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Dear Developers,

I have an idea for a business: Vinewood Self Storage (VSS). For this idea to work, I'll need some help from devs to get this off the ground, which is why I'm posting this here. Allow me to explain, as this will benefit the city in many ways, including stability to economy, particularly regarding the current intimidating cost of housing, plus provide employment to folks in the city. 

LOCATION: What's great about this from a dev's perspective? There is an already existing scripted space in the city called Vinewood Self-Storage, it's under the bridge next to Mors. 

NECESSITY: The boom in immigration has really stirred the pot of Los Santos. The current housing market is too expensive for most, with houses selling for 100%+ of their appraised value.  This business will allow customers the chance to store a large quantity of inventory depending on their chosen storage tier, at a cost much lower than owning a house, and much more secure and convenient than renting a house from someone.  Additionally, this business has the potential to have actively salaried employees, ranging from transport, to security and sales. 

WHY IS THIS BETTER THAN PARKING LOT SYSTEM ALREADY IN PLACE: The parking lot system is great as is - $500 ($250 VIP) to store a vehicle safely, and all inventory the vehicle holds. However, this proposal argues that we can take this two steps further and allow for folks to store much more inventory (in some cases as much as a house depending on the tier), although VSS does NOT offer vehicle storage. We can also provide security and transport for customers wanting to use our services - all they have to do is call for pickup or escort.  We are providing employment plus much needed storage service to the city. 

VIP BONUS: 25-50% off storage prices for all active VIP members.  

PURPOSE: To provide businesses and residents of the Los Santos area with clean, safe, and secure self-storage units with additional provided security and grade-A Customer service. Also, opportunities for employment will bolster the city economy, taking some stress away from folks who can't afford a house.  

STRUCTURE: CEO, COO, Manager, Sales/Security, Transport

CEO - Responsible for all major decisions in the company. Responsible for recruiting, training and selecting appropriate management.  

Manager - Responsible for oversight of all subordinates under this rank. Also, in charge of recruitment, marketing, employee recognition, events and promotions.

Sales/Security - functions as a hybrid in both worlds. Will assist customers in choosing the right plan for them, and explain the terms of service. Provides on-site armed security, and transport/escort security as needed.  

Transport - Customers need only call in, and we will help with transporting their goods to the storage facility at cost, with the added convenience of armed security. 

OOC mechanics: To avoid any problems with possible inventory disappearing, I propose to make this a somewhat automated storage system, similar to the Parking Lot in the city. Except, customers can choose from different tiers of storage needs - around 2-3 choices of tiers, to store both cars AND a large number of inventory.   Customers can also use their phone to call in (similar to DCC), for transport or escort of someone who wants to do business at the storage facility.  

Roleplay: One of the most exciting prospects of this business is that it opens up even more opportunities in the city for fleshed out RP stories and scenarios. Armed guards, costly goods, and a structured employment base is something the city can always use to turn into a good time!



Any and all input is appreciated! I am excited at the prospect of this business, and if the devs agree to something like this, I look forward to putting in the time and effort to get this business going. I am flexible in what direction this goes as per dev's discretion. Thanks in advance!

-Andre Deeds

Edit: Removing ability to store vehicles. VSS will function better as inventory only storage. 

Edited by EggLordGaming
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I appreciate the support!  I don't want this to fall to the bottom of the pile as this is  something that can be done! This is an answer to some problems in the server with housing, and adds a layer of benefits for VIP members. Spread the word, add recommendations, input and suggestions to this idea. Thanks!

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+1 to this suggestion overall, however the rank structure makes it seem like this would be a legal faction which i am 50/50 on. Having this as a legal faction could get more people involved in civilian RP, or it could be like weazel and be dead unless it is very specific times of the server. I personally think there should be another type of legal faction added first such as the court system but that is just my personal preference. 

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10 minutes ago, TheCanadian said:

+1 to this suggestion overall, however the rank structure makes it seem like this would be a legal faction which i am 50/50 on. Having this as a legal faction could get more people involved in civilian RP, or it could be like weazel and be dead unless it is very specific times of the server. I personally think there should be another type of legal faction added first such as the court system but that is just my personal preference. 

I hear that my man. Yes, this is a legal faction.  I would say that the housing market is a big issue, especially to new immigrants, or folks from the previous large wave.  Heavy quantity inventory storage is nonexistant for many who can't afford houses.  This fills the economic gap, and makes the city much more accessible to new (and not so accomplished) faces!

Nevertheless, I totally agree that there needs to be a court system! It's a bummer going to jail without due process! Thanks for the input!!

