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Cops 2 OP

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4 minutes ago, La Ventana said:

Sounds kinda like a skill issue if you ask me. You dont really have to pay for a radio since you use teamspeak so.

We only use TeamSpeak for tactical situations, just as a criminal uses their radio for doing call outs when chasing someone.
As we have more members, it would be an absolute mess with multiple situations going on and 10+ people talking at the same time about different situations.

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4 minutes ago, arcangel said:

This is turning into a personal @vs@ which is not a healthy discussion. Your opinion of course matters, and it's very evident how you and a lot of players whom play predominantly criminal feel. Those who know me, know i am an advocate for criminal RP, as i feel that LEO's need criminals, criminals don't need LEO's.

As MrSilky suggested, you are free to submit OOC IA reports, he did not mention IC IA reports (As the of course do not make sense for a criminal to submit). We are always, as a faction and as staff looking to ensure all players within our faction are fair and adhering to player rules and the community standards. It's something we always state to new academy students.

If you have CONSTRUCTIVE suggestions, such as, someone mentioned arranging for us to have to pay for fuel/damages to vehicles, please submit them. 

If this continues down the path of accusatory grand standing, it will be locked, which i personally wouldn't like to see, as I feel it's important for everyone to voice their opinions.

I firmly believe in letting people sit here and go for throats as at the end of the day I rather someone GO FOR MY THROAT and we sit here and wanna fight irl then someone just tip toe around not wanting to bring up their emotions and get to the point.

Locking a topic cause it gets aggressive seems childish as I believe we need these types of heated threads to move forward as a community. I complain about you, you complain about me and at the end of the day lets shake hands and move on once we have voiced our grievances 

Edited by XeV
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3 minutes ago, arcangel said:

We only use TeamSpeak for tactical situations, just as a criminal uses their radio for doing call outs when chasing someone.
As we have more members, it would be an absolute mess with multiple situations going on and 10+ people talking at the same time about different situations.

Wish we could use a 3rd party program for tactical situations such as bank robberies, setups, or evading police, wish we also could have more members or get our ally gangs involved if we needed help against pd like they can call SD for assistance to fight on equal terms instead of being locked at 40 to PD and SD combined 200, glad PD and SD do not have to worry about "coughdrops" at terrible times 👍


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I'll be honest, these threads are useless, and as much as I agree with some of the things the crims have said also with some of the things LEO said, I don't think there will ever be a fine balance to please both sides at this point.

One of the biggest problems is the prison times, like I've said on previous posts. I also do see heavily where an LEO who doesn't like you OOCLY for whatever reason will go out of their reason to make your life hell on the server

Been a crim on ecrp for nearly 3 years now, fix the jail times ty x

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Realistically police or districts mostly have to supply there own equipment or get an allowance for equipment. The balance is off but you need both aspects to make the server good. I have to agree there should be a budget added to the force. Being able to do RP to scriptly refill body armor and get new vehicles is a bit strong. Being able to do RP and take a weapon out with no repercussions of losing it is a bit strong. Calling high end bikes, sports cars, and a helicopter for a traffic stop evasion is not realistic, being able to track someone’s phone with out a active investigation or warrant is not realistic. In criminal RP you risk everything at all times, it’s harder to make money (we don’t make 16k an hour) and we have to jump through hoops to get heavy weapons and armor, even getting that there is risk, then we get to the cost as a criminal character to take out let’s say an AK and body armor your looking at a potential over 100k risk just driving down the street you can lose that to a police officer that wants to pull you out of the car for a speeding ticket because you have gang affiliated colors on, there is no risk for a police officer to rush a 2v5 and it makes hero cop mentality’s. Police should have to pay for equipment, it would fix a lot of the issues the server has. After the update making money for criminals is harder unless in a big group. Cooking drugs is a minimum over 1 million investment, you can’t cook in apartments anymore and businesses and properties are extremely expensive, tables have a chance to explode you get raided and you lose everything but the property. Chopping cars is now an investment and you need multiple people, chop locations are easy to find. Freelance work is not good money. You need to work hours to make any substantial amount. We need an update soon! More ways to make money, or a serious revamp in the cost of items, and property’s. Something needs to change! 

