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John Nut

Fix Store robberies, remove automatic alarm.

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I will make this super short. Remove the automatic alarm when robbing a store succesfully. 

Past months there has been abselutly no store robberies. This I have seen on my Cop char, there is not a single store alarm for weeks.  Also on my crim account i tested and realised that its completely dogshit. Remove the automatic alarms so that people can actually rob stores without having the entire PD or SD force go camp all the stores after 1-2 stores is done. Remove the automatic alarms and take it back as it was before where the alarm dont go off if you emptied the store. 

Automatic alarms, marked cash does not make it worth or you do not go in profit as the cops will bust you much easier. I understand that some people wish this server to be ultra realistic, but its a game and curtain stuff cant be ultra realistic without ruining it :). Thanks!

Edited by John Nut
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I think the automatic alarms are not an issue personally. The automatic alarm doesn't even go off until after the robbery is finished and any decent crim that knows what they are doing will already be long gone by the time cops arrive. I don't personally think the alarm is the reason stores aren't being done. Likely more tied to the payout amount and the marked money. 

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9 minutes ago, Requiem said:

I think the automatic alarms are not an issue personally. The automatic alarm doesn't even go off until after the robbery is finished and any decent crim that knows what they are doing will already be long gone by the time cops arrive. I don't personally think the alarm is the reason stores aren't being done. Likely more tied to the payout amount and the marked money. 

It is absolutely tied in with the alarm but it is not because you will be caught at that store, it is because you will be caught at the next one. 

Prior to the automatic alarm, you could rob 4-5 stores before the cops were onto you and you had to stop; right now after robbing a single store, cops will be aware of your activity and you will need to stop. 

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4 minutes ago, alexalex303 said:

It is absolutely tied in with the alarm but it is not because you will be caught at that store, it is because you will be caught at the next one. 

Prior to the automatic alarm, you could rob 4-5 stores before the cops were onto you and you had to stop; right now after robbing a single store, cops will be aware of your activity and you will need to stop. 

So do your one robbery and stop then? Why does it have to be rob the entire state, or nothing at all? I find it unrealistic that someone that was just held at gunpoint wouldn't call the police if they are a legal civilian. 

This also gives other crims the opportunity to do some robberies, rather than one grouping robbing every store all at once. I feel the way it is now is good. 

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8 hours ago, alexalex303 said:

It is absolutely tied in with the alarm but it is not because you will be caught at that store, it is because you will be caught at the next one. 

Prior to the automatic alarm, you could rob 4-5 stores before the cops were onto you and you had to stop; right now after robbing a single store, cops will be aware of your activity and you will need to stop. 

Come onto the night shift. There will be massive sprees that happen, and it's uncommon for crims to get caught. You can guess as to why that is. From an off-hours perspective, I have no issue with how the things currently are. Remove it, and night shift is boring, as we have no idea what's going on, and it's just even more of a bigger win for crims, with 0 RP interaction from any LEO.

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8 minutes ago, SquirtleSquad said:

Come onto the night shift. There will be massive sprees that happen, and it's uncommon for crims to get caught. You can guess as to why that is. From an off-hours perspective, I have no issue with how the things currently are. Remove it, and night shift is boring, as we have no idea what's going on, and it's just even more of a bigger win for crims, with 0 RP interaction from any LEO.

Perhaps regulate it?    Make it so if there is enough players/LOA's online then the alarm goes back to like it was before. If you clean the store then no alarm.  But if its low amounts of LOA's online then get auto alarm like now.  That might be a good idea if those night shifts are like that. 

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10 hours ago, Atlas Cross said:

Honestly store robberies need a bigger pay out. example more people you have the more money you get


Gotta disagree with you there. This would be abused. You would get 10 man groups going in and robbing a store just to get more cash. It would create unrealistic and abusable scenarios. 

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7 hours ago, Requiem said:

Gotta disagree with you there. This would be abused. You would get 10 man groups going in and robbing a store just to get more cash. It would create unrealistic and abusable scenarios. 

I mean it doesn't have to be insane amount because you could scale the percentage amount no?

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1 hour ago, Clank said:

Why on earth wouldn't the store owner that just got robbed for his entire profit of the night /NOT/ hit an alarm? Its like yall mfs want the an easy mode option on everything damn

did you read the whole post or just the title? store robberies are dead content in their current state, end of story

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2 hours ago, Clank said:

Why on earth wouldn't the store owner that just got robbed for his entire profit of the night /NOT/ hit an alarm? Its like yall mfs want the an easy mode option on everything damn

You DO realize this is supposed to be a server based around the concept of roleplay right? LMAO

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Im in agreement with parts of what most people have said here:

During peak times Robberies are extremely uncommon. as OP has said robbing one store is not worth it for 4-6 people (standard store robbery group) and robbing multiple is far too risky as LEOs are onto you after the first.

However during quiet hours you can rob maybe 3-4 stores before running into cops and depending how many of you there are and how many of them you have a decent chance of winning the gunfight. that is until most cops log and youre locked out of doing them...

in general its certainly a system that could use a look.

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Makes 0 sense as a suggestion. Clear more stores at once with more people if "camping stores" is an issue or lay low and do something else instead of chain robbing.

