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Everything posted by James_McNulty

  1. Likewise!, we are small and still growing but are always looking for ways to engage in practical roleplay with our neighboring factions and gangs!. I believe I actually RP'ed with one of your homies yesterday at Discount Clothing near Chamberlain Hills!. Seemed pretty chill. Doe does an interview at the Motorsports Business, where Weasel News asks him hard hitting questions about life, gangs, food, and even police brutality.
  2. I remember seeing this in school during the 90's roflmao. Uzi concealable, yes. Pump Actions, full size SMG or AK-47's and carbine rifles not so much. What they don't show in that video is that kids inability to walk or even stand correctly with that lengthy of a weapon in his pants. The only shotgun in the GTA World that would be concealable would be the sawwed off or other shorter versions. And they are not even implemented on the server.
  3. Interesting, will definitely be keeping an eye on this. You guys are gonna have The Rebels as neighbors and they rock black and red. Hopefully you guys get along!. Best of luck!.
  4. +1 They should be visible. People should act accordingly with them and think twice before carrying one. It makes sense that way you would be more likely to leave it in your car unless you knew some shit was about to go down. Which is more RP IMO. Not even street gangs walk around with shotguns or rifles, more a less organized crime groups. Rifles and Shotguns are always called upon from vehicles and or homes. Most street gangs in the US have one rifle/shotgun or "stick" they pass around