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Make Parking a NCZ + Increase the radius

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I believe that we should make the public parking a NCZ. 

In addition, I think increasing the radius of the area that you can /park would be beneficial. You have to be literally ontop if the Red Blip which is quite challenging with the number of players using parking and with some of the larger vehicles. Have you ever tried to put a pounder in parking? Large vehicles(Phantom, pounder, and mule) can also only go in the exit where the gate does not open from the outside.

Here are some reasons why I believe that parking should be an NCZ:

1) People who do not own property yet, log on and off there. 

- If you are on a time crunch and have to log off and someone is attempting to put you in a situation where the other party demands roll play, if can lead to negative interactions(both IC and OOC). Same goes for when you log on. 

2) NonRP happens there on the regular.

- The spawning of vehicles is fairly nonrp and sometimes they are unlocked when they first load in. Having someone hold you up as your spawn your vehicle seems pretty nonrp to me. 

3) This builds off of 1 and 2. People come speeding through and often run people over in an attempt to “Park” their car. Which leads to bad RP. This could be because they are logging off and don’t care or because in that moment of changing vehicles, they are trying to rush from this moment of nonrp and get back to “their RP”. 



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Reading the other comments I like the idea of changing the parking dynamic, by adding another spot or something like that but yeah NCZ would probably make matters worse.

So a +1 to the general idea of improving the parking system, but not another NCZ.

Edited by Cinek0344
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This was suggested before and received poorly by the community. NCZs are a necessity for areas such as the bank and police precincts but they are not needed for parking garages. I do agree that having just one brings some issues, therefore instead, I agree with @MusketDeezNuts and the rest of the community in previous suggestions that instead, we should have more parking garages.

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On 6/6/2019 at 5:31 AM, Sandiego said:

NCZs ruin some RP encounters,people from chases would just run there and park their cars -1

People all ready non RP by running there and parking their cars in the middle of a chase. 


I am am fine with it not becoming a NCZ but I think we definitely need more parking and that the radius should be increased.

Edited by jowebb7
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I'm on board with most everyone else here. I don't think we need another NCZ, however we DO need more parking areas, as the crowding does end up inspiring a great deal of Non-RP, accidental or otherwise.

Parking and unparking my car is typically the most nerve-wracking part of my day.

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