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Burying Bodies

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Alright, so I was reading a couple suggestions about the bodies and I realised that we don't actually have the most obvious one yet.
We can carry bodies, trunk bodies, cut up bodies but we can't actually bury them to my knowledge.

But we can't actually bury them.

The Idea

  • You would need to have a shovel on you.
  • Same theory as /carrybody, you'd need to be near the body. 
  • The command /burybody would start you digging a hole and this would take a little bit of time, say like 60-90 seconds.
  • Once the hole was 'dug', if the body was still near you, it would disappear and there would be some text there that would basically say 'Mound of Dirt'.
  • You would be able to see the text from a reasonable distance where you could see some disturbed earth but obviously not too far away.
  • The hole would last there as long as the body was going to last, so if it's fresh body, by the time the hole is dug, it will be there for like 28 minutes.
  • /digupbody would uncover the body and take slightly less time, say 30-45 seconds as the earth is already disturbed and would respawn the body on the spot where it was buried.
  • I guess burying someone injured could also be a possible too. Pretty dark though.

The more ways to dispose of a body, the better right?

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I love the suggestion, maybe as an addon you could have all dropable entities giving a varying dig timer aswell as increasing the timer to 3 hours until whatever you have bearied disappears, however the notification above ground only last for an hour.

Change the command to /dig (Time) and it would create another inventory. Time would equal storage size. So /dig 30 you've now got 30 space to do as you please. Give three options 30/60/90.

Got a body you want to dispose of, great dig for 60 seconds and it will disappear. 

Wanted by police and you have some valuable merchandise you don't want to lose? Great dig in a location you'll remember before you get convicted. Once you feel the refreshing breeze of freedom go dig up your valuables and carry on being a menace to society. 

You've just been tipped of by the police they are going to be raiding your entire gangs properties while you are incarcerated. Now they'll need to dig up your gardens as well. 

New mayor is favourite to win the upcoming election so the current one pays your gang to smear his campaign? You bery a body in his back garden and tip the police off. 

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1 hour ago, Syndrux said:

+1 However if this doesn't get implemented, there is an open grave at the graveyard lol I may or may not have left a few bodies there. 

I'm sure there are probably a few places you could dump a body.

That flowing creek in Blaine County is another one.

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