Edited by Dax K
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43 minutes ago, XeV said:

Locking a topic cause it gets aggressive seems childish as I believe we need these types of heated threads to move forward as a community.

YOU may well feel this way, this is not how our community is ran. We are respectful. Any continued aggressive comments and this thread will be locked.
You can feel it's childish if you'd like, that is your opinion, you're entitled to it.

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3 minutes ago, arcangel said:

YOU may well feel this way, this is not how our community is ran. We are respectful. Any continued aggressive comments and this thread will be locked.
You can feel it's childish if you'd like, that is your opinion, you're entitled to it.

INb4 troll aggressive comments are made to shut the topic down as a whole instead of having relevant conversations

give power to the people who do not care, +1

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Realistically police or districts mostly have to supply there own equipment or get an allowance for equipment.

True! All legal factions (government) do have a budget, though, this is mostly for salaries. I don't think any LEO would be opposed to a new vehicle system in which more is drained from the budget for repairs/fuel etcetera. Just requires development which is currently focused on criminal content. 


Calling high end bikes, sports cars, and a helicopter for a traffic stop evasion is not realistic

While this is true and something that I wish wasn't needed, PD/SD is reactionary and has simply adapted to the IC environment. Helicopters however are commonly called for pursuits in real life in bigger cities. 


being able to track someone’s phone with out a active investigation or warrant is not realistic

This is actually a requirement for someone's phone to be traced, there are faction regulations in place. Getting to the point in PD/SD where you can use the trace system takes months of effort, so I highly doubt this power would be used lightly as they'd potentially risk it all! 


In criminal RP you risk everything at all times, it’s harder to make money (we don’t make 16k an hour)

I'm not sure if this was meant to insinuate that legal faction members can make upwards of 16k/hour, the maximum is 8k/hour and only the highest ranks will be paid this. In SD, for example, only Executive Staff are paid 8k/hour, that's about 8 people. The average SD member will make 5,5-6k/hour which they also use to purchase food/water and any additional items that they may need from stores. 


then we get to the cost as a criminal character to take out let’s say an AK and body armor your looking at a potential over 100k risk just driving down the street you can lose that to a police officer that wants to pull you out of the car for a speeding ticket because you have gang affiliated colors on

Getting pulled out of a car as you have described for gang affiliation is actually a reactionary thing that goes through an IC process before it's approved. If I'm going to be honest with you, this wouldn't be an issue if gangs did not go and commit mass murder etcetera in their gang colors and whatnot. It's really easy to not have this happen to you. 

Aside from the gang affiliation and the IC process that I won't go too much into details on, there are also IC policies in place to make it fair for criminals when it comes to asking them to step out of a car. I will not share the IC policy, but it begins like this


Freelance work is not good money.

If you are referring to scripted jobs, they can actually make double what the average officer will get an hour. 



Lethal force can be used on anyone pointing a weapon, pulling out a weapon, carrying a weapon (depending on circumstance), running over or even driving towards individuals, and hell. SD and PD both use the "shoot out tires" method, even on traffic only offenses 🙂.

EDIT: Lethal Force can indeed be used on an individual whose actions are life-threatening or pose a risk of great bodily harm/physical injury. Aiming a firearm, using your vehicle as a weapon to run someone over, or accelerating towards someone all seem like valid situations both from a realism perspective and rule perspective. 

As for someone simply carrying a weapon or shooting tires for only traffic-related offenses, that sounds like situations that should be investigated by server staff for potential DM. 


