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Everything posted by LucasJHughes

  1. I don't think anymore restrictions on what I can say in-character on a video game role-play server will be beneficial, there is already restrictions in place, adding more on top of this will cause many people to have to constantly hold back during RP scenarios. Overall if an individual is getting affecting by what is said in character on GTA 5 I believe they have more important things to deal with rather than to continue playing.
  2. I only enjoy sexual role-play with my IC boyfriend @Jorge Compass and that is when we are alone in an apartment, even though it may be hard we refrain from sexual altercations in public and so should everyone else.
  3. Selling Maxed Corsita Text me with Offers.
  4. I personally am not a fan of going "Imposter" during shootout's as I believe people take it to far and you end up with 4-5 individuals trying to go imposter and it is just a mess and doesn't feel right, however I feel like in certain situations it does have a place, let me give an example of all of your allies have been killed in a fight and you are the last one alive and stuck in the area, I would say switching into your enemies colours or clothing can be beneficial to you surviving especially when it is life or death, it could be the difference in you living or dying. I think the overall problem with a good amount of the +1's in this post are from member's of Irish who have been attempting to use the "Imposter Tactic" for the last 6 Months after they had it used against them by Shenzhen. This server is not about play to win as people have stated in this post, so I fail to understand why the same people who are calling it Poor RP / Not displaying appropriate Fear RP / Unrealistic are the same people who have either used this Tactic constantly for months or other people in their faction have been using it, the excuse of "Evening the playing field" doesn't really wash with me as this is not a play to win server it's about RP, in conclusion for me instead of just using the Tactic "because other people are doing it" be the change you want to see and if you think it is Poor RP for a faction to do this then do not do it yourself otherwise it just sounds incredibly hypocritical. OVERALL : +1 for this Post I Think Individuals should not be able to go imposter in shootouts due to people going overboard and taking it to far. (as stated previously in my post I believe that in certain scenarios it can be valid).
  5. Yes well the issue is that nothing has been done as a substitute to this, turfs will have to be changed to how they work and also either reduce the price on weapons or alternatively introduce new ways to make money which neither of these things have been done. Also my suggestion was that cooking in static labs should be be made viable to substitute cooking in an apartment
  6. ATM Robberies provide 1k per robbery, These packs are being dropped on our turfs by other people due to the accessibility of the ATM robberies ruining the price making it obsolete. I agree with your point on the banks you shouldn't be able to have eight bank robberies a day its just to much. Damage on weapons has been to generalised with this update, I'm not saying AK shouldn't be buffed at all but why exactly 50%? Its too much, the AK was already a good weapon in my opinion and many others agree and doesn't need a 50% increase maybe only a 5-10% for example, WEAPONS NEED TO BE TESTED INDIVIDUALY and yes I agree heavy weapons need to be scary especially for the price of them. Regarding the Drug tables change as I said nothing else has been integrated to make up for the loss of drug making and the nerf regarding that, I mean personally I don't think its unrealistic to have a water source in a property. I second that cooking doesn't promote interaction however there is nothing to substitute cooking and with the price of weapons and the cost of being a criminal without money it is impossible.
  7. +1, Cooking was the only viable way to make good money to be able to afford the extreme price of weapons, now it has been ruined in my opinion due to not having any water sources in a property now and the random ticker for the heat of the drug tables everyone is either to scared to cook or no one wants to due to the extreme inconvenience of it and that more than one person is needed for the task. Cooking Calculations Lysergic Cost : $12,000 for 240 Cost of ingredients : $48,000 Time needed : 1-2 hours depending on the size of the lab + 30 minutes to pick up the lysergic and materials. Selling price : anywhere from 138,000 - 148,000 APPROX. Profit: $70k - $85k This may seem like a lot of money however, let's say I wanted to purchase an Assault Rifle the stock cost of an AK is $33,000 / attachments = $3,000 / 200 ammo = $18,000. Overall with no additional taxes from gangs this weapon stands at the lowest $54,000 for one weapon with ammo, this cost is without any taxation whatsoever from gangs which usually add a 5-15% tax on their weapons. Criminals will pay insane amounts for these weapons only for them to get pulled over and chased to lose it instantly. Another point of interest the price of body armour which is often used in conjunction with this weapon would be $40,000 for an 100 AP armour. Personally I have experienced bringing out this combination of over $90,000 worth of equipment just to get chased and arrested within 20 minutes and lose it all plus prison fines. Criminals need to make money as their cost of being in the city is greater than legal's this is due to the absurd weapon cost / jail fines which can be sometimes anywhere from 10k-40k / impound or moors fees. Currently due to the cooking changes barely anyone cooks anymore and there is literally nothing to do to make a decent amount of money. I wouldn't have minded the cooking change if something was introduced as another way of making money, an example of this would be to make static drug labs up north actually viable for making money which would increase criminal interaction and make labs more active such as it was previously. Shifting the focus back to gun balancing, not every single gun can be painted with the same "50%" brush it has made things completely imbalanced more than before, the only weapons that needed a buff on damage was the micro and the SMG, however every single weapon got a buff including all pistols, in my opinion this was clearly not tested as every gun doesn't need a 50% increase. Horizontal recoil change, Im not completely opposed to this even though personally I do not like the new change but I'm curious to who asked for this change to occur as it was fine previously and now a lot of the automatic weapons are near on unusable due to the insane recoil spread. I feel as tho every weapon needs to be tested and opinions from people who actually use these weapons everyday need to be brought into consideration. I propose revert all gun changes apart from the SMG and Micro damage buffs, if changes outside these weapons where to be made first test them instead of a one shoe fits all policy of increasing damage. Over the last week is the least motivation I have had to log in to my criminal character ever since I Joined this server, however I do love this server and want it to prosper but changes need to be made is the criminal count is dropping day by day, I also have a character which is active in SD for the last 4-5 months and I know how important criminals are to LEO role-play, the more criminal activity = the more activity for LEO's. You Need Criminals To Have Law Enforcement. I respect all the developers for actually being proactive, putting in the effort and making changes however I believe this needs to be tweaked, overall I hope for more changes to be made and for the drug update to be successful, personally I would gladly help or share my ideas or make them known to any developer as I want to see the criminal scene thrive again.
  8. +1 Summed it up perfectly, god bless you.
  9. Love the detail of the posts and story !
  10. layout looks good boys
  11. Cheating, Ban evading, DSO ect in my opinion should stay banned. However I think that people who for example have gained 2 DM's / 6 Non RPs over the course of 2-3 years in my opinion should be given another chance. After all interacting with other people is what RP is all about, it would bring back a huge amount of people and make the server more lively. If it is handled correctly and a criteria is made its a +1 for me
  12. good luck dre, hope to see you boys about more!
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