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Make the peer a NCZ.

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who hasn't experienced this: You wanna earn some money for a new car/bike, but you don't wanna be driving arround a post vehicle, so you go fishing.

You started and even managed to catch some fish, suddenly some dudes come arround, surround you and pull firearms. Well you have a rod in your hands and there is the fear RP rule. You're pretty much f'd. You lose the fish for which you spend a long time. You also had a gun with you to defend yourself. Hah. Jokes on you, they are three people. Ah btw while youre being shot to death they loot your car aswell. By the way dont forget you can not return there for 30 mins.


Please for the sake of my, and Im sure of some other player's will to live, or atleast will to play on this server, make the peer a non-crime-zone.

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26 minutes ago, Descendant... said:

who hasn't experienced this: You wanna earn some money for a new car/bike, but you don't wanna be driving arround a post vehicle, so you go fishing.

You started and even managed to catch some fish, suddenly some dudes come arround, surround you and pull firearms. Well you have a rod in your hands and there is the fear RP rule. You're pretty much f'd. You lose the fish for which you spend a long time. You also had a gun with you to defend yourself. Hah. Jokes on you, they are three people. Ah btw while youre being shot to death they loot your car aswell. By the way dont forget you can not return there for 30 mins.


Please for the sake of my, and Im sure of some other player's will to live, or atleast will to play on this server, make the peer a non-crime-zone.


6 minutes ago, JayGamble said:

or perhaps remove stagnated fishing, and allow for fishing to be more dynamic so you aren't centralized in a place where low tier criminals see "easy prey".

I believe any of these two things is long due! The concept of robing fisherman is non-sense and if the goal is to get weapon from the fisherman, then that is pure metagaming in way cuz you use knowledge that most of the people on this server carry a firearm, so you use this OOC information about server, because in no way it is IC info.

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I can see where you are coming from, since there is a lot of robberies but I'd prefer PD to handle this as an IC issue to be honest, perhaps with an increased presence there.

No Crime Zones to me should only be areas that have enough security that committing a crime would realistically get you caught or killed very quickly.

You get robbed at the pier because it's secluded and out of the way, same goes with Paul's farm.

I've regularly fished down there and been robbed a few times. Yes, you are easy prey but you have to let your guard down sometimes.

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6 hours ago, Flucifial said:

No reason for a pier to be a NCZ, NCZ’s are only for realism not to help people make money.

I see your point, makes perfect sense. It doesnt have to be a NCZ but what about making more fishing places ? Or for example being able to fish close to water everywhere ?


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What about being able to fish on your own boat? That way people that really want to work as a fisherman have the luxury to fish on their own 'safe' boat out at sea. Whereas people that fish every now and then will be stuck to the pier with the risk of being robbed every now and then. That way you still make it possible for people to rob you and you reward people that actually wanna persue some form of fisherman life? I'd personally love to get a boat and be able to fish on it. You might even start a business of fishing tours and what not. 

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2 hours ago, Doey said:

What about being able to fish on your own boat? That way people that really want to work as a fisherman have the luxury to fish on their own 'safe' boat out at sea. Whereas people that fish every now and then will be stuck to the pier with the risk of being robbed every now and then. That way you still make it possible for people to rob you and you reward people that actually wanna persue some form of fisherman life? I'd personally love to get a boat and be able to fish on it. You might even start a business of fishing tours and what not. 

I would be happy if they could create system like you can buy a boat and drive where you want and make your money by fishing 

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