As for the general concerns of PD/SD/DOC/MDs' access to TEAMSPEAK. I do welcome you guys to make alternative characters and apply for ride-along particularly PD/SD so that you can see firsthand how much In Character communication happens both in-game and on the radio. Teamspeak is heavily moderated and it's mostly used for OOC chat among faction members. similar to how you and a friend can sit on discord and talk while you play.

The IC TAC channels are also heavily moderated and only used for specific tactical situations such as pursuits, but they are promptly cleared when there's no need for them anymore. It's our goal to not need IC TAC channels on TeamSpeak once our development requests for radio changes to accommodate our realistic needs are able to be developed. 

I think it's rather unfair to comment that cops don't need to purchase radios or experience /VR issues etc. when it's simply false. 


I think that Cyrus Raven's comment on this topic was pretty straightforward and on-point.


EDIT: I would also like to point to the fact that IA of both SD and PD accepts OOC complaints, and no complaints are ignored, some may just take longer to resolve. SD also accepts roleplay feedback (both positive and negative) on our forums, which unfortunately, no one has used.

EDIT2: I would also like to talk about member limits etcetera. MD/PD/SD/DOC all tries to be available 24/7 to cover all time zones and be able to respond to several situations at once. It's quite rare for a Joint-Situation between PD/SD to consist of more than let's say, 15/20 people unless it's a pre-planned operation.

While the numbers on paper seem high, taking into account timezones, availability expectancy, and response times, it's not uncommon for a good ambush to take out SD and/or PD. Example: https://streamable.com/mdrdd6 - Irish wiped out the deputies in the pursuit, all but 2 SD on duty at the time survived as they were still responding from Paleto. PD did not arrive until after Irish had left, except for their 2 injured. This is not the first time and probably not the last. 


I'll leave this thread with an end note to let you guys know that NBDY does plan on shifting focus to DOC development to make time in prison more enjoyable, once he's done with house robberies. I do have to be the devil's advocate here however, there's only so much scripting that can be done, players who get put into prison will still be confined to a specific RP space and outside the scripted mechanics that will be added, they will have to make an effort to continue RP among themselves - just as they would outside of the prison. 

- Osborn. 

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5 minutes ago, ize said:

I can't lie this is like the 50th ''The problem with crims'' ''pd are too OP'' thread in the near 3 years I've been on here, and it's like talking to your own bollocks. No point, give it up lads. It is what it is.

It is literally just stated above you that the focus after criminal updates will be revamping the DOC. I don't see how your comment carries any weight thereafter other than to ignite this debate.

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2 minutes ago, SkyeFuryy said:

I don't see how your comment carries any weight thereafter other than to ignite this debate.

I literally just said that I think it's pointless as a criminal, and to give it up with these threads. Complete opposite of trying to ''ignite this debate''. This debate has been had dozens of times in the last 3 years and the result is the same, these threads are redundant. 

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This is my perspective from a Crim and PD side as I play both on two different characters.

23 hours ago, AnakinB said:

1. 100 hp 100 ap + carbine that 3-4 shots. Your probably wondering how this is an issue, I’ll explain it to you. When criminals and PD inevitably get into a shoot out one criminal has to do enough damage to 1 out of the 13 people responding to injure 2 people without getting hit by their op carbine rifle 4 times. And quite frankly no one is surviving 15 50AE rounds armor or not. Off to the next thing

My view on this is that PD aren't really supposed to be beaten. Now for the the longest time I thought that needed to change but the way I see it is that if the LEO's were the same as any other person no-one would fear PD they would just kill them on sight and be done with it. This would be bad as I don't think criminals should run a city and if LEO's were the same as any other person that's what would happen. 


23 hours ago, AnakinB said:

3. They don’t pay for any of the stuff they take out and if they do need something new such as gas, a new gun, armor, a repair, they’ll just go spawn a new one instead of paying for the new 100 ap armor taking out or carbine rifle, they just go get to go spawn a new one for free!

