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Everything posted by ArcAngel

  1. Similar to firearms licensing, there isn't a proximity. With Vehicle there is. It ought to be digital. It would be great to have a similar system to the missing weapon function where you search a persons name and it shows if they have a license and if its suspended. You can go on to the MDC and click Suspend and it changes it to true. Alternatively, to be more simple without touching the MDC, just remove proximity from /suspend and RP should be done. /me logs onto the DMV system via the MDC /me marks the individuals license as suspended. Just makes things easier if you forget to suspend, or you are the arresting officer, or crime reports etc.
  2. I see where you're coming from, but then If you have someone with multiple characters same voice, they aren't wearing a mask and you say oh that looks and sounds like such and such, then it isn't, big problems:(
  3. Not just December! When it rains badly it looks like a burst pipe! And the sound of heavy wind sucks!
  4. Basically, weather affects custom interiors. We already have /setinteriortime. It makes sense to add /setinteriorweather so that the weather doesnt affect our interiors. When it snows/rains/thunders etc, it affects our interiors.
  5. Excellent story telling Chris! Keep up the stories!
  6. It's really great to see alternative stories posted within a gang faction! Keep up the great work guys and keep developing your characters! It's really interesting to read
  7. I mean, in my previous post I made this point. Some people call people another word for a child molester because its just part of the vocabulary of their character. Most of the time it's in jest. Like I previously stated, i grew up using phrases like "don't be g*y". Which when used meant don't be silly or ridiculous. Its not that being that meant you were, it's just what was said. People use the n word because its part of their culture and the environment they grew up in. It would be completely different if someone said "Get smoked you dirty f****t" compared to "get smoked f"g" I feel like people look into these statements too much. I would never intentionally hurt someone's feelings and would hope if I did by accident, that person would have the sense to tell me so that I could rectify it.
  8. I agree with clank in this. Like I'd stated earlier, we have rules regarding toxicity. We have the option to ask them to stop. I personally grew up in an environment where it was a mild insult to say f****t or r****d or even don't be g*y. They were MILD insults when I was young, now that the world has change and I experience people from all walks of life, I catch myself saying these words harmlessly out of habit and finding I have offended people. As an adult I apologise and try to be conscious of what i say and around whom I say it. Most people who know me know my intentions when I talk too. Perhaps the solution to this is more serious retribution for those who breach toxicity when they are asked to stop and continue. We are playing characters here, we try to advise those who play, not to take anything that happens IC personally and I realise that sometimes those barriers blur a little, it's up to us as community members to communicate that we have been upset on an OOC level and work on the resolve. Censoring is not the way to go, monitoring is.
  9. I am 100% for making this community a safe and enjoyable environment. I wont go into detail about which words i DO and DONT agree with. At the end of the day, we do have OOC rules that state we can point out when a word becomes offensive and request the other person to stop. I think language is the largest tool players have to express and develop their characters, limiting what they can and cannot say is going to make the immersion less effective. I feel that things are fine the way they are and if people of offended or upset by something someone says, they are able to request that person stop.
  10. Welcome to ECRP! Don't forget to read over the rules, have a quick browse through reports (So that you can get an idea of what each rule means more in depth) Have a look at the guides too! If you have any questions we have #ihaveaquestion in discord, and also /report in game if you have questions while playing.
  11. ArcAngel

    Launch failed

    Have you tried ensuring you open EPIC first, then opening rage as admin. Conflicts cause issues so try this and see if it makes a difference.
  12. I agree with this statement, however like others have mentioned, due to desync damage it would be unfair to implement. We do have OOC warnings about Non RP driving but what we can do is address it IC, we have police in the server. Maybe there is something else we can do.
  13. As Tim said, Yes this server is a Mix. However you must always pay attention to text chat incase 1. Someone is using Text instead of Voip, or 2. They are trying to RP with you using /me's and /dos.
  14. Haha, Glad Gaben could point you in the right direction.
  15. If people are abusing scripts, there are discplinaries for this. We need to make the server enjoyable for all types of roleplayers. It's not just "NEW PLAYERS" that have this issue, its people who have 5-15k EXP and are trying to work their way up the food chain.
  16. Planting Weed New player criminals. So i have received a few complaints that it is difficult for new players whom chose the criminal aspect of RP to be able to start planting and selling weed. Obviously weed is the novice and cheaper drug to make. It's stated that because you can only plant it in the drug labs, it makes them vulnerable to larger gangs who "Patrol" the drug labs to pull up and rob them. My suggestion is relatively simple. Allow them to plant it anywhere. The drugs will still be regulated, Police can still pull up any farms that they find and the same with gangs, but the map is large so they can find a nice hidden spot to plant it safely. This also doesn't affect the criminal "Food Chain" Per-say I only propose this for weed and not other drugs.
  17. Did updating your drivers fix the issue @urbach wiethe
  18. Hello, Thank-you for your suggestion! It's actually an excellent idea and would open opportunities for civilian owned business. Just to make it clear, i think this should only be an option for civilians however, and should be governed by the SASG (San Andreas State Government) in the licensing department. Anyone with violent/weapon related misdemeanours should be exempt from this license. There should also be regulations on any teaching capacities. It should not be legally allowed to train anyone who is a felon to drive a helicopter. The reason being is if convicted felons/criminals gained the ability to fly helicopters, they would all start using them for heists and this is not realistic at all and moves more towards a GTA type scenario.
  19. Yes, i agree with this. To de-activate the exemption from speeding tickets, it could automatically revert to not stolen when it is impounded/destroyed(Sent to Mors). My only concern is that people would take advantage of this by reporting it stolen, then getting involved in criminal activity to limit the fines they receive while trying to evade etc.
  20. +1 I agree with this, would make a great addition to the panel and would be useful in improving in aspects of RP that have recieved feedback.
  21. Hello! Thank-you for taking the time to make this suggestion. -1 for me I'm afraid. The logistics of this for the victim/owner of the car paying off/appealing the fines is too complex for the server and was cause a mass backlog of appeals. A better suggestion could be maybe if the owner of the car marks the car as stolen, the car would be exempt from speeding fines. We currently have a weapon's system in which you can mark it as stolen, it should be simple enough to add a vehicle since each vehicle is unique by it's license plate.
  22. Hello! Thank-you for your suggestion, i appreciate you taking the time to write it up. Unfortunately, i disagree with this suggestion and i'll explain why. If you are roleplaying a criminal, you are taking a huge risk. The biggest being that you could get caught. The majority of police chases (I'd say maybe 60-70%) are people who either fancy a bit of a chase, or were going to be arrested for a misdemeanour (Minor Offense). If there is a chase with 7-8, it's usually within good reason. As i've said before on other threads, i find that most complaints regarding police conduct can be handled of an IC level. If you think that the way the police department handles themselves, I.E They drive recklessly by allowing such a large amount of speeding vehicles chase one car, Contact the relevent authority and log a complaint, contact someone to suggest a change. I can attest however that there are protocols within the department that attempt to limit issues like this arising, but this is of an IC nature.
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