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rashy last won the day on April 7 2022

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About rashy

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  1. rashy


    YESSSSSSSSSS SIRRRRRRRRRR! BIG TINGZ AH GWARN SUH! Achieve what I couldn’t brothers!
  2. Best of luck guys! Wish you the best!
  3. rashy


    Thread looks good best of luck!
  4. I've done around 4 Hostages situations which involves a police officer being held at gun point in the last month and I have received a lot of positive comments from PD/SD officers saying how much they enjoy the hostage roleplay. However, I do believe that something needs to done about how PD/SD officers should handle hostage situations as the quality of the roleplay can be quite poor sometimes. I do believe that situations need to be played out a bit better especially after the hostage situation. I personally think that the crim should have the chance to evade especially after negotiating free passage instead of just being gunned down as it just feels like a great RP opportunity as gone down the drain. It would be such a shame to stop doing these type of RP opportunities as they can be enjoyable for the crim and PD/SD if it was played out fairly. I am personally a bit demotivated from doing these type of situations as I was recently accused of ruleplaying by a staff member because as I decided to take unique approach from getting the packed cash out of the bank by getting my faction members to pick it up and drive off with it. All the other times I've tried to escape I've either been tazed or been shot at as soon as I enter the car even after negotiating free passage if I release the hostage. https://streamable.com/qfm0o6 https://streamable.com/4wj7e1 https://streamable.com/g8a30t
  5. rashy

    La Famiglia

    Thread looks lit! Best of luck boys
  6. Best of luck! Looking forward to RP'ing with you guys!
  7. Thread looks fire! Best of luck!
  8. Best of luck to you guys! Can't wait to see your RP
  9. As grove street was looking more and more deserted as days went by. Deandre started to feel more and more alone everyday most of the people he was close with left Ballas and felt like he didn’t have a home to go to anymore. However, he didn’t let the thought of losing the people he was close with affect the operations of the Ballas. Deandre started to notice that the Ballas turfs were starting to struggle and there wasn’t anyone around to help maintain the turfs. Deandre decided to take on the responsibility of maintaining the whole hood and trying to keep grove street an iconic place. At first Deandre was having to produce a mass number of drugs every day as well as trying to find cars to chop to keep the Ballas turfs. However, some days passed, and the amount of work Deandre was doing started to overwhelm him, but he didn’t want to give up on his commitment as it would break his heart knowing that things would fall apart if he gave up. He decided to go to other gangs and ask for help as he was carrying too much weight on his shoulders. Deandre used his connections to speak to different organisations such as Shenzhen Dragons, LS Drift, Kilo Tray Disciples, Creed and Kudo Kai to help him maintain the turfs he was struggling with by giving them good prices on shipments as a reward for their efforts. By doing this he managed build a good business and personal relationship with the organisations, which would hopefully stay healthy in the future. Things started to brighten up for Deandre as such a heavy burden of responsibility was removed from his shoulders by asking for help. Thanks to Shenzhen Dragons, LS Drift, Kilo Tray Disciples, Creed and Kudo Kai the hood was looked a lot better, and grove became a lot more lively compared to the last couple of days. One day Deandre, came out of his house and noticed that there were a lot more Ballas appearing on grove. Deandre made it very clear to the others about the struggle he went through and that its important that we always keep the business side of Ballas operational. The Ballas understood and respected Deandre’s hard work and made a team effort to help maintain the turfs from here on out.
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