I know the criminal life is expensive and hard to earn money and having Ak's and body armour is only if you are going to war as its so expensive and crippling if you lose it. I know its not hard to make money in PD it is so fun and the hours fly by thanks to criminals giving us RP and so at the end of the week the money just rolls in so I'm personally not against having LEO's pay for their belonging but I don't think that would solve much. I am yet to be downed as an officer and I only have used a 50. and most of my time I've still got 50% health left so it wouldn't break the bank. but as I said previous what would it solve. As when I'm evading on my crim when I'm facing 3-4+ hours in DOC I'm not thinking at least that cop I killed has to pay for their items. now the biggest thing is this would require a change only the developers can do as you have to get rid of the faction loadout and so it is really worth changing that other than more important things.


23 hours ago, AnakinB said:

5. Jail times just to long.

I don't disagree with your statement I think crim RP helps LEO'S have fun RP and being locked away for 3-4+ hours isn't good. However, if you see something that needs to change just saying it needs to change wont solve anything the best thing to do is have a suggestion on how to make it better. Here is a thread about making suggestions about DOC and I think it is the best place for suggestions.

What I would love is have DOC guards have control to reduce times in prison for doing RP jobs around the prison and so it would actually make your time quicker and supply RP to everyone involved.

Edited by DrBeelz
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4 minutes ago, DrBeelz said:



I know the criminal life is expensive and hard to earn money and having Ak's and body armour is only if you are going to war as its so expensive and crippling if you lose it. I know its not hard to make money in PD it is so fun and the hours fly by thanks to criminals giving us RP and so at the end of the week the money just rolls in so I'm personally not against having LEO's pay for their belonging but I don't think that would solve much. I am yet to be downed as an officer and I only have used a 50. and most of my time I'm still got 50% health left so it wouldn't break the bank. but as I said previous what would it solve. as when im evading on my crim when I'm facing 3-4+ hours in DOC I'm not thinking at least that cop I killed has to pay for their items. now the biggest thing is this would require a change only the developers can do as you have to get rid of the faction loadout and so it is really worth changing that other than more important things.



That is exactly what most of us are thinking atleast there would be SOME CONSEQUENCE to a cop being able to get killed , but instead its oh no here comes the guy who spawned in the best gun with the best armor and the best vehicle that I could only DREAM of acquiring in 2-3 years

I have always advocated for "Just do not fight police guys its not worth it as you lose everything they lose nothing" now that just should not be a mindset everyone has to live but it is what the it is IC right now. Why fight a force that can spawn the best stuff in? sometimes though its a last resort as I said before a lot of us have a ride or die RP playstyle, or it is just common sense when you playing games with friends like well if hes going to jail for 2-3 hours I might as well try to help him and if I get fucked at least we can go in together so hes not mindlessly afk

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10 minutes ago, XeV said:

That is exactly what most of us are thinking atleast there would be SOME CONSEQUENCE to a cop being able to get killed , but instead its oh no here comes the guy who spawned in the best gun with the best armor and the best vehicle that I could only DREAM of acquiring in 2-3 years

I have always advocated for "Just do not fight police guys its not worth it as you lose everything they lose nothing" now that just should not be a mindset everyone has to live but it is what the it is IC right now. Why fight a force that can spawn the best stuff in? sometimes though its a last resort as I said before a lot of us have a ride or die RP playstyle, or it is just common sense when you playing games with friends like well if hes going to jail for 2-3 hours I might as well try to help him and if I get fucked at least we can go in together so hes not mindlessly afk

As I said I'm not against it, just think can it be done and is it an easy change to do? I don't know as I know nothing about coding a server so rewriting the whole faction loadout might be a lot of work but going back to what I said I'm not against it but is there something better that we can improve like spending more time focusing making DOC a better place to be and the reduce time suggestion I made.

