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Everything posted by Harley

  1. -1 The whole point of /report 3 and 4 and pausing RP is to put a stop to RP that shouldn't have taken place to begin with. Removing the option for a player to get staff assistance when a rulebreak is taking place is begging for chaos. For example, someone comes down to the pier and starts shooting a couple people, clearly Mass DMing; sure staff might see the kill logs, but I think it's much more likely an admin is going to realise what's happening when they recieve 10 "/report 4 Mass DM"'s. I've always been someone who promotes staying in character and I support people wanting change to continue immersion, however I also believe MORE restrictions on how a player can play this video game does nothing but harm the quality of life of their gameplay.
  2. @Tony SolicettoTotally understand that a lot of people are going to be frustrated that there never seems to be any response or movement from threads, and I understand that it's difficult to keep that frustration in when disucssing something that is extremely important to you, I get that totally and please don't take my post as an attack, just more of a suggestion on how this threat should continue onwards. I've never seen a discussion that gets aggressive or off the rails lead to any satisfying conclusion, however ones that are kept respectful almost always end in a healthy discussion and eventually a satisfying conclusion such as change. As @MrSilky has also said, the people managing the faction of LSPD also sees these things as issues and not all cops are going to be in the mindset I think a lot of people believe all cops are. IA is a great way to go through if you're looking for someone to be punished for their actions, however I do believe these discussions are important to be public and not kept private, as the IA path would be private, kept out of public view and potentially not help the community's impression of the faction and what changes are being made to counteract the mistakes made. I do strongly believe that discussions like this should always be a thing and should promote public feedback, but it's also incredibly important for people to remain respectful and try to get their point across in a way that doesn't offend others and turn it into a pointless fight that gets out of control and gets closed and archived by staff. Just my two cents on these types of discussions
  3. Welcome to ECRP! Hope you manage to clear off that ((New Player)) tag
  4. I really think the best thing for this thread is for everyone to chill and wait for a response from someone in PD to hear their point of view or explanation. It's best this thread remains respectful yet still remaining criticizing to ensure an explanation of this comes around, or even better, a promise of change for better standards in the future. The best way to have a dicussion like this is to respectfully get your opinion and point across, and then respectfully listen to the other party's opinion on the matter. Becoming insulting or overly negative of the other party immediately puts them in defence mode and essentially does nothing but cause arguments. I am eager to see what a PD opinion of this is though!
  5. I think I remember this suggestion being made a while ago as another addition to the turf system, similar to the locksmith NPC, he doesn't gain influence by buying tools, the medic wouldn't gain influence by reviving people, but he would give cheaper prices if you own the turf he's attached to. Always thought it was an epic suggestion +1
  6. Maybe instead of flaming eachother, @TheCactus could maybe give some insight on what's going on here? Not sure why everything has to turn into an argument. I'm truly interested in when this type of RP is appropriate. Not shaming anyone, just curious on an RP scenario and I'd love to learn more, as I think anyone else reading this thread would
  7. Man's just cosplaying leave him alone xd
  8. I agree with either an additional box or a similar system to the charger where you right click > Use to install it in the car
  9. This is very inconsistent, I get this occasionally, maybe like 80% of the time. Not sure if it's about what vehicle you use, or if it's just an inconsistent bug.
  10. Good luck mate! Looks really good, proud of ya
  11. +1 please atleast get rid of the ones on roads, drawing distance makes it really hard. Love the Christmas spirit though!
  12. +1, kinda only relevant in December tho, so hope it can be fixed soon
  13. I personally disagree with your opinion that RNG should determine how someone's Criminal roleplay was. I also disagree with your comparison of Crim Roleplay and fishing. Fishing is pretty RNG based IRL. You put your line in the water, and you wait for another animal that is out of your control to bite the bait. Sure it takes skill to throw the pole, and strength to bring the fish in, but in it's simplest terms, fishing is RNG based. Being careful to not incriminate yourself with forensic evidence is not. In an ideal world, fishing could be improved with minigames or something of the sort to include skill into fishing, but I know how hard that can be on a small Dev team with a lot more important expectations on their shoulders. I think the OP was more asking for clarification if it's a bug or not from really the only people who will know for sure, and that's the Devs. I think the discussion invitation is more for a discussion of what PD could do to accomodate this bug in the mean time, e.g. going back to the old /ldo system. My opinion on the best way for PD to do this is the following: Step 1: Use the script support to look for prints. IF NO PRINTS FOUND - GLOVES WERE WORN IF PRINTS FOUND: Step 2: /ldo the name that you have been given from the script support, asking if the prints would be found Step 3: Get proof of gloves from said person, either proof of RP or proof of script gloves before the incident. This way, even if nobody has POV including the ID of the suspect, an ID/Fname_Lname can be found and used for the /ldo, giving PD every resource they need to do the old system. How do you suggest PD accomodate this bug until it's fixed?
  14. I really don't think it should be left up to RNG to determine if somebody's criminal roleplay is good enough, which is pretty much what you're suggesting. Currently with this bug in place, somebody can do literally everything about their Criminal Roleplay perfectly. They can buy new gloves, leave no hair outside of a hat or mask, do everything their character can possibly do to leave zero forensic evidence, and this bug will cause them to leave fingerprints on a scene still. Do you think this sounds fair? Try to think about it coming from the perspective of people who spend hours planning their criminal roleplay around how not to get caught, and how to play smart, not dumb. I understand that detectives would appreciate more forensic roleplay opportunities. However this should not be given at the expense of the quality of roleplay of others. I think if you're a fan of your own suggestion, you should create a suggestion for glove prints, or even degradation of gloves, in a separate thread. Because this is clearly a bug that should be appreciated as a bug, and not abused by those who want more forensic roleplay.
  15. I think we would all prefer to see the bug fixed, but it would be nice for PD to atleast revert to the old way until it is fixed in the meantime. I think the entire community would appreciate it a lot, thank you @Bala. In regards to the signature, what's with the tiny text signature, makes my eyes hurt lmao
  16. 100% agree. PD using the script that fingerprints are on guns because gloves are bugged should be considered bug abuse. PD/SD faction rules should change to accomodate this. Revert back to using /ldo until this bug is fixed
  17. Harley

    Russian Mob

    Sad to see you guys go, will miss the Bratans! GG
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