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Everything posted by ArcAngel

  1. On one hand I agree, there is little room for IB and their investigations as it solely relies on the trust that other parties wont/aren't lying in /do But it is a possibility it could be abused and used for metagaming. Nice idea though!
  2. We need /me's and /do's for roleplay. Without it, it leaves room for Powergaming and would remove the immersive roleplay -1 Thanks for the suggestion though!
  3. I appreciate that you're trying to make it more immersive but in some situations a small bump or desync can stall a vehicle. I do agree about more speed cameras though, especially on the main highway, not so much the back roads (I.e route 68) but the highways for sure
  4. I'm half and half with this to be honest. On one hand, i think that 10 hour sentences are pushing the mark too much, with there being not enough oppertunities for roleplay, its excessive, but on the other hand, i agree with Aldarine, maybe more scripted activities would help I.E spawning in different ores worth more money to work to lower jail time, or maybe add an option to pay for early release, kind of like bail, something along those lines. +1 -1 -----------------
  5. This is true but, during a gunfight, no-one roleplays picking up bodies
  6. Hi ya'll So i've been in a few situations where people are picking up bodies without roleplaying properly, Especially during gunfights in gang wars and stuff. I personally thing the only way to curb this is to put a 10-15 second timer to pick up bodies, kind of like when you eat or drink. I think it will encourage realistic roleplay and stop people from picking up their friends bodies after they've been killed. This in turn will make gangs less likely to engage in fights without a really good reason. I was at a scene yesterday, treating a patient, a few of the main gangs are at war at the moment (I wont mention who for meta reasons) but they had been racing through the city all day chasing each other, they collided at the parking lot and a huge gun fight ensued. Heavy weapons, all out war, PD showed up, were mowed down. The whole time this scene was going on, it lasted for about 10-15 minutes, gang members were running through heavy gun fire (coming from AK's,MP5's heavys etc) picking up their friends bodies and running off.
  7. Absolutely otherwise people would take advantage. But it goes back to the NLR rule maybe. It's just frustrating when you are farming, you followed the legal Avenue to get a firearms license and bought a gun, then spent half an hour farming to be forced to comply when someone holds a gun to your face.
  8. The fearRP rule bugs me sometimes. How many times in life have gang members been in firefights? Where one gang member has pulled a gun and the other thinks they are fast enough to draw their gun and shoot first? It goes back to cowboys and dueling. I wish that you would be permitted to defend yourself should you feel you are fast enough to do so.
  9. ArcAngel

    Archive Please

    This was a while ago on an old character that is now CK'd. It was a DOC officer who openly admitted to obtaining my number so he could 'ask me on a date'. As it was a while ago, i don't have proof of this, also, pretty sure it was over VOIP and I dont have shadowplay or anything since my CPU sucks and i dont have much memory.
  10. I've touched on this before but the makeup system would benefit from an upgrade. It would be great if it could be added to the barber shop instead of having to have plastic surgery to change. And there also needs to be a command to remove tattoo's, obviously there is tattoo removal IRL, so that would be useful!
  11. ArcAngel

    Archive Please

    +1 I've had multiple occasions where an officer or someone from the DOC has used MDC to obtain my number..
  12. Date and time (provide timezone): 19:00 GMT Character name: jessica brown Issue/bug you are reporting: falling out of vehicles and under the map. Expected behavior: shouldnt fall through vehicles. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Happened yesterday when I was in a trunk. Fell through the world and the spawned miles away. Then today was in a helicopter and kept falling out and through the map. Vehicle license plate number*: n-a
  13. ArcAngel

    Radio Ping

    I was speaking to a friend last night and was saying, would it be a good idea if there was a command, such as /radioping that sends off a signal to where your radio is incase of an emergency. It should be limited to maybe once every 5 minutes that you can use the command, and maybe when you use the command it would give everyone on the same frequency the same message like; "Someone on your radio frequency has activated their pinging service" Then it creates a blip for 2-3 mins of the last location of the ping?
  14. I'm sure this is a no-brainer but would love to know about any updates on clothes being added to the server from the new casino update. Also, I think it'd be great if you could make it so that we can change our make-up at the hair salon! Thanks for considering :)
  15. Hmm wondering if there are any players from Continental RP
  16. So i've been playing here a week now, unfortunately i can only play weekends (Due to childcare) I'm 27 And a veteran RPer - Hopefully there are some SA:MP RPers around. Its crazy because i used to be elite at RPing on SAMP, Knew all the commands and everything, so coming into this server, i feel like an utter noob. I do want to thank those who i've met so far that have helped me figure out some commands and stuff. See you in game :) Jess
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