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Everything posted by jason

  1. A queue system is not fair in several cases. Someone being DMed or having a severe rulebreak actively against them is seen as higher priority than simple bugs, questions, or non time sensitive rulebreaks. We do our best to get to every report in a reasonable amount of time, but sometimes a lot of people are wrapped up in IC situations that they can't exactly just leave from, much like other players can't just log out from situations. Your concern is very much valid as I've logged in several times to see many unanswered reports. If you have an urgent report, feel free to ping me in discord between 0900 and 1700 UTC+2 and most days I'm usually available to come help out.
  2. Unless you're willing to pay a delusional price, don't bother. Also note that the land bridge and other small rock building(s) are going to be torn down as it's a land grab per a governor's wish.
  3. +1, the bars mentioned by skatz actually change depending on the terrain you're above making them completely unreliable for determining altitude
  4. The described behavior is not permitted per our rules and you can punish them IC in the way I described in my initial response if you wish to stay out of reports.
  5. I suffer the same as you, no steering wheel mods for GTA that don’t heavily modify a lot of other stuff. I had some success by emulating it as a controller and setting steering to joystick left and right and pedals to w/s, but it had just enough delay to make it near impossible to drive.
  6. You can start a fight with someone over shit-talk. This is the basis of escalation and interaction. Escalate accordingly. Someone talking shit? Talk shit back. Keeps going? Punch them in the mouth. They pull out a weapon? So do you. What you're describing is ruleplaying and is not allowed. "DM" isn't just shooting and killing, broaden your gameplay. Use escalation and interaction. Talking shit alone isn't worth pulling out a gun and shooting someone in the street in most contexts, but it's absolutely worth escalating within reason to something like a fist fight.
  7. The intended way of removing a property from being sold is changing TRUE to FALSE when using the /sellproperty command, however this should still be remedied as it's inconsistent with the methods of selling a business or a house.
  8. We differentiate between attacking, injuring, and killing when taking escalation into account. Injuring someone in a fist fight may make sense in a situation's context where full killing them wouldn't.
  9. Because you're banned. Locked & archived.
  10. giga +1, this incentivizes further rp. going a route "without a toll booth" isn't possible in an 18 wheeler with a trailer attached as the only routes back into the city are windy dirt roads through a mountain truckers are the backbone of businesses!!!
  11. What's the interior like? An empty, smaller property isn't going to be worth 2m, especially not in that location and the fact that the gov charge for it was only $1,250,000.
  12. I got the location of burgershot. $500k.
  13. it's fine as a crime of opportunity since it's a "portable" speaker so long as there's a chance to retaliate, which the animation provides biggest problem is just that it's instant with no obvious indication of who's done it
  14. world's most subtle speaker thief +1, very epic. no need for the crowbar and all that though, just lock them in the trunk search animation
  15. Sold @ 4.4 total value w/ 3.5 cash.
  16. These two 3Gs are the only 3Gs with direct harbor access and private docks. These properties have been held by myself for business operations for the past few months and as such have extremely good care taken to keep them clean and well-maintained. One has the standard 3G interior with no built-in storage while the other possesses the rare, large interior with included storage and two safes. Both properties are unlocked for self tours. Instant buyout prices are at the doors, open to negotiations. Call/text @ 5353201. 12 Rub St. Front View Accessible Docks GPS Location Interior Photos 13 Rub St. Front View Accessible Docks GPS Location Interior Photos
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