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New Guns

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The current state regarding firearms is quite lacking as of now. I wish the development team added some more useful and powerful weapons. Don't understand me wrong. An AK and the shotty are both powerful weapons but we do lack in the explosives departament as well as in sniper rifles. Of course these weapons would need an additional weapon's permit. I believe it would enhance the hunting and overall better the roleplay allowing for actual "Ambushes" with snipers. And to get an explosive weapon or a mp you would need a Military weapon permit MWP

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11 hours ago, Madd_Martigan said:


 and a hell no to more permits. Permit system is already as stingy as Canada.

Almost as if the server and PD wants a realistic representation of gun ownership, instead of having everyone on the server own a gun with 100+ felonies.

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Mostly -1

The reason for this is because we don't need people running around the server with insanely powerful weapons one shotting each other or people hiding with a sniper to DM somebody for no rhyme or reason. Military grade weapons should only be in the hands of law enforcement and permits should remain a thing as this is how the weapons system works in the U.S. What would be nice to see are maybe swaps from current weapons with newer ones to keep the gun market rotating or even occasional auctions for one of a kind weapons that are more of a collectors item but can also be used with perhaps one time limited bullets (ie: 5 shots).

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I think it's fine if a few more weapons are added like assault rifles or shotguns, but not snipers or explosives. Snipers would just make it super easy to pick people off from a distance and it's pretty unrealistic to see 3/4 gang members with a sniper. Same goes for explosives. People are already loose cannons with heavy weapons, but explosives and bombs would just be chaotic. 

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I don't think more illegal weapons need to be added for the most part, it would be cool to see some Mk2 variants of already legal weapons in the game, adding more variety with a higher price tag. These weapons are already in rage and compatible. I also wonder what it'd be like for the pump shotgun to be legal, while the mk2 version of the pump shotgun is illegal / used by PD / SD / Criminals. Cool idea! 🙂

ID: weapon_pistol_mk2
Name: Pistol Mk II
Hash: 0xBFE256D4

ID: weapon_snspistol_mk2
Name: SNS Pistol Mk II
Hash: 0x88374054

ID: weapon_pumpshotgun_mk2
Name: Pump Shotgun Mk II
Hash: 0x555AF99A

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8 hours ago, Marca said:

I think it's fine if a few more weapons are added like assault rifles or shotguns, but not snipers or explosives. Snipers would just make it super easy to pick people off from a distance and it's pretty unrealistic to see 3/4 gang members with a sniper. Same goes for explosives. People are already loose cannons with heavy weapons, but explosives and bombs would just be chaotic. 

but sniper's should be expensive then

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