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Classify Mineshaft Interior as a NCZ

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Suggestion Overview

  • Make the Mining interior a no crime zone. That's everywhere inside mine from the entrance right through the shaft to the back.


  • The mine itself is incredibly dark and narrow. It's a hazardous work space with little to no room to manoeuvre, both for victim and attacker.
    You fire a gun in there, you would realistically just be as likely to hit someone else not involved or hit the rocks which presents other issues including ricocheting bullets which could then injure you also.
  • It's a legal job and the mass-robbery impacts the usefulness of that job. 
  • Actually seeing the contents of a person's inventory would be quite difficult inside a mine shaft because it's almost pitch black so how would you know what to take.

I was content with the robbing of fishermen because the pier was a reasonably open space. You were still likely to get robbed, but you at least had a chance to do something. Robbing people while inside the mine for me eliminates that chance and crosses the boundaries into non-realism. If we hope to have any kind of good role-play standard on this server, we can't really be having things like this occur.

The bread and butter of robbing miners as far as I can see it is robbing people AFTER they've sold their ore. The Foundry has two exits, it has a more open space and is much better lit than the mine and you can see what's around you. If something doesn't smell right at the Foundry, you don't have to risk dropping your ore there at that time. 

My suggestion also doesn't stop people from being robbed OUTSIDE the mine so it's not that I'm against Miners being robbed, it's just the circumstances of them being robbed INSIDE the mine that bothers me.

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I think an NCZ is representative of more than just an area where crime is difficult. To me it represents an area that is heavily secured and a crime couldn't possibly be committed without a punishment being issued due to the securities in place.

I don't see any real RP reason why crime in general, like a gun sale, couldn't happen in a mine-shaft. I agree that shooting a gun in a mineshaft is a bad idea due to space and lighting, I just don't see any RP reasons a mine-shaft without security would prevent that. There are Guards/Cameras like in all other NCZ's, but the mine-shaft has none of those securities in place. 


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2 hours ago, GOAT said:

Suggestion Overview

  • Make the Mining interior a no crime zone. That's everywhere inside mine from the entrance right through the shaft to the back.


  • The mine itself is incredibly dark and narrow. It's a hazardous work space with little to no room to manoeuvre, both for victim and attacker.
    You fire a gun in there, you would realistically just be as likely to hit someone else not involved or hit the rocks which presents other issues including ricocheting bullets which could then injure you also.
  • It's a legal job and the mass-robbery impacts the usefulness of that job. 
  • Actually seeing the contents of a person's inventory would be quite difficult inside a mine shaft because it's almost pitch black so how would you know what to take.

I was content with the robbing of fishermen because the pier was a reasonably open space. You were still likely to get robbed, but you at least had a chance to do something. Robbing people while inside the mine for me eliminates that chance and crosses the boundaries into non-realism. If we hope to have any kind of good role-play standard on this server, we can't really be having things like this occur.

The bread and butter of robbing miners as far as I can see it is robbing people AFTER they've sold their ore. The Foundry has two exits, it has a more open space and is much better lit than the mine and you can see what's around you. If something doesn't smell right at the Foundry, you don't have to risk dropping your ore there at that time. 

My suggestion also doesn't stop people from being robbed OUTSIDE the mine so it's not that I'm against Miners being robbed, it's just the circumstances of them being robbed INSIDE the mine that bothers me.

Mmmm I think making the mines an NCZ would be a bit overkill, and I say that as a miner, I think just explicitly stating that traveling deep into a mineshaft to rob a person using a jackhammer by making verbal demands would be pretty NRP... So I agree it shouldnt happen but it does, but its up to the admins to fix that and us to report it. If they say its okay that's when we would have a problem... but scripting in an NCZ just for the mining job is meh... just overkill and unnecessary...

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This job would be the end-all be-all job is this ever happened.

No other job, even gov jobs provide this level of security. The security of the job plays a factor into choosing what job to do. I believe it should stay that way. A change like this would have to come with a serious nerf to the money you can make doing it, which I don't think anyone wants.

A good example of how this works, is the money courier, which is about the safest job but one of the lowest paying.

Versus fishing which is rather unsafe, and easy to get robbed, but pays several K more per hour.

I think this is a good model.

Edited by Jasmine
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4 hours ago, Jasmine said:

This job would be the end-all be-all job is this ever happened.

No other job, even gov jobs provide this level of security. The security of the job plays a factor into choosing what job to do. I believe it should stay that way. A change like this would have to come with a serious nerf to the money you can make doing it, which I don't think anyone wants.

A good example of how this works, is the money courier, which is about the safest job but one of the lowest paying.

Versus fishing which is rather unsafe, and easy to get robbed, but pays several K more per hour.

I think this is a good model.

Agree with all except money courier... you've obviously never been a trucker, or delivered mail 😛

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