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Just now, DrBeelz said:

As I said I'm not against it, just think can it be done and is it an easy change to do? I don't know as I know nothing about coding a server so rewriting the whole faction loadout might be a lot of work but going back to what I said I'm not against it but is there something better that we can improve like spending more time focusing making DOC a better place to be and the reduce time suggestion I made.

oh for sure for sure, yah hopefully DOC gets that revamp cause I was working with Chunder and others around my perma prisoner character I made strictly to RP in prison, but SO MUCH goes into it and Chunder can only do so much interms of the ability and extent my character can go without some sort of outside help.

So as osborn said maybe we will see a nice incline of things for DOC to be enjoyable to the point where people do not mind or even some WANT to go to prison for the new shit.👍

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I would really like to hear input from criminals that switch from full time criminal to PD and SD mains and there reasons behind the swap. I feel like that would really help sign a spotlight on a lot of issues and have them be addressed. As long as I've been on the server I've seen crims swap to PD and SD full time but rarely seen the inverse with the select few like @alexalex303.I've seen videos of povs from the weekends and the GPS is lit up with police vehicles and sheriff vehicles. It seems like the crim population is dwindling yet the LEO pop is increasing.

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4 minutes ago, Phantas said:

I would really like to hear input from criminals that switch from full time criminal to PD and SD mains and there reasons behind the swap. I feel like that would really help sign a spotlight on a lot of issues and have them be addressed. As long as I've been on the server I've seen crims swap to PD and SD full time but rarely seen the inverse with the select few like @alexalex303.I've seen videos of povs from the weekends and the GPS is lit up with police vehicles and sheriff vehicles. It seems like the crim population is dwindling yet the LEO pop is increasing.

The reason I even submitted an application to SD that got accepted, but I never attended the interview, was to put it bluntly I wanted to play creative mode ECRP, I was tired of getting steamrolled as a crim cause I am just not a shooter and I am bad at gta's way of shooting so I was dieing ALOT and loseing my vehicles to the old chops and guns to other groups and shit. So I thought why fight them as a crim when I can fight them as a cop with armor I do not have to grind for and a vehicle I spawn in for free.

TLDR - I got tired of losing things and money I would grind weeks for

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4 minutes ago, Phantas said:

I would really like to hear input from criminals that switch from full time criminal to PD and SD mains and there reasons behind the swap. I feel like that would really help sign a spotlight on a lot of issues and have them be addressed. As long as I've been on the server I've seen crims swap to PD and SD full time but rarely seen the inverse with the select few like @alexalex303.I've seen videos of povs from the weekends and the GPS is lit up with police vehicles and sheriff vehicles. It seems like the crim population is dwindling yet the LEO pop is increasing.

I'd actually love to speak on this! My alt was management within Weazel then slowly worked his way to the criminal side of things after being in Weazel for a bit. I had been playing on this character from March 2021 till his eventual inactivity in December 2021. 

All in all, I joined SD because of a friend in it. Originally, I was turned off by SD, I particarily didn't like the idea being a cop on an RP server. However, I joined and worked my way through SD. I've found that the type of RP that I wanted on my criminal char was not feasible. I was not interested in shootouts and was mainly focused on crim RP for the non-script supported criminal aspects. I was majorly interested in racketeering and getting businesses to intimidate into paying us for protection. However, obviously as a main part of the server is assets and no one likes to lose assets, no one wanted to participate in this type of RP.

This led to us deciding to focus on dealing guns to individuals, not groups. However, in order to get access to these guns, we had to appease the official factions, which in turn, meant we were forced to go to labs and fund other groups with drugs to keep their turfs up. 

At the end of the day, I quit my crim char because I found myself tired of beefing with gangs for the most petty of things, where the entire conflict was one-sided. I am very lucky to have joined SD because it's fully allowed myself to develop my RP standards as a whole and really become a better member of this server.

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6 minutes ago, Icarus said:

I'd actually love to speak on this! My alt was management within Weazel then slowly worked his way to the criminal side of things after being in Weazel for a bit. I had been playing on this character from March 2021 till his eventual inactivity in December 2021. 

