. The drive over to the apartment complex felt long even though it took about 60 seconds. Christopher hopped out and sprinted towards the elevator just as a cruiser pulled in front of the door and started unpacking barricades. “Shit!” Christopher thought. “Mr. B. I need you here and I need you here quickly.” It was apparent Christopher and Mr. B. couldn’t fight SWAT and other PD as a whole but they knew there would be a brief moment where an officer would be handling evidence and they could potentially get their allies' equipment back. So they waited patiently for their opportunity to strike. Patiently watching the officers move back and forth between the building and the cars waiting for the perfect moment to catch one lackin’. Christopher sat in the car looking at his steering wheel and just as he looked up he saw the golden opportunity.


Taking Back What's Ours

“Go! Go! Go!” Christopher shouted to B. He hopped off his bike sprinting towards the lone cruiser with only a single cop at it. Christopher waited in the car undoing his seatbelt getting ready to lay fire onto the officer if needed. *Bang* *Bang* the officer's shotgun blasted towards B as he sped off in the cruiser. B radio's his location to Christopher to come check out what they grabbed. 3 Tables, a Bolt Cutter and some other items. “Damn looks like we missed the bulk of it” It was a good try and valiant effort in saving the equipment although they did get away with some of the cargo. They took the items back to their stashes and stored it for later use. They then returned to the scene to see it completely cleared out. “Looks like PD was not taking any more chances with losing the rest of the Lab equipment and must have escorted the cargo to Mission Row for disposal.” 



Back to Bridge

After leaving the scene Christopher and B went back to Bridge Street to relax and cool off from all the PD heat that was on their vehicles. Christopher went back into his house alarm clock still blaring. Christopher laughed as he realized he never got to enjoy that snooze. He clicked it off and took a slow, deep, breath. Then sat onto his bed and leaned back onto the mattress slowly feeling the stress and tension fly off his body. The home was so quiet he could hear the clock ticking slowly away in the kitchen. He stared at the ceiling as he began to relax. He then thought to himself "Now a true moment of peace... Until Tomorrow." A grin grew across his face as he slowly closed his eyes and fell back to sleep.


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In one of the first weeks of BSB, Barker and Jay found themselves cruising around the city brainstorming ideas on how they can help their new gang grow amongst the already prominent names that were around. They were driving past Grove when a red Penumbra FF grabbed their attention as it pulled into the Grove smuggler. Jay looked towards Barker, his eyebrow raised as his fellow underboss met his gaze with a smirk.  




They drove by cautiously to get a feel for the situation, and upon closer inspection find two men on foot, one attempting to interrogate Freddy by pointing a micro at him demanding he spills the beans. A quick check of the magazine revealed that together they had but a handful of bullets left. 


“Fuck it”. 


Without hesitation Barker made the call to hop out and do what they do best. They both flew out the car towards the strangers, confident enough in their ability to get shit cracking regardless of circumstances but found the men were already in their car, ready to pull away. With a quick roll to get a better angle, Barker lined up the driver's cranium as Jay yelled “OUT THE CAR” with his gun drawn, both aiming for the perfect shot. Impulsively ducking down, the driver floors the red Penumbra into the alleyway, screaming  “WE NEED BACK UP NOW, WE NEED BACK UP NOW....” no doubt down his radio. The car drifts into the alleyway as the driver pulls the handbrake, drifting the car to a stop perpendicular to the BSB underbosses. Using his car as 

cover, the driver decides to hop out of the car whilst slyly pulling out his fully attached micro. 


“Fuck it I'm lighting them up” 


The words hung in the silent air for a moment, before all hell broke loose. The quiet alleyway transformed into a warzone as the driver pulled the trigger, his micro blindly raining fire. Jay and Barker leapt out of the way, finding cover behind a broken wall just in time as the bullets whizzed past them, millimetres away… 


