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Lower the Prices for Criminal Equipment

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with the recent changes and the new development updates, almost everyone accepts that one of the main ways to make money for crime has been given a massive nerf, although everything else available for the criminal lifestyle is not changed to continue playing as a criminal. Now if you need to cook for any reason, like taking care of your drug territory or making money in general, you need to gear up and go to public labs, and decent gear costs close to 50k these days. so initially you run the risk of losing all your gear and the ingredients you need to cook. If you lose that stuff, that's about 60k lost. And let us say a shooting happens and almost always cops show up too and say: you'll be arrested for a few hours + the fines you'll have to pay for a heavy weapons and other equipment, so the fines and everything else you have lost now will be more than 80k in the worst case and will not be compensated since the main way to make money has been nerfed for most people. the only way to solve this problem, in my opinion, is to lower the prices of weapons, armour, ammunition and everything else on the black market. Also, keep in mind that the current situation makes it very difficult for new players to make money from criminal activities, so after a while everyone will realise that it's pointless to Grind into crime and you will not get anywhere with it. Not to mention that some people have already made enough money from drug labs in the past. In the long run, this will cause people to lose motivation to play crime because they will not be able to make as much money as they used to. Also, it is already hard enough for new people to get into crime, which will lead to a lack of criminal players. The new update has made the interaction in the public labs very good, but if we want to keep it going this is necessary as you always need to be armed when going to labs .

thoughts ?

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5 minutes ago, alexalex303 said:

I think that we should wait for the gun update and see what that does to the economy prior to making changes. I should also note that in the past week since the Island update came out, there's been non-stop heavies and kevlar on almost everyone there, so I'm not sure that equipment is overpriced.

People have just saved weaponry till now, saved for years. So cannot really say equipment isnt overpriced when 100AP is 40k or an ak is 40k which you can lost in minutes. 

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4 minutes ago, alexalex303 said:

I should also note that in the past week since the Island update came out, there's been non-stop heavies and kevlar on almost everyone there, so I'm not sure that equipment is overpriced

That's most likely people who have been on the server for a long time and saved up a stash. Based on what we have seen so far, seeing the island as a meetup spot for PD's rollcalls people will stop bringing heavies or they will be losing more and more to the point where they cant afford any more weapons. Would be better to balance the prices imo, because majority of people with smaller bank accounts wont take the risk of losing such an expensive weapon and on top of that, receive extra charges.

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13 minutes ago, alexalex303 said:

I think that we should wait for the gun update and see what that does to the economy prior to making changes. I should also note that in the past week since the Island update came out, there's been non-stop heavies and kevlar on almost everyone there, so I'm not sure that equipment is overpriced.

thats true everyone you talking about is the people who have turned their money into guns only so incase some thing like this happens. but even them not gonna have enough money to afford it with this economy.

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25 minutes ago, pooria said:

with the recent changes and the new development updates, almost everyone accepts that one of the main ways to make money for crime has been given a massive nerf, although everything else available for the criminal lifestyle is not changed to continue playing as a criminal. Now if you need to cook for any reason, like taking care of your drug territory or making money in general, you need to gear up and go to public labs, and decent gear costs close to 50k these days. so initially you run the risk of losing all your gear and the ingredients you need to cook. If you lose that stuff, that's about 60k lost. And let us say a shooting happens and almost always cops show up too and say: you'll be arrested for a few hours + the fines you'll have to pay for a heavy weapons and other equipment, so the fines and everything else you have lost now will be more than 80k in the worst case and will not be compensated since the main way to make money has been nerfed for most people. the only way to solve this problem, in my opinion, is to lower the prices of weapons, armour, ammunition and everything else on the black market. Also, keep in mind that the current situation makes it very difficult for new players to make money from criminal activities, so after a while everyone will realise that it's pointless to Grind into crime and you will not get anywhere with it. Not to mention that some people have already made enough money from drug labs in the past. In the long run, this will cause people to lose motivation to play crime because they will not be able to make as much money as they used to. Also, it is already hard enough for new people to get into crime, which will lead to a lack of criminal players. The new update has made the interaction in the public labs very good, but if we want to keep it going this is necessary as you always need to be armed when going to labs .

thoughts ?

I totally agree with this. Since this is rp server and we want it to be as real as possible, i feel like the criminal way of making money is the worst and not the best. I have never seen in my life any criminal that does his crime for fun. Most of them do it for quick money and become criminals because they value money over the law. I do not feel at all that meanwhile in rp, i am risking my life, risk getting arrested and risk all the set i have bought to hold a lab and at the end of the day, a road-worker gets as much money as me. In my Opinion, this is not rp at all. Whats the point of being a criminal if freelance jobs get more money? Of course if you hold the lab for 3 hours and no one comes you get a lot of money but thats not going to happen because everyone will come for the labs. So i do not see it realistic at all that i am risking everything and at the end of the day, a roadworker or a hunter is making same money as me which is completely absurd. Have you ever seen a road worker roll up with same rolls royce as a criminal? The whole point of criminal is to risk your life for the fast money. Most of the people have gotten rich from the past and have their armory ready but thats not the point of it. New lab was a great idea that heated the streets and involved action but for what reason if i stay there risk my life getting into a huge fight and not getting enough money?

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I ain't ever seen a criminal with a Rolls Royce if i'm honest.
There's a reason why the first thing a rapper does when they get big is move neighbourhoods.