All in all, I joined SD because of a friend in it. Originally, I was turned off by SD, I particarily didn't like the idea being a cop on an RP server. However, I joined and worked my way through SD. I've found that the type of RP that I wanted on my criminal char was not feasible. I was not interested in shootouts and was mainly focused on crim RP for the non-script supported criminal aspects. I was majorly interested in racketeering and getting businesses to intimidate into paying us for protection. However, obviously as a main part of the server is assets and no one likes to lose assets, no one wanted to participate in this type of RP.

This led to us deciding to focus on dealing guns to individuals, not groups. However, in order to get access to these guns, we had to appease the official factions, which in turn, meant we were forced to go to labs and fund other groups with drugs to keep their turfs up. 

At the end of the day, I quit my crim char because I found myself tired of beefing with gangs for the most petty of things, where the entire conflict was one-sided. I am very lucky to have joined SD because it's fully allowed myself to develop my RP standards as a whole and really become a better member of this server.

Not gonna lie I COULD NOT have worded the crim RP any better then you just did, This is what is also driving crim rp to a standstile or a decline not just PD and SD and shit but this constant "beef" over the smallest shit just cause. Not gonna lie Crim RP in its current state right this moment, DOGSHIT, just trash tier RP from most crims, i truely wish more people were open to new RP or out of comfort zone RP

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2 hours ago, Phantas said:

I would really like to hear input from criminals that switch from full time criminal to PD and SD mains and there reasons behind the swap. I feel like that would really help sign a spotlight on a lot of issues and have them be addressed. As long as I've been on the server I've seen crims swap to PD and SD full time but rarely seen the inverse with the select few like @alexalex303.I've seen videos of povs from the weekends and the GPS is lit up with police vehicles and sheriff vehicles. It seems like the crim population is dwindling yet the LEO pop is increasing.

Honestly after I joined PD it was so freeing I didn't have to worry about money everything was good, I love chases and it opened up more avenues for me to get creative with RP. With my criminal character I also create good RP with people but it is more difficult to occur as everyone in other gangs always want to stay in their own gangs and not RP with other gangs and very little want to create new RP. and as said gang will attack and rob you for petty reasons and currently im dealing with that exact thing on a daily basis these are just a few reasons I created a PD character as late at night when I just want to chill and have fun I log on to my PD character. I wouldn't go full time PD as I have a gang to manage and its no easy task but as I said PD is my escape.

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ong cops should have to pay for their own vehicles, pay for the guns they use and not be able to spawn them in as soon as possible, shit is repetitive and just gives crims a no win mentality because as they have to grind and pay for weapons and cars. cops can just spawn it and everything is A okay. 

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8 hours ago, La Ventana said:

You dont really have to pay for a radio since you use teamspeak so.-

if I remember correctly they only use TS for in character talk, like to talk to Dispatch, talk to each other about something specific, etc, I’ve witnessed multiple officer’s names go Red with radio usage when they “could’ve just used Teamspeak”, TS is not their main form of communication.

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5 hours ago, SkyeFuryy said:


It is literally just stated above you that the focus after criminal updates will be revamping the DOC. I don't see how your comment carries any weight thereafter other than to ignite this debate.

“Criminal updates” If anyone is trying to ignite this topic is you even mentioning “criminal update” lets just call it general content at this point

Half of the people in this topic are missing the main point and you just think others just want to fight using a keyboard.

Leaks for an crime update / drug update are going around for what 1 year now ? No update ofc, then osva said the drug update is delayed anyway so gl with that

The people that are mad on this topic wont be happy tomorrow cause the devs will update DOC AFTER the crime update wich no one knows if is coming at least this summer.

Is so easy to say that to do this takes time, but then why you dont find an alternative to change things at least for a short period so people can see you care. - This is related to wait for crime update then wait for DOC update

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