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VIP and DOC issues

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LSPD and SASD have been making oopsies lately and have been charging people AFTER they have been sentenced, most of the time its after 300 minutes so it then goes over the 5 hour time, but the issue is - why do I pay for VIP if the charges that get placed after sentencing don't get reduced by VIP??


Example: Was arrested today, they forgot a charge, so they added it post /prison and it did not take off the prison time. I was told to report to lower the time, then told theres nothing we can do. This is somethin that needs to be addressed with how many of us pay for VIP!!


Also, 5 hours in DOC is hell, please lower the max sentence time to 3 hours and 5 hours if you cant take the jail fines. It is insane the amount of OOC punishment DOC is. Ive taken my 3 and a half hours and played call of duty on my playstation because im not trying to grind for 2 pieces of dirty laundry just to be DMd by a random inmate who says you looked at me funny. keep times the same, keep fines the same, whatever. Just lower the time were forced to sit in "IC" prison.

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To put it simply, prison is the worst thing on the server right now. No offense to the wonderful people of the DOC faction as a lot of them try their hardest to make it enjoyable for inmates with the very limited things you can do, there's just not enough roleplay opportunities within it. You can run around mindlessly for hours attempting to scrounge up any piece of litter and laundry to make a little bit of money but then you have some random running up to you going "run me your stamps" and if you don't they start attacking you. I think lowering the max time from 5 hours to 3 or even 2 hours would be greatly beneficial to the server as a whole. There are plenty of benefits that would come out of this.

  • People would actually serve their times ICly instead of ((TABBED OUT)) playing another game or watching Netflix/Youtube
  • People wouldn't care as much about going to DOC which would make their moods better which would improve RP for everyone around them
  • It would create more roleplay not only within the prison with people actually running around interacting with people, it would also create more roleplay outside of DOC with less people just sitting inside DOC ((TABBED OUT))

For the statements about VIP, +1. If I'm spending $10-$50 to get VIP I expect the perks to always work. What's stopping PD or SD from just abusing this mechanism and waiting until after you're /prison'd just to make you spend more time in DOC because they dislike you. It should either be if you forget to add the charge it shouldn't be added after you've been /prison'd or your VIP should reduce the time as it'd added.

In my opinion, I wish the Devs would hard-focus on a DOC update. DOC is by far one of the worst OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT FACTIONS when it comes to script support. It would be cool and I think everyone crim & legal would love to see a DOC overhaul to make it bearable. People like @Chunder @JWIT1_ @KimeyBear101 do their best to try and make DOC fun for the inmates with the limited script support, but I just don't see it maintainable without a major update to DOC. Please just focus on a DOC overhaul to make it more fun and have people actually interact with each other.

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I'm just going to go out on a limb here and say that VIP reduction not being applied to charges applied after imprisonment is a massive oversight, I do not believe that this was intentional at all. It's probably worth submitting a bug report if one hasn't been made already. I can't see any fathomable reason why it wouldn't be a simple oversight given that it is a paid perk, and with payment comes expectation and the delivery of promises made.

I don't think exceeding the cap of prison times is an oversight, given that it was implemented to ensure 'consequences' for committing further crimes while incarcerated. Or, rather, so that if you beat someone to death in prison, your murder charge will be added on to your ongoing time, as opposed to being released with an active felony hanging over your head which will only result in being picked up and sent right back.

That said, personally, I was not aware that it functioned in this way and only found out last night. I believe that there are more good intentions (e.g. placing a charge so that a suspect may be processed while other charges are sorted as to not prevent them from starting their timer) than there are malicious intentions, but I can see that even the best of intentions may have a negative impact, likely unbeknownst to the charging individual.

I'll see if I can get the ball rolling in LSPD leadership and liaise with LSSD leadership to determine if there is any OOC policy that we can introduce to possibly prevent this by ensuring charges are applied prior to imprisonment so that VIP reduction and the prison time cap are taken into consideration by the script. That said, that may result in two or three more minutes of idling in a cruiser, so it'd probably be a sign of good faith to cut down the harassment of law enforcement roleplayers if they take a minute longer than you'd prefer.

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I think the issue is that this situation is much more nuanced than you make it out to be. There will be a lot of times when we do not prison people to ensure all charges are placed, and then people say that we're holding them there to punish them. There will be other times when we prison them quickly, and then add charges later, and that is also a punishment.

You can do a job quick, or you can do it right, you can't do both.

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10 hours ago, DoubleA said:

Also, 5 hours in DOC is hell, please lower the max sentence time to 3 hours and 5 hours if you cant take the jail fines. It is insane the amount of OOC punishment DOC is. Ive taken my 3 and a half hours and played call of duty on my playstation because im not trying to grind for 2 pieces of dirty laundry just to be DMd by a random inmate who says you looked at me funny. keep times the same, keep fines the same, whatever. Just lower the time were forced to sit in "IC" prison.