That said, I don't think making things blindly cheaper makes sense but if it's in the interest of balance, why not.

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+1 because i agree with @pooria is saying since crime got nerfed lot of people lost motive to play as a criminal the interaction in the labs is way to good but sadly with the way that crime is going its almost impossible to make money with a criminal job so there is 2 options either buff all the jobs and criminal activity's to give more money or lower the price like @pooria said either way works.!

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6 minutes ago, Bala said:

I ain't ever seen a criminal with a Rolls Royce if i'm honest.
There's a reason why the first thing a rapper does when they get big is move neighbourhoods.

That said, I don't think making things blindly cheaper makes sense but if it's in the interest of balance, why not.

Because i dont think any criminal open his rolls royce window and shout that he is a criminal,m. But the point is , profit = total gross - expenses. By expenses its mostly weapons and armor equipment so if expenses are lower than the profit would be higher, which would balance and make things more realistic. Its either boost the total gross which would be making more money from the labs and all criminal activities or lower the price of equipment

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7 hours ago, alexalex303 said:

I think that we should wait for the gun update and see what that does to the economy prior to making changes. I should also note that in the past week since the Island update came out, there's been non-stop heavies and kevlar on almost everyone there, so I'm not sure that equipment is overpriced.

After 1 year of saving cash and refill his stash house , finally there is a place where you can show it and go into a fight - as you know PD would not hear a sound or see anything .

Don't say equipment is cheap these days , 

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Developers are making correct decisions in order to improve the quality of life for criminals so far. Many people say "lets wait for the gun update" but nobody knows when its actually coming, changing prices should not be hard, I understand not wanting to make any changes when they would be probably changed again during the gun update, so its a hassle and extra work, but it would improve the current situation.
Crim is now more active than ever, and many people want to engage in criminal activities, the only issue stopping them is the weapon prices, I am not saying that they should be back to the prices back in 2019 when you could get a stock shotgun for 8K dollars, that was absurd, but we can't say that an AK-47 for 54K and a vest for 50K is okay, which you can lose in 3 minutes and to make that back will require you a lot of hours grinding. I understand the argument that "not every criminal should be fully decked out, or use such equipment for his everyday life, this will just cause fights with PD and etc etc". But there is currently a big gap in the balance, theres people who have 50 AKs stacked up with loads of kevlar and the new people who start the criminal lifestyle can barely afford a .50 that some people charge 15k for with .50 bullets. I could also mention that the same situation applies to attachments that were disabled from imports, many people didn't /refund their attachments and still have a big stash of them, which gives them an unfair advantage because attachments do a lot on certain weapons, especially silencers and mags, so that was a mistake made by the devs, and caused an in balance between players, since currently you can't import any, while others have hundreds. Back in the day the prices of weapons brought a lot of RP opportunities for gangs, smaller gangs would come to bigger gangs, or even solo criminals and they would try to buy heavy weaponry, because it was affordable to even smaller groups. This provided a nice way of income for criminals who were into gun smuggling, and also benefited the smaller groups, since they had the firepower to defend themselves, now if a smaller gang, somehow got into a fight with a bigger gang, they would just get steamrolled until they disband without even a slight chance of fighting back. I am sure that the current prices of weaponry push away many people from wanting to make a gang, because you need massive funding for that, back in the day there were loads of gangs, and criminal world felt most active, and everyone was having fun. There is another problem, where people try to make the most petty reports on forums in hopes to get a refund on their lost weapons, the current weapon prices cause many issues all around, and it doesn't create a positive environment.

Edited by Sandiego
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37 minutes ago, jason said:

All scripted ways to earn money have been increased with no increase to expenses. Give it a try for a couple weeks and see how it balances out.

Those ways are either, banks which u can do 1 every 2-3 days and get arrested anyways cus theres feds everywhere, or cook drugs in public labs where there's feds as well. We need private labs back bro.

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+1 if the main source of income has pretty much disintegrated, the prices of good that crims are wanting to buy should go down with that. There has really just been another problem added to an already difficult situation, throwing away huge investments of crims and ultimately resulting in huge losses, not only from the previously bought equipment, but through the process of adapting to the new changes.

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9 hours ago, jason said:

All scripted ways to earn money have been increased with no increase to expenses. Give it a try for a couple weeks and see how it balances out.

true we need some time to figure it out but so far cant say its balanced but not saying its not balanced either we need more time to test this stuff out

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since the servers crim side is pushing towords a high reward money making system with high risk of other criminals being able to intervene and steal whats making you money (which I like very much) . Then I think the prices of what you use to defend yourself while making money should decrease. 

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+/- 1

I see both sides to this thread, as of right now I don't really see any issues with weapon pricing. The amount of money that circulates through the crim world right now, is just assinine. If you lower the prices you're going to see massive shootouts between groups fully kitted up with 100 APs, AKs, Pumps, etc. This would turn the server into an absolute warzone and I don't think it'd be good. 

There's also the issue of if people are more geared, taking on fights with LEO is gonna seem like more of a viable option. This is obviously not something the Devs or staff team want. As crims we should be trying to avoid LEOs to the best of our ability and I think if you lower the prices people will roll around more geared and take fights with LEOs when they don't need to.

I think we just wait until the weapon update, give it a month or 2 with the update and see what happens.

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