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IC reasons when houses are sold

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Recently an update was made, so all players have to have some sort of a minimum play time in order to keep their houses. Those requirements are nowhere to be found, which is really not player friendly. I also dislike that the houses are sold for OOC reasons and not IC reasons. This is why I am making this suggestion, so properties will be sold for IC reasons. 

TL;DR: Houses now have bills, bills arrive every 7 days, houses are sold after 15 days if bills are not paid, people can request a 31 day extension from city hall every 6 months.


Detailed version: House info panel would display how much time players have, before their property will be sold. Every 7 days, players would get mail (bills) delivered to their homes. Players would have to go around and collect these bills and pay them at the bank. Bills would not be an item in your inventory. Once the bills are paid, the house sell timer resets to 15. All bills have to be paid for the timer to reset, so paying only the first weeks bills and not the second, would not reset the timer. Once the timer runs out, the player is paid the estimated value and the house is placed on sale for a higher amount.

Some quick info:

  • When the bills arrive, players would receive an SMS on their phone from the LSDWP (LS dep. of water & power). 
  • Bill amount will depend on how many garages a house has. Each garage would increase the bills by X amount.
  • Playtime will affect the bills. The longer you sit at home (offline), the more expensive your bills will be. The more you play, the less expensive your bills will be. They can either be super expensive or cheap, depending on your playtime. 
  • Selling a house with unpaid bills would not be possible. Timer would not reset and the bills amount would not reset for the upcoming bills (will reset and adjust to the new owner after).
  • As said before, players can extend their house timers to 31 days, every 6 months. This is mainly for people who may be busy with work, school or life in general. Bills would still come in, so you may want to stack up some money before you leave for a longer time. This could be a feature in city hall.
  • Is 2 weeks enough? From years of personal experience and observation, 2 weeks to visit your properties is more than enough, for almost every player. Option above should also aid people who really can't.
  • How would this benefit the server exactly? Players would be motivated (somewhat) to show at least some activity on the server. They would eventually have to keep playing and earning money if they wish to keep their properties. 
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Huge +1, This way people cant horde nice houses and go offline for long periods of time. This will also probably decrease the price of houses because im betting a ton will go on sale from "unpaid bills" within a few weeks, maybe less.

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3 hours ago, Marca said:

Playtime will affect the bills. The longer you sit at home (offline), the more expensive your bills will be. The more you play, the less expensive your bills will be. They can either be super expensive or cheap, depending on your playtime. 

Huge -1 to the suggestion overall, but especially to these specific points.

I don't see how this would possibly work. You are suggesting they should add a sort of tax on those who generally make less money (less active, less opportunity to make money) lowering the same 'tax' on those who should be able to afford it (play more, more opportunity to make money). Effectively this server's version of taxing the poor and giving tax cuts to the rich. I really,really,really hope this isn't implemented, but if it is I would like to propose it should be the other way around. The longer you are on the server the more you would pay in house bills (not substantially more, just enough to make a difference)

Also I very much disagree with your 2week timer suggestion. Some people have serious job commitments which don't allow them to get on for a few weeks at a time, others just like taking breaks. I don't know about you but I wouldn't like to go on vacation for 2 weeks to come back and see all my houses on the market because I forgot to bring my laptop to log onto GTA V and run to every house I own. And sure you provide a sort of 'alternative' but this wouldn't work if they're already on the market, only if within those 2 weeks you make the request for the extension which you can only do every 6 months. Not to mention once you come back you will be in what I assume is significant debt because of your house bill being so high since you were inactive, on top of the requested extension.

Edited by TheCanadian
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You two either didn't see the update log or completely ignored the first few sentences. There's already a system in place that will make you lose your houses if you're not active, but the activity time isn't known. 

  • Inactive houses clean up now checks hours played instead of last seen

Currently you don't know how many hours you need or how often the checkups are done. Inactive players will still lose their stuff, just that they won't know when. Players that take short breaks or reduce their activity down a bit may also find the current system unfair, since it's literally playing the lottery of "did I play enough?".

How much bills would be isn't really up to me to decide. Devs have access to financial data to determine that and make it fair. My suggestion is simply to eliminate OOC reasons and move them IC, in a way they would make sense.

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Remove the complexity from the suggestion. I love the idea but it's way to complex. Bills have to paid every [4] weeks, an extension can be made from City Hall for upto [12] weeks because after 12 weeks of inactivity you'd lose it anyhow. 

Bill's are tied to number of garages ans that's all they are affected by. 1 Garage = [1], 2 Garage = [1.4], 3 Garage = [1.8], 4 Garage = [2.4]

With the new government and mayor system be put in eventually. All the numbers in [Square brackets] can be changed based on his / her policies. 


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I would like to know how the current system works though, as the only thing I know is that the houses will be put on sale after an x amount of time not comming online.

-1 on the suggestion though:
15 days not playing and then have hour houses sold....
I mean, people go on vacation, then you are dependent on teh city hall to make sure the houses you saved so much for + worked days, weeks or even months. I would be so upset if I won't be bale to request a new request to not have my houses removed because I have been gone earlier for 15 days. Houses are my biggest assets.

Also, bnot to forget what will happen if peopel get banned. They already get punished and they wont be able to request these kind of things as they need to be IC to do that... kinda hard when you are not even able to join the server.

I think it would be better to discuss this if we have more info about the current system, as there is almost nothing to find about it.

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I feel like people are not understanding the suggestion, the time before the house goes on sale is not set in stone, OP probably gave those times as an example. It doesn't mean thats how long you will have before your house automatically goes on sale. If this is implemented that will be determined by the founders. The new mayors office will provide lots of opportunities for this kind of stuff. Of course the founders will set the minimums on the bills but you can probably vote for different candidates that will offer various bill amounts and various times to pay them. However I do feel that if you are only buying a house to store vehicles and neglecting the actual property a system like this will be incredibly useful for the rest of the server population.

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20 hours ago, Phil McGee said:

+1 You should at least get an eviction notice before they sell your house and delete your stash with no information to work from. Also they sell the houses for what you paid not what its worth now so you are getting shafted in both ends. 


+1 to this cause i lost my apartment aswell on my alt.

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