When it comes to solutions you could've found a million more that would've better than simply removing the alarms but you went for the dumbest of them all. Imagine there are 5-7 cops busy doing something and a group of people starts robbing stores. No alarms go off and they can basically clear all the stores in the server, because no one will know about it. I hope that you realise how non sensical it is now

Edited by TheCactus
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14 hours ago, ShawnsBeard said:

did you read the whole post or just the title? store robberies are dead content in their current state, end of story

Removing the alarm that happens AFTER the robbery is done is the laziest fix to it. You propose that because the automatic alarm goes off it makes it hard to rob the next store. Why do you WANT to chain rob. Do you not think that someone chain robbing stores over and over will meet the attention of the law? I think store robberies are fine the way they are, entry level content for new criminals to enjoy.


Just because something might be dead content to YOU does not mean that its dead content for everyone else. 

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14 hours ago, ShawnsBeard said:

did you read the whole post or just the title? store robberies are dead content in their current state, end of story

People rob stores every day so it can't be that dead


14 hours ago, JohnG said:

You DO realize this is supposed to be a server based around the concept of roleplay right? LMAO

Yeah and what RP sense does it make for the teller to not call the cops? LMAO



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I mean they do kinda suck, sucks you can't rob them solo, sucks the money is packed when you get it, sucks you can't crack the safe in the back.

The alarm at the end is pretty much useless, like closing the barn door after the horse is bolted.
Only time you really catch someone is on the off chance.

But we move.

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7 hours ago, Bala said:

I mean they do kinda suck, sucks you can't rob them solo, sucks the money is packed when you get it, sucks you can't crack the safe in the back.

The alarm at the end is pretty much useless, like closing the barn door after the horse is bolted.
Only time you really catch someone is on the off chance.

But we move.

A suggestion might be to ad solo robbing stores. then for bigger groups they can also go for a safe in the back, perhaps almost like the safes that are in house robberies.  This would make it possible for solos where they get decent amount of cash.  Then for bigger groups they have a safe with money or whatever. making it more worth bigger groups

Edited by John Nut
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Saw police going into some random store in Paleto and came back out and told his partner "was just checking it isn't being robbed". Makes sense now lol. They probably saw an alarm elsewhere and are camping the stores like you suggested. IRL, when would police just walk into a store to check it isn't being robbed? But also at the same time IRL the shopkeeper would report the robbery. It's a difficult one. I can see positives and negatives on both sides. However, if I had the choice - I would make use of the zip tie and tie up the shopkeeper before leaving. That could be a way of doing it without an auto alarm.

Fail to zip tie - auto alarm.

If you do zip tie - no alarm.

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I do not believe the automatic alarm is a big issue. I chain rob stores on my criminal character almost every night and I only get caught maybe 10% of the time. If you know what you're doing and are strategic of how you do them you have a low likelihood of being caught. The times I have been caught, it's usually police actively going into the store to buy something and catching me slacking.


I have to disagree with removing the automatic alarm. If a store owner gets robbed for his entire profit for the night, why wouldn't he call the police for that?

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On 7/1/2023 at 10:19 AM, TheCZJ said:

Saw police going into some random store in Paleto and came back out and told his partner "was just checking it isn't being robbed". Makes sense now lol. They probably saw an alarm elsewhere and are camping the stores like you suggested. IRL, when would police just walk into a store to check it isn't being robbed? But also at the same time IRL the shopkeeper would report the robbery. It's a difficult one. I can see positives and negatives on both sides. However, if I had the choice - I would make use of the zip tie and tie up the shopkeeper before leaving. That could be a way of doing it without an auto alarm.

Fail to zip tie - auto alarm.

If you do zip tie - no alarm.

I actually really like this idea. it would take the owner some time to get free from being tied up. i was toying with the idea of like the owner being "in shock" and taking some time to gather themselves before calling the cops but being tied up rply makes alot more sense. if not to completely eliminate the alarm then at least delay it.

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I don't see how removing the automatic alarm is beneficial to RP. There are so many stores that players are able to rob with the inclusion to the clothing and gun stores. By the time LEO's get the notification of the alarm people are no where to be found. Robbing stores is already incredibly easy for players now. Could more be added to allow for more benefits, like robbing the safes, interacting with the shop keeper more, sure. However the solution isnt the removal of an alarm. 

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I have noticed an increase in store robberies in the past few weeks. The reason for this idea was because store robberies was non existant for a few months and when people attempted it cops started camping every store ingame after 1-2 stores being robbed. which make no tactics or anything work like mentioned above. Recent week or two iv noticed cops not caring too much about a store alarm which is good for the crims. ( By responding slow, not making it a main priority and camping stores like before)

The reason for the originale post was to boost the store robberies again and make them usable again with the little profit you make.   Iv also noticed a few crews rolling around robbing stores with shotguns, and I dont think blasting cops with multiple heavies is good RP = Risk vs Reward

As of now the past few few weeks it seems to have worked because of SD and PD being lazy with the stores, but until they start camping it like they did before then  

Store robberies is little reward, specially when you are rolling with 3-4+ people.  bringing heavies makes it Risk vs Reward in my opinion and does not promote good RP as it usually ends up being a shootout the moment cops respond anyways.  So I would rather have fewer alarms or a script way of disabling the alarm just like the CCTV. 


There are many ways to make store robberies into good RP and a good thing to use on the server, but we all know how slow development is here so the only option we have is to hope admins agree with something and perhaps are able to push the devs to do it quick enough. and or hire someone to help dev


-Solo store robberies for profit to solo's

-Store robberies for groups like now with more profits

-Safes in the back of the store working just like the house robberies, just a little quicker than the house robberies are.

-Scriptly way to disable alarm like CCTV

Just adding this would make store robberies ten times more fun and profitable. Specially for those who bring heavies into stores risking 25-30+k for maybe 7k each after a few stores. 


Edited by John Nut
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