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Everything posted by jason

  1. I'll give you $50k and a hotdog from burgershot for all three.
  3. Second part would only be abusable utilizing the same method which would be easier done with the number history. Again, it's so unlikely and the range would be so large and far apart that you'd have to be scripting the observance at that point, but the risk exists. I like both ideas.
  4. There is a potential problem with showing number history as no script can be truly random, though from what we've heard tracking said "random" pattern is next to impossible and would require more manpower and brainpower than the entirety of Team Strike. I like the idea, would have to see if Paulius thinks it could be abused in that way. (Obviously you can just manually track it, but that is far more difficult and tedious than this would make it.)
  5. Reducing the time it's active is nice, full support for that, but I can't agree with removing it entirely.
  6. /selectlocalfurniture followed with /removefurniture
  7. great idea, confirmation windows for something that has the potential to ruin hard work or cause great loss always get my support +1
  8. +1 need an md flag as tinder for my fireplace
  9. Post a screenshot of the ban screen please @Fernanda Estrada
  10. This is also not a vehicle I want.
  11. Discussion regarding the threshold has already begun and concluded a few days before this suggestion. It will be undergoing a trial period soon.
  12. Date and time (provide timezone): 31/JAN/2024 11:36 UTC+0 Character name: Issue/bug you are reporting: Money cleaning machines restart timer fully if you accidentally click start wash instead of open or check status even if it was at only a few seconds left before. Expected behavior: Do not restart the wash as if it's completely dirty money again and instead say "You cannot start an active washing machine." Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Put marked money in a money washing machine, wait for it to almost finish, click start wash on the WI while it's still running. Vehicle license plate number*:
  13. this is them teleporting back to their spawn position, if you know where it is you can find the animal (but yes please fix)
  14. Boost animal spawn rate and lower the sell price accordingly. Money could be the same, but it would be a lot less boring. Additionally, add more spawn area variation as the current spawn locations are known and easy to abuse by camping them. Hunting for 30 minutes and only finding 2 animals worth 2k feels way worse than hunting for 30 minutes and finding 10+ animals worth 2k. Also just remove rats, make bigger animals more common, and make them worth less. Hunting for rats and chickens feels laughably unrealistic compared to taking down an elk, rabbit, or a pig.
  15. Confirmed not a bug. Safe volumes were changed ages ago and the safe was emptied by a player, not a bug.
  16. caps lock is my suggestion but whatever it is has to be key that doesn't utilize something else on the server Q is questionable as that is used for taking cover and could lead to extreme frustration when trying to take cover in a gunfight +1
  17. big ol +1 half the reason i buy extra houses i don't want is for parking spots, the other half is so that my friends can access my vehicles should also have the ability to allow your friends access to your vehicles at parking
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