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Please allow no shadows or remove the new trees.

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Recently my fps has been at an all time low with these new trees and the ban of no shadows. Please either allow no shadows or remove trees, my fps is shit. I think majority of people would agree with this and so have the people I've talked to. Please just consider the opinions and wants of the community. 

Edited by Zanit
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Blame the people who go to shootouts with no shadows and full brightness mods, with black skybox 4:3 stretched aspect ratio. Many people have been focusing on pvp over rp and "optimising" for shootouts and it's ridiculous.
I am curious to see how much the trees actually affect performance as I'm yet to see aa proper benchmark of how bad they hit. 

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56 minutes ago, Ash said:

Blame the people who go to shootouts with no shadows and full brightness mods, with black skybox 4:3 stretched aspect ratio. Many people have been focusing on pvp over rp and "optimising" for shootouts and it's ridiculous.
I am curious to see how much the trees actually affect performance as I'm yet to see aa proper benchmark of how bad they hit. 

why do you hate PvP so much? It's a part of the game you know. 

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1 hour ago, Ash said:

I don't. I frankly don't care for it either way and am indifferent at best, But people have been using these modifications to min-max and gain an advantage using them. Which is why the rule was set in place.

We see eye to eye on a lot of things, I'm not one to remove shadows even before it was outlawed, BUT what is the issue if people want to do that? Removing shadows is a part of the game without having to jump through hoops no? Does someones game looking like absolute dogshit affect you negatively?


If someone is going to kill you, removing shadows is not going to make them aim better. The times where it provides an advantage in gunfights is miniscule. 


2 hours ago, Zanit said:

Usually I would get 90-120 I'd say, but now in city I get like 60-100. It definitely negatively affects fps, especially with the mass amount of props added.


On another note, if your computer cannot run the server as-is. I don't think its a server issue to allow things to help you run it. 60-100 FPS is completely fine for an RP server.

Edited by ClankH
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13 minutes ago, ClankH said:

We see eye to eye on a lot of things, I'm not one to remove shadows even before it was outlawed, BUT what is the issue if people want to do that? Removing shadows is a part of the game without having to jump through hoops no? Does someones game looking like absolute dogshit affect you negatively?


If someone is going to kill you, removing shadows is not going to make them aim better. The times where it provides an advantage in gunfights is miniscule. 



On another note, if your computer cannot run the server as-is. I don't think its a server issue to allow things to help you run it. 60-100 FPS is completely fine for an RP server.

it was running the server fine with regular vegetation and no shadows. I just don't understand how changing a value in your GTA documents is against rules. Also the trees serve no purpose, they look out of place and just make your game feel worse.

Edited by Zanit
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4 hours ago, Ash said:

Seems like you're doing fine if you have 60 then

When going from 100-120fps Especially if he has a 120 or 144hz monitor. 60fps makes the game feel like absolute shit and sluggish as hell. The smoothness between 100 frames and 60 and very visible especially if you have been playing on 100fps for months or years at a time 60fps feels almost unplayable.

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I like the trees, makes the map looks way nicer, also easyer to evade choppers...

I didnt notice any performance drop since they added the trees and i play on an 11 year old system...

I dont think they should alow you to install cheats just cuz you play gta on a galaxy tab 2.

Edited by Tom Solar
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30 minutes ago, lSpixsy said:

removing shadows aint the same as installing cheats

G, its pretty mush exactly the same,

imagine a person hiding in the shadows, normal players wont see them, someone with no shadows mod installed will see them...

This implies on many more situations hens the reason its not allowed.

Some people do this to see better in pvp situations, I've seen many clips of people using this mod who didn't compromise on any other settings - still playing in ultra but with no shadows... make your own mind up on that one.

I don't wanna keep going back and forth about this, I have no horse in this race other than: "I like the trees"

specific rule for reference:


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On 1/28/2023 at 6:14 AM, ClankH said:

We see eye to eye on a lot of things, I'm not one to remove shadows even before it was outlawed, BUT what is the issue if people want to do that? Removing shadows is a part of the game without having to jump through hoops no

No. It is not. You can not disable shadows through in-game settings. You literally have to go digging through config files.

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Plus let’s be real, nearly every person removing shadows isn’t just doing that, they nearly always have fullbright alongside it so they can see people at night time MUCH clearer than any normal game setting change.

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At this time there are no plans to remove the mapping that was added, but small tweaks and optimization fixes have been happening over time to improve performance.

As for the comment about reallowing "no shadows", please refer to this quote from another suggestion about reallowing it;

On 11/24/2022 at 7:59 PM, Osborn said:

Sorry, but we are not interested in allowing shadows to be removed, this was a decision taken by the admin staff team after meetings and it is the direction that we want to have the community towards. It grants too much of an advantage in especially shootouts (and dark areas), the settings provided by GTA 5 are sufficient for computers in this day and age to be able to play the game. We do not want users to feel forced to alter their graphics outside of the game to have the same advantage as others. It is a roleplay server, and not a PVP-focused server, which the removal of game shadows (among other graphical adjustments) meta stems from. 

We are sorry if there is someone out there that absolutely cannot play this game without removing shadows, and using the settings provided by GTA 5 themselves. However, benchmarks of GTA 5 have proven that GPUs as old as 660 (and older, including hardware from that era) can run this game decently well with the settings provided. Rage MP may have some optimization issues but we have staff that runs on old hardware and they have no issues playing the game. 

No one is immediately banned for removing shadows, and if they are, in most cases, they are unbanned after proving that they have uninstalled them. In normal circumstances, Unfair Game File Modifications follow a punishment progression like other punishments. There are however cases where this may differentiate, as there could be other factors involved. 


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