The problem you raised is a legitimate one but what is this part of your answer? 

You did the things in character to put you in prison for that time in the first place, regardless of any VIP discount. But then instead of actually putting effort into getting something out of prison, you decide to play another game while your sentence dwindles down.

What is the point of being logged in to a roleplay server if you aren’t going to roleplay? You might be right about everything you said about DOC in your post but a mentality like the one in your post to being there is part of the problem.

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I see this as an unintended consequence of the "hurry the fuck up" mentality people have, and officers' rush to get people in jail because they get screamed at if they try to do their due diligence. These mistakes will get made when people are rushing to get things done as quickly as possible, so charges getting added later is all but inevitable. I highly doubt this has been abused intentionally just to make people sit in prison for longer, but if you have direct evidence of that please submit it to PD leadership so it can be looked at.

Having said that, the VIP perk not reducing time from charges placed in this way is obviously an oversight and should get fixed. Having additional charges go over the limit I think is acceptable, because it dissuades people from just killing as many people as possible in prison because "I can't get any more than 5 hours, might as well go on a spree."

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3 hours ago, Bala said:

The problem you raised is a legitimate one but what is this part of your answer? 

You did the things in character to put you in prison for that time in the first place, regardless of any VIP discount. But then instead of actually putting effort into getting something out of prison, you decide to play another game while your sentence dwindles down.

What is the point of being logged in to a roleplay server if you aren’t going to roleplay? You might be right about everything you said about DOC in your post but a mentality like the one in your post to being there is part of the problem.

I think you should redesign the prison and make it more fun.

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Just now, inorigj said:

its already been redesigned like 2 or 3 times now....

Damn, it's too small IMO. When there's 6+ in there it's chaos. I feel sorry for the people that work there. It's actually a noob fest most the time with people trolling, stealing laundry when you're standing in front of it, blaming other people etc etc. 

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1 hour ago, vGJake said:

Damn, it's too small IMO. When there's 6+ in there it's chaos. I feel sorry for the people that work there. It's actually a noob fest most the time with people trolling, stealing laundry when you're standing in front of it, blaming other people etc etc. 

Sounds like DOC Alright, been the same way since 2018. just different areas they do it in. and different interactions

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The prison is where people who get caught doing bad shit go. I know that's a no shit type of answer but to an extent, prison is always going to be a little bit maniac because it's a reflection of the server except you are confined doing it.

There is no incentive for good behaviour that is appealing to people in DOC and people typically will only do something if it's in the interest to do so. Good RP is hard to find in prison because you got the psychos punching people up and then you've got people doing what the OP did, afk doing something other than what they're there for.

If you want people to act right, give them the carrot. 

Parole/Bail, I know SD has something going with that, but honestly, hard-code some sort of system for that so it's not dependent on players.

  • If you go to prison and you ain't committed a serious felony, you can parole yourself out of prison after serving say 50% of your sentence by putting up the money.
    That way, you still serve a decent amount of your sentence, not invalidating the cop RP that got you there.
  • DOC guards can cancel your ability to parole before you leave if you act a fool while inside.
  • When you parole yourself out, the parole cash amount gets transferred from your bank and held for the duration of that Parole AND the remaining time of your current sentence gets held too.
  • The parole window lasts a real-life week and if you get arrested within that week, you will not only serve the sentence for what you are going in for again but you'll lose the parole money to the government and the additional time gets added onto your new sentence from what you paroled out of.
  • Add that a person is on parole to the MDC and add things they can't do when they are out on parole. 
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Id like to just say thank you to @Victor Einhart  - @Pazz - @alexalex303 - and @Bala for your responses - as well as @Osborn for letting us know about the possible change. 


I definitely never thought it was an intentional thing and was an oversight, I was simply posting this to raise awareness to the community. I do not believe anyone would intentionally do that just to put people in DOC as I know we are all here on the server for enjoyment. I am a firm believer in the fact that when people are not in DOC, people are giving RP to the server. I agree with the parole fact Bala stated, I just know its hard to do. That is why I added the possible reduction to DOC time limit. It gives the server more population to conduct operations and give the server more roleplay. The counter argument of less people in DOC, I think more people would be there because they would serve 3 hours at once, not sit afk for 5 plus. 


If someone does stuff in DOC, they deserve those charges, thats perfectly fine! they should still be reduced by VIP regardless - me going to DOC for 10 hours at one point, I killed a cop, and injured 3 more and got murder and attempted murder x3 (little much in a single situation but hey it is what it is)


Thank you guys for proving your input back ❤️

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