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How many people are going to leave before something changes?

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As the previous two said, this is the natural cycle of communities. There's always gonna be old timers who stick around, but most won't regardless of quality or changes. Can you please provide constructive feedback past "change something" so we can further identify what you're trying to focus on? I'll relay feedback up the chain.

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30 minutes ago, jason said:

As the previous two said, this is the natural cycle of communities. There's always gonna be old timers who stick around, but most won't regardless of quality or changes. Can you please provide constructive feedback past "change something" so we can further identify what you're trying to focus on? I'll relay feedback up the chain.

The points of lack of communication and inconsistent development have been brought up numerous times to no avail.

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I think the word fight is a good way to describe it, it is a fight. It's a fight to get people to understand other perspectives. It's a fight to get people to stay invested and not cling onto a negative attitude. It's a fight even to get things done by yourself.

That said, despite what some youtube videos and other servers might tell you, Eclipse is not dead and where the server is at is not irreversible. I don't think there's anyone in the staff team that wants it to fail, I just imagine it can be a difficult to find the right combination of things to get it to succeed. You need the staff, the devs, the factions and the players to be all facing the same way and buying into the same vision. We had that when I joined and then we started going in different directions.

I can't answer what the future holds but I think as long as there are people that are willing to try to change things, we've always got a shot. It's safe to pretend there are no issues and it's easy to be critical without offering solutions. You've tagged me but there's lots of people, both in and out of the staff team that are still committed to making things work.

I don't think any one has the intention to let the server rot, we just have to all give that little bit extra.

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I think the content and opportunity of the server is very dry at the moment. Not much for people to do unless they plan on sinking 40 hours a week into being a cop which seems to be the only consistent and fun way to make money without dealing with being screwed over as a crim or grinding farm fields as a civ. I suggested change to the business system to create an as real as possible approach to the economy. Expanding types of business and adding manufacturing. Also where tf is the huge drug update! People should be able to create whatever business they want and the server should give them the tools to do so . Make everything able to be manufactured and sold. Allow these businesses to hire employees. Have a more robust government branch regulate these businesses. Allow for competition this will get people on and active. How its been for the past few years of the same stores and ways of money making is boring people offline.  Allow people to make money they way they want rather than being a cop or miner. I invite you to look at 


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I’ll just jump in here and say we do hear you and we do listen. I appreciate not knowing is the worst thing, but I can assure you lots of change is on the horizon.

A key example is that we currently have a chat dedicated to criminal roleplay changes. This chat consists of criminal faction leaders and historically notable criminal role players with a direct point of contact with the dev team. Here discussions have been ongoing to make the criminal role more rewarding, fun and interactive.

Last night we had a long management meeting discussing most points made in that chat and have agreed to implement, develop and change a long list of points to achieve the above goal.

I also must note that we recently had the highest intake of server applications since after the COVID lockdowns resulting in higher concurrent player counts - but don’t worry as we are not being complacent with that, we aim to capitalise on it by giving all players new and old a reason to stay.

We hear you.

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5 hours ago, MrSilky said:

I’ll just jump in here and say we do hear you and we do listen. I appreciate not knowing is the worst thing, but I can assure you lots of change is on the horizon.

A key example is that we currently have a chat dedicated to criminal roleplay changes. This chat consists of criminal faction leaders and historically notable criminal role players with a direct point of contact with the dev team. Here discussions have been ongoing to make the criminal role more rewarding, fun and interactive.

Last night we had a long management meeting discussing most points made in that chat and have agreed to implement, develop and change a long list of points to achieve the above goal.

I also must note that we recently had the highest intake of server applications since after the COVID lockdowns resulting in higher concurrent player counts - but don’t worry as we are not being complacent with that, we aim to capitalise on it by giving all players new and old a reason to stay.

We hear you.

There's some points here that I'd like to touch on but I think that's better suited for another thread. But as a player who quit and has tried to come back a couple times now, it's always frustrating to hear "It's coming, it's coming." e.g; The drug update. I'd much rather consistent, small bites of updates than these huge updates that are consistently delayed.

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On 8/21/2022 at 10:55 AM, MrSilky said:

I’ll just jump in here and say we do hear you and we do listen. I appreciate not knowing is the worst thing, but I can assure you lots of change is on the horizon.

A key example is that we currently have a chat dedicated to criminal roleplay changes. This chat consists of criminal faction leaders and historically notable criminal role players with a direct point of contact with the dev team. Here discussions have been ongoing to make the criminal role more rewarding, fun and interactive.

Last night we had a long management meeting discussing most points made in that chat and have agreed to implement, develop and change a long list of points to achieve the above goal.

I also must note that we recently had the highest intake of server applications since after the COVID lockdowns resulting in higher concurrent player counts - but don’t worry as we are not being complacent with that, we aim to capitalise on it by giving all players new and old a reason to stay.

We hear you.

Based reply!

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