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Stabilize Change

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Hello! I along with a LOT of other people have been involved in this situation, you are stabilized, and you sit for 20 to 30 minutes, in some rare cases (like the one we just had tonight) an hour. 


Im gonna keep it straight, there needs to be a timer for after you are stabilized where you start losing health again. Im not saying it should be 2 minutes, but something like 10 minutes of being stabilized, you should start ticking health again. The counter argument of "You are looking for a way to die so you dont go to jail" is null and void here, it ruins an entire situation. 


This is a change that needs to happen for the betterment of the server. Thanks for your time reading!

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I agree with the concept. It doesn't seem realistic that after you get stabilized, you can sit forever and not die, after having been turned into swiss cheese with GSWs. However, on the flipside, some scenes have a lot of injured people after large shootouts, and there is a lot of RP to be done. Each one of them has to be treated, cuffed, searched, ID'd, etc. You could always continue to RP with medics after being stabilized. Even if the medic previously finished RP, you could hit them with an /ldo that you started bleeding again or are having some kind of complications. 

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was going to make this suggestion myself. Sitting there on the pavement with some gauze and pressure on 10 GSW's is not realistic(need blood transfusions and surgery to stop internal bleeding at a hospital etc). Stabilization should be temporary ! 

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@DoubleAI think this is a great suggestion but I am going to be honest its going to move from you sitting in the middle of a street stabilized to sitting in the back of a cop car at md or in a tiny cell at paleto/mission row before being transferred to DOC. I just think the issue is that there is not enough people to do all of the rp and unfortunately it leads to people sitting around somewhere on both sides. Maybe being forced to transport to md faster might help but I don't know. (I do understand that you can add charges after being in prison but it can be buggy sometimes and makes it nearly impossible to do any questioning rp or talking with once they have been transferred.)

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I do think that people sit at scenes too long for one reason or another when injured.

It’s something I try and push often when I see it from the MD standpoint, having more of a sense of urgency to transport the patient to the hospital especially when they’re RPing a more serious injury, regardless of them being “stable”. I do feel, however, like with the suggested solution it would likely just transfer the time on the floor injured to time in the back of a cruiser waiting.

I can appreciate the concept of requiring re-stabilising after a while though, but from what I’ve seen from a lot of people at scenes like the one described, many would just neglect to make a fuss over it or make it known they need medical attention and just allow themselves to bleed out. Maybe if there was some indicator even just a passive /me or /ame like “/me would start losing blood and not look too good” once it’s required could be a nice in-between and if there’s not someone available to come back and help them and give attention then rip. This way there could also be diminishing returns the longer it goes on with subsequent periods.

Overall, I think the difficulty with this suggestion is whether the point is for more rp/interaction, to allow for deaths, or to reduce waiting time. Someone above mentioned needing blood transfusions or surgery but very VERY few people who rp having serious wounds want to bother with that rp after a fight (but if you do just ooc ask a medic if there’s someone who can facilitate that kind of rp online).

I think the idea needs fleshing out some more but I can definitely see benefits to stabilise not being permanent in one form or another.

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44 minutes ago, Ash said:

I do think that people sit at scenes too long for one reason or another when injured.

It’s something I try and push often when I see it from the MD standpoint, having more of a sense of urgency to transport the patient to the hospital especially when they’re RPing a more serious injury, regardless of them being “stable”. I do feel, however, like with the suggested solution it would likely just transfer the time on the floor injured to time in the back of a cruiser waiting.

I can appreciate the concept of requiring re-stabilising after a while though, but from what I’ve seen from a lot of people at scenes like the one described, many would just neglect to make a fuss over it or make it known they need medical attention and just allow themselves to bleed out. Maybe if there was some indicator even just a passive /me or /ame like “/me would start losing blood and not look too good” once it’s required could be a nice in-between and if there’s not someone available to come back and help them and give attention then rip. This way there could also be diminishing returns the longer it goes on with subsequent periods.

Overall, I think the difficulty with this suggestion is whether the point is for more rp/interaction, to allow for deaths, or to reduce waiting time. Someone above mentioned needing blood transfusions or surgery but very VERY few people who rp having serious wounds want to bother with that rp after a fight (but if you do just ooc ask a medic if there’s someone who can facilitate that kind of rp online).

I think the idea needs fleshing out some more but I can definitely see benefits to stabilise not being permanent in one form or another.

-1, Here's why:


Unfortunately, as OP pretty much said, the delay isn't with MD performing their RP. its all the other admin RP that has to be done after a major shootout. multiple casualties, police work, scene management, vehicle impounds and general untangling of the situation, the bigger the incident the more things that need to be done. Realistically MD can only transport the patient once law enforcement is able to provide an escort and in 90% of incidents this will be once they scene is entirely cleared. what OP is suggesting will just mean that the medic has to run back to their ambulance every few minutes to check on them which may end up slowing down scene clear up more and making wait times worse.

On the other side of the coin, depending on who was involved in the shootout this may be the only RP ops that divisions like law enforcement/detectives/MD gets out of the whole scenario, so again its not really fair to put them on a timer. you had your fun, let them have theirs. When you willingly partake in large scale criminal activities like shootouts part of your decision making should be accepting the risk that you may get hurt or arrested and spend some time in the back of an ambulance or cruiser.

TLDR; I agree, sitting around waiting for others to finish their RP is boring but I don't think this suggestion would actually fix the problem

Edited by Quietthecutie
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On 6/20/2023 at 10:26 AM, Ash said:

It’s something I try and push often when I see it from the MD standpoint, having more of a sense of urgency to transport the patient to the hospital especially when they’re RPing a more serious injury, regardless of them being “stable”. I do feel, however, like with the suggested solution it would likely just transfer the time on the floor injured to time in the back of a cruiser waiting.

Just to necro this post for a bit, couldn't the whole thing be like move them to the hospital and use the beds to do the questioning and GSW residue and all of that stuff, search and only take the most valuable things such as Money/Drugs/Guns. We have an entire pillbox hospital and a multitude of beds that can be used. GSW doesn't just come off from air, pretty sure you have to wash it so as long as that RP isn't done then there shouldn't be any reason why this wouldn't work. If you are truly injured, simply being dropped off at Pillbox wont make you be able to sprint away. You can continue the RP and be stretchered to the bed for treatment? I don't know if any of this makes sense but in my head it did.

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3 hours ago, Puzzling said:

Just to necro this post for a bit, couldn't the whole thing be like move them to the hospital and use the beds to do the questioning and GSW residue and all of that stuff, search and only take the most valuable things such as Money/Drugs/Guns. We have an entire pillbox hospital and a multitude of beds that can be used. GSW doesn't just come off from air, pretty sure you have to wash it so as long as that RP isn't done then there shouldn't be any reason why this wouldn't work. If you are truly injured, simply being dropped off at Pillbox wont make you be able to sprint away. You can continue the RP and be stretchered to the bed for treatment? I don't know if any of this makes sense but in my head it did.

I’d absolutely love that if we could do that. Good idea 

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