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West Coast Assassins

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Lucas Laurie

Born on 15/12/1998 in Malaysia. Mike had a great childhood until he moved to Turkey at the age of 13. He moved next to his mother after had been living with his grandparents in Malaysia. After moving to Turkey and starting high school, he met with friends that changed his life. He started smoking and shortly after he started doing drugs. He wasn't a drug addict but he still did do drugs once in a while when he wanted to. After turning 17, he decided to change his lifestyle and decided to go to military and serve for his country and get away from his problems that he had that was caused because of friends. After being in the military, he thought it was too stressful and decided to move to a different city and start a new life.

Los Santos

When he moved to Los Santos he thought that he was going to live a clean life but unfortunately after seeing how hard it is to earn money and after seeing how he was treated in the city, he tried to earn money by doing some Money Transporter job. After he had earned some money to be able to buy himself a bike, he went around and looked for jobs that would be suitable for him but he still had that little criminal personality in him. He then met a person called ''JD Leblanc''. JD taught Mike on how things go around the city and taught him all the things that he needs to know to survive. After he had learned more about the city, he met some friends that was in the gang called ''Los Zetas''. He talked to a higher up about recruitment and he was then told to hangaround before he could be a full member of the gang but unfortunately after time passed he thought the wasn't suitable for the gang as he was still new to the city.

After not being able to join, JD went up to Mike and asked if he wanted to join a gang that he was apart of called ''The Rooks''. Since Mike's brother had told him all about a gang called the ''Irish Mob'' and he had learned that ''The Rooks'' was a gang that was made after the war, he accepted the offer. 

The Rooks



After talking to JD. Mike got a text from him to come to a place called ''La Spada'' which was Rooks' HQ. After arriving to La Spada, he was then greeted by a higher up named ''Lewis Brandon''. Lewis had asked him several questions, after seeing that Mike was suitable for the gang, he was taken to the clothing store and was told to wear a uniform in order to show that he was representing the gang.

As time passed, he learned a lot more about the city . After completely learning everything about the city, ''Dmitri Leroy'' the leader of The Rooks (after Dwayne Donovan) was very impressed on how he was doing in the gang and his general behavior. He was then promoted to ''Viscount'' where he would be responsible of drug operations of the gang.

After spending quite some time in The Rooks as a ViscountMike got a call from his grandparents from Malaysia and they had informed Mike that his uncle had passed away. Mike later then told Dmitri that he had to leave for quite some time and because of this he had to leave the gang. Dmitri respected and supported Mike's decision. After saying goodbye to the gang Mike hopped on the plane and went to Malaysia for his uncle's funeral.

The return of Mike and The Triads

Mike came back to the city after staying in Malaysia supporting his grandparents for months. He looked for a new gang to be apart of as he wanted to experience something new. 

He then went up to ''Al Romano'' which was apart of The Rooks and had left the gang, joining The TriadsMike spoke to Al Romano about his situation and on wanting to be apart of The Triads. Al at first wasn't so sure if Mike was suitable for the family but still gave him a chance to hangaround and show himself.

After spending some time as a hangaround and a trial, he then was accepted to the family as the high command of The Triads found him suitable for the gang because of his behavior and royalty to the family. He was told to wear the ''Blue Lantern'' mask to show that he was apart of the family to other gangs and people that live in Los Santos.

Mike was informed of some other bad news and that had made him mad, which is why temporarily, Mike's behavior had changed from anger and he was then kicked from The Triads because of his behavior. Eventhough he was kicked from the family, he still had good relationships with the members of the family.

After being kicked from The Triads, Mike had simmered down and he was now ready to find a new family. He promised to himself that he would not behave like that again to anybody else.



After Mike had been kicked from The Triads, he went around town and had stumbled upon to ''West Coast Assasins''. He was then asked if he was still apart of The Triads and he had told them that he was kicked and explained why. Eventhough he was kicked, as Mike explained on why he was kicked, WCA offered him to be a full member of the gang as they knew who he was and how he was doing in the city.

Shortly after being apart of the gang, he was promoted to a temporary rank that was made for the war called ''Killa''. After the rank was removed he had been promoted to ''Soldier''. 



Mike had to change his name to Lucas for some personal reasons and as it was a unique name.

Now he is happily apart of the gang which he calls family and has promised to do everything he can the best for the family. He is also trying his best to be able to be a higher up or high command as he would like to teach the members of his family on how to do everything the right and the best way as he learned from his past experience.




Edited by Architer
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The enemies of the organization continue to zerg the motel with five gangs against one as they trip over each-other to claim the elusive victory over WCA.


However the Assassins took them up on single combat, and none of them measured up.


Especially the friendly Paleto church crew, who had to call upon the services of the church once more.


Edited by alexalex303
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The past


After heavy involvement in the gang dispute that was present to him, Kris found himself having to fight the enemy he fears the most.