Without flinching, the underbosses fired back at the unknown men, the shots from the guns echoing through the night. Jay looked towards Barker, admiring the veterans ability to keep his calm when death was seemingly around the corner. A bolt of lightning lit up the alleyway for a brief second, and Jay managed to get a glimpse of the enemy. The stranger's monkey mask would have drawn most of Jay’s attention if it wasn’t for his navy blue body armour being illuminated by the flash of light. The Italian let out a roar of frustration and anger, loud enough to match the thunder booming through the sky and stood up, daring the cunts to shoot. Monkey mask took the bait, arrogantly leaving his cover and pointing his micro at Jay, finger ready to pull the trigger when one single .50 bullet flew past Jay's shoulder. Monkey mask’s body suddenly stiffened and Jay could’ve sworn he saw his eyes widen in shock. A heavy trail of blood started slowly pouring down his forehead as he fell backwards with a soft thump. Jay turned his head to find Barker’s gun smoking, his face smirking. Not having time to celebrate, Jay let out a nod of appreciation, and the duo focused fire on the other man. He didn’t have a chance.




The alleyway turned eerily quiet once again, as Jay made his way towards the fresh corpses. Grabbing the loot, he turned around to show Barker the spoils of war. His heart sank as his eyes settled on a horrendous sight. Barker was laid out on the floor, twitching in a rapidly spreading pool of blood. 

Barely skipping a beat, Jay grabbed his radio and screamed instructions. “We need a trunk grove NOW!”


He knelt next to his fallen brother, clutching his hand and begging him to hang on, letting him know that help was on the way, pleading with him to keep on fighting. Jay’s ears perked at the sound of a strange noise in the distance and he looked around. Unsure whether he had imagined it, Jay turned his attention back towards Barker but his worst fears were soon confirmed. The screeching sirens rapidly approached, shattering the sinister silence of the night. With the last of his energy, Barker beckoned Jay towards him, whispering.


“Get out of here, they’ll take me to hospital. I’ll be fine, but you won’t. Go.”


A fully packed police Kamacho pulled up to the scene, and Jay didn’t need to be told twice. Instinct kicked in and he hopped the nearest wall, sprinting for his life down a thin alleyway. Micro on his hip, police on his ass, but he just kept running. Flashing blue and red lights appeared in front of him as a cruiser pulled into the other side of the alleyway, and he understood they had set up a pinch. He was fucked. With a deep sigh, Jay Valentino stopped dead in his tracks and put his hands up.




A half hour passed before Jay could finally let out a sigh of relief. The feds had transported him back to the scene of the shooting, where he spotted Barker, surrounded by medics loading him on a stretcher. He was hurt badly, but alive. The rest became a blur as he was pushed into the back of a cruiser, interrogated for the next hour and a half. Discussions of “fresh wounds” and  “gunshot residue” became background noise as Jay contemplated how long he was going to be in prison for. He started to zone out, he knew there was no way he could talk his way out of this one. That was, until he overheard a quiet whisper of “on undercover duty”. His ears perked up as he started listening intently. From what he could gather, they had just shot up two undercover cops… one of them being Samuel Martin. The underboss looked on, satisfied at what he saw; both cops laid on the cold, wet gravel, unresponsive. Medics were desperately trying to slow down the rapidly growing pool of blood.  Jay couldn’t help but hum a short melody, a line from his favourite song as he smiled softly...


You can step and wear that vest all you want

But it still ain't savin' your neck”


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Generation Next


If there is one thing that separates a successful gang from a mediocre one, it is their investment in the future. When Dylan returned to the city after a brief hiatus he reunited with his former LNF members in their new group BSB. Looking to find his fit in the family, Dylan decided to take on the role of developing young promising criminals into full-fledged money making machines. This is what led to the creation of The Compound.

In order for his trainees to reach their full potential Dylan knew he needed to invest in them. He purchased a piece of property on Roy Lowenstein Blvd. from family member Jay Valentinothen, the transformation began. Dylan knew the main thing most new criminals lack is resources and a stream of income. He created a safe hideaway where new recruits can have their own personal safe and a place to store their cars while they save up for an apartment. Since the creation of The Compound, Dylan has spent night in and night out showing his trainees around town, sharing the secrets of the city that are must-knows for any young criminal. 


Dylan Greenwood with trainees Logan Crowe & Eazy Mandent outside of LSD Headquarters

Through his training missions, Dylan takes the responsibility of teaching the new guys the right way to handle business off the hands of the leaders who have other tasks to focus on. Through this program, BSB makes way for the next generation of the family, trained the right way. Once he feels they are ready Dylan passes word to leadership and they make the final call on when to welcome the trainee as Jits. The first graduate of the program, Logan Crowe is already making a name for himself in the family. This is only the beginning of The Compound.


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Runnin' to The Store.

Christopher had just awoken slowly rolling out of bed rubbing his eyes then yawning. A notification popped up on his phone it read "Calendar : Go shopping for BBQ." Christopher showered, threw on a comfy outfit and headed over to the local grocery store in Mirror Park to grab some groceries for the BBQ. He purchased some burgers, hot dogs, sandwiches as well as a few different alcoholic beverages such as tequila, beer, vodka, and whiskey. Christopher loaded them all the groceries into the back the Issi Sport and brought the goods to Bridge Street and began setting up the BBQ. Christopher and other members of the Brotherhood moved furniture onto the sidewalk and began prepping the block for the party that was soon to come. Christopher fired up the grill and started to warm it up for cooking. Bruce was given the speaker and assigned the role of DJ and Dylan assigned to cook the food for the guests. "You better not burn this shit." Christopher said to Dylan laughing after.


Someone's Cookin' out

Dylan Started flipping burgers on the grill and Bruce's DJing wasn't too bad as the first few guest arrived there was 10-15 people at the BBQ and Christopher began to think that maybe he didn't promo enough and the BBQ was going to be a huge bust. He continued to think to himself just be patient people may be running late. Soon after more and more people started to show up and the street became full of cars and people dancing and enjoying food. there was an Appearance from Ballas, The Russian Mob, Shenzhen Dragons, and even PD. Christopher had a smile come across his face at the ability to gather people in a large group and do something other then shoot one another. Multiple suggestions to hold the BBQ again soon and after the success of this Christopher was convinced this should happen more often. After everyone went home and Christopher was handing out left overs to those who wanted it he pushed the grill back up the driveway and moved the couch off the sidewalk, A Warm feeling came to Christopher and he had deemed the BBQ.

 A Success




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A Long Awaited Return

He held it in his hand. A reminiscent visualization of his time in BSB, crumpled and barely distinguishable, but it was still there, in his hand, it still existed. A picture of his family, his time in an inspiriting environment. Ty still had his old and dusty green clothing in his briefcase, untouched and left in its former glory. But there was a part of Ty, a deep feeling inside to open it and wear the green once again after looking at this picture. He would often look at it, letting it catch his eye and bring back memories. He was thousands of miles away from the integrity of Bridge Street, now in his terraced home in England. He knew what he had to do on this day. He had had enough of prolonging his return, it was inevitable. He reached underneath his bed, pulling out a dusted, aged briefcase. Opening the contents, a green flannel mask and green jumper was folded neatly inside, which contradicted his reckless atmosphere of tossed clothes, unmade bedsheets and washing left on the side of the room; this is what mattered to him.


He ordered a taxi and made his way to the nearest airport; Heathrow. Hours upon hours of waiting tantalized Ty’s waiting capabilities, fueling his excitement. He was heading back to Los Santos. He sat down on his airplane seat, and recollected his conflicts alongside his brotherhood, the times they fought against 6ix 7even Spartans, Rising Suns and Goblins. He remembered the times they laughed, the times they lost people. The times that brought The Brotherhood even closer. His body adjusted, loosened to the stiff seat and he began to drift away in a deep sleep, until it was time to wake up, and leave the plane upon arrival.


The Airport 

With a bag strewn over his back, and a briefcase in his left hand, he made his way out of the terminal, passed the tedious and invasive border security checks and headed towards the exit for his pickup, anticipating figures of green to be there for him. To his avail, it was not surprising to see the green dreads of a man he recognized well, and a voice that welcomed him. “Ty. You made it.” They greeted with a warm hug and a firm handshake, and a tint of steel was visible in the pocket of the man he greeted. A hand was extended to a Ty with a .50 pistol in the palms of it, it’s steel refraction gleaming with the sunlight of Los Santos being broadcast on it. The wind was soft, and the bustling of the airport induced Ty like a drug. He was finally back. The man looked at Ty, with wrinkles in his tight mask, suggesting a smile. “So. You back in?”






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