Edited by EggLordGaming
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1 minute ago, EggLordGaming said:

Heavy quantity inventory storage is nonexistant for many who can't afford houses.  This fills the economic gap, adds RP elements, new jobs, and more. 

honestly, 10 minutes thinking about it i think this would be a great implementation and could also add a lot to criminal RP depending how it works scripted. If this is a legal faction with certain vehicles and armed escorts to the customers destination then it could add for both great civi RP and criminal RP if the inventory is accessible to everyone and not just the owner. If people spot the convoy they can plan to intercept it to steal what the customer wants to put away securely in their storage locker. Depending on the service you pay you would get a more guarded escort of your items to be placed into your warehouse location. This would require the faction to have quite a few members though to be able to answer calls from multiple people and meet the different levels of security needed for different transports. You just need the people willing to work for that faction.


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+1 to this or maybe have apartments that people can rent out for a small price thats just a 1 bedroom place you can store shit. I have seen in game there are admin markers at an apartment complex near the beach so this might be a thing they are working on.

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10 hours ago, DiCarlo said:

+1 to this or maybe have apartments that people can rent out for a small price thats just a 1 bedroom place you can store shit. I have seen in game there are admin markers at an apartment complex near the beach so this might be a thing they are working on.

I know about those admin markers, and I'm guessing they are homes not yet scripted, but have the possibility to be in the future. Still, unless there is a huge number of new homes added, prices will remain high for the housing market.  You can rent a house in the city, but most leases are structured in a way that you're still paying $20-30K per IRL week, and failure to pay means eviction and loss of goods in the stash which the homeowner receives. This is okay for some with steady income and who play often, but still doesn't fix the issue for most new immigrants, and no-incoming having good ol' poor folk in the city who just want to store a bunch of things. Vinewood Self-Storage will help the poor get established in the city much quicker! 🙂

Edited by EggLordGaming
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11 hours ago, TheCanadian said:

honestly, 10 minutes thinking about it i think this would be a great implementation and could also add a lot to criminal RP depending how it works scripted. If this is a legal faction with certain vehicles and armed escorts to the customers destination then it could add for both great civi RP and criminal RP if the inventory is accessible to everyone and not just the owner. If people spot the convoy they can plan to intercept it to steal what the customer wants to put away securely in their storage locker. Depending on the service you pay you would get a more guarded escort of your items to be placed into your warehouse location. This would require the faction to have quite a few members though to be able to answer calls from multiple people and meet the different levels of security needed for different transports. You just need the people willing to work for that faction.


Awesome suggestion! I can picture the RP going down just as you describe it.  Criminals can intercept it anywhere between the pickup area all the way to VSS HQ. As soon as the inventory is stored at VSS HQ, it's safe.  Thus, security would need to be structured in a way that customers who call in can choose the level of urgency/value of the item. 

For example, if you call a cab, you can call for a shuttle, luxury car, or stretch limo. At the DCC, only certain drivers, depending on their rank, can drive those different vehicles. 

At the VSS, if the customer calls in for escort/pickup, and they only have a pistol to store, they can select LowValue, and a team of 2 security guards will assist the caller.  And if another customer calls in with a crate of guns, at High Value, a higher tier team of 6 can respond. 

I think now that we can have two factions, you will see people apply for this job who don't want to go through the same level of training that police cadets must do, but still want involved in action-heavy RP from a legal faction.  

Good stuff! 

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6 hours ago, Eshu said:

-1 just some cheesy way to get the benifits of a house without owning one. Would crash economy. 

I appreciate the input! 

I imagine the cost of a rental will still be substantially high as to offset labor costs, and to not undercut housing market. Short term I would expect it to be a good solution, financially, to help people get started out, or to help people who are in a pinch and need to store something ASAP. However, one would want to purchase a house as the cost of rental is not a viable long term solution in most cases, just like most rental units IRL.  

Quick edit: the more I think about VSS, the more I think that it should be inventory only, no vehicle storage.  Moreover, as it applies to your point, this further differentiates the business from being a cheaper version of a house.  I revised my original proposal to reflect this. Thanks again my man!

Edited by EggLordGaming
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3 hours ago, EggLordGaming said:

I appreciate the input! 

I imagine the cost of a rental will still be substantially high as to offset labor costs, and to not undercut housing market. Short term I would expect it to be a good solution, financially, to help people get started out, or to help people who are in a pinch and need to store something ASAP. However, one would want to purchase a house as the cost of rental is not a viable long term solution in most cases, just like most rental units IRL.  

Quick edit: the more I think about VSS, the more I think that it should be inventory only, no vehicle storage.  Moreover, as it applies to your point, this further differentiates the business from being a cheaper version of a house.  I revised my original proposal to reflect this. Thanks again my man!

I think a better solution would be high rise apartments or just a building with like 200 1g apartments at a fixed price. This would allow new players to obtain a house and 1g while keeping the value of 2-4G houses the same. But essentially that is kind of what you're suggesting.  

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