The idea was to show up to the call the investigation bureau had sent to Kris to disinform the department of his doings, trying to cover up his trail, but it was nothing but a poor attempt of the street rat Kris is considered. He was bombarded with questions that allowed the detective to get the info he needed, leaving Kris in doubt. Realizing what he has let himself into, he promptly ends the conversation, asking the officer to escort him out as he knew that nothing went according to plan. Before leaving, he was presented with a few pictures in which himself was found driving his old Futo, the officer had informed him that this picture was taken while chasing a suspect of a triple homicide a block down, Kris was left speechless.


As Kris leaves the station, he strongly reconsiders his job opportunities as he is swallowed into a pit of emotions as he enters his car to drive home. A long drive back had Kris thinking of his future and what 'dirt' the police might have on him and his brothers. The hood mentality plays a big role in his 'career' as he must not find himself snitching to benefit himself or others. Left under the impression that he is on top, he came back to his house after an exhausting day, laying down on his bed as he listens to the sound of the microwave heating up his pizza slices from yesterday thinking everything will be fine...

The present


What could've been a routine traffic stop for Kris turned out to be a switch up in roles, a turn of tides. He had an outstanding warrant for his arrest, not knowing what awaits, he follows the instructions of the friendly officer as he is detained. Thinking his car might be checked, a man out of uniform in a vest he is very familiar with approaches him, taking pictures of him and his vehicle. He knew what was going on from that moment, the detectives are back on track.


He does nothing as he stands mute, eyeing the detective as he ravages his car, turning it over entirely checking for anything illegal he can find to document before his departure, nothing was found. He is promptly escorted to a cruiser as his vehicle is taken to the impound. A long drive yet again, but in the back of a squad car, Kris yet again doubts his decision making as he strongly reconsiders his job options, this isn't paying the bills anymore.


He weeps as he sits on the cold prison bench once again taking a moment to think what he did wrong, he sits with blank thoughts, he counts sheep trying to fall asleep as the ununiformed jockeys haunt him in his dreams. He memorizes names, faces and places making his list that he is yet to decide what to do with, he knows where to begin, the same face covered with glasses and a beard that has been following his every step.


To be continued...

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Andre was one of the captured individuals at the Movie Studio Massacre and the police escort was definitively up for the task.


Vory was back into town and once again neutral with the Council. We met to see where that would leave us, and we agreed on a common enemy: NLA.


A day later, we had a general meeting with most of Vory and WCA, and pledged to see the end of NLA in this city. All other conflicts would be dropped to focus on their end.


Vory and Misfits were now neutral again, and they were asked about their feelings towards NLA, which they claimed were mixed at best. There would be no help for NLA.


Happy off of two successful meetings, we celebrated by relieving an NLA of her hair, and continued forward unto the next meetings.


The weekly meeting was presided over by Brian and Lu because of Bruce's mini-vacation, and they were made aware of the recent developments.


Rooks were the final meeting of the night, where they renewed their pledge to end NLA, and made neutrality with Vory towards that goal.


There will be no help. There will be no mercy. All they can do now is pray.

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The day started off with us getting a message that our enemies were up near their HQ. We get locked and loaded and ready to go only to realize that our enemies NLA continued their routine of sitting at banks, just picked a new home. We didn't stay for long as we had much better things to do, we decided to pack up and let them sit and wait for their salaries to collect to try to fight us another day.



Some of the Higher ups went to the Zeta wedding to witness John and Belle get married, it was a beautiful sight and everyone in attendance enjoyed themselves. Thankfully there was no interruptions and everything went smooth There was plenty of familiar faces so we knew only family was invited. The ceremony ended and we headed to the club for the after party we were all ready to have a great time.


We arrive at the club as we stand outside awaiting the newly weds. Since this would be the first time they are both seen together as a married couple after the ceremony everyone was excited. Once they arrived we all headed inside and had a great time everyone had a few drinks and listened to the great music the DJ played. We noticed someone suspicious inside wearing all black with a black mask but let it slide as maybe just a delusion.
Well maybe we should have confronted the man because it turned out he was a detective. The police must have been excited because they brought everything they had PD, SD and even DOC about 10-20 cars pulled up ruining the after party of the wedding. How sad they must have been when they realized basically no one had anything on them and about 2 people actually got arrested what a waste of time on all parts, but that's just cops in this town for ya.
After the wedding events we got some of our guys together to go over the new tax plans that were set in place by the council. After the talk we were glad to see not only were they all in agreeance but some of them were excited for the changes as it brings not only a new dynamic for our gangs but other gangs as well. Some of the gang headed right out to the labs to get to work for next weeks tax showing they were ready to put in the work.
The day ended with us finding a few people making believe to be Rooks and Vory and tried attacking all of us. Clearly non of us found that amusing and the situation was handled swiftly. After questioning the one that was left alive he refused to really give any information so it was decided he would be tortured rather then killed or let go, hopefully they find their own place in town and don't end up like the many failed gangs before them.
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It has been a very productive week for WCA. This are some of the week Highlights.





Unexpected guests




Jon & Belle Wedding




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