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Everything posted by Stimo

  1. +1. Been +1 since my time at Pillbox.
  2. Hi Tom, The last update that was rolled out yesterday made it so the ESC map and the GPS mini map are now purchasable items. You'll need to head to a player owned general store to purchase them.. will be difficult to find said store without them both so I suggest calling a taxi or asking someone to give you a ride.
  3. Why not just reverse them? When you approach a speaker its muted, so if you want to listen to it you have to up the volume?
  4. It's because everyone is in an Ambulance and the amount of calls can get ridiculous, known from experience. With the addition of an actual staffed hospital, this should resolve your issue though.
  5. I've always felt an actual hospital would be great. Other servers have proven it is possible to create a hospital interior, similar to how we have created one for the prison. To then have actual doctors and nurses fixing people up would be a great addition. I do feel people will get annoyed at the process of getting them back on the street but I also feel this will make people think twice about their actions and doing stupid things.
  6. +1 because I dislike Dwayne.
  7. Stimo

    Speed cameras

    Voted YES. Something that has been required for a very long time.
  8. I use DCC a lot and a driver is always available. -1 from me.
  9. RAGEMP doesn't allow for file modification, so mods cannot be used on this server.
  10. -1. If you are downed due to a DM'ing why are you waiting for Paramedics? /report. I disagree that a command is required for a quick death. Your life should be valued meaning you should do your best to avoid getting downed. There is far too many who treat this like GTA online and want to respawn as soon as possible so they can go and do it again. Don't want to wait? don't put yourself in that situation in the first place. My guess is that you were speeding/on the wrong side of the road/not valuing yourself or your vehicle. So until people stop driving like idiots then i think this is a big No.
  11. -1. They get my key they get my 4 vehicles and my properties contents. My home is my only safe haven where I don't have to spend money to be safe.
  12. -1 I'm jealous you have traffic to deal with.
  13. Stimo

    Missing Cars

    No worries. Take it easy.
  14. Stimo

    Missing Cars

    They wont visibly be parked there. You have to go into the little hut at the front and load the GUI
  15. Stimo

    Missing Cars

    Do /vehiclestats will tell you if it's stored somewhere.
  16. +1. If this log could take note of the jobs taken as a taxi driver it would benefit us massively.. Kick out them afk'ers.
  17. Uploaded picture to the opening post. I was in bed when I logged it so couldn't do it then.
  18. I believe this has been suggested before but I am unable to locate it, but currently and for a very long time now employees salary progression will only proceed if and when they are sat in the drivers seat of a faction vehicle. I am unsure as to why this is specified only to the Downtown Cab Co. faction and no other. I am reviving this suggestion to change it because I am now moving into a rank where this is going to affect myself severely. The higher ranks within the faction spend the majority of their online time carrying out interviews and training for applicants and current drivers. Meaning they are either stood in the DDC office, parking lot or during the driving exam, in the passenger seat of the vehicle. Today alone I know that one members of staff played his role for 3 hours without any payments because of this system that's in place. The simplest way to fix this is to allow for salary progression to take place if the user is near a faction vehicle. This will cover all aspects of being outside of the vehicle or being in a seat that isn't the drivers seat. This is the function that is in place for the other factions so please match our system to theirs to allow us to have some sort of benefit and flexibility. This picture is of me in the drivers seat of a faction vehicle. This is a picture of me in the passenger seat of a faction vehicle.
  19. This can be closed. Thank you.
  20. I once took my taxi to Bayview and was told they couldn't do anything..
  21. Can confirm, I had an instant today where I heard someone mention FTP training which I think is a PD thing.. Im in DCC so how I heard that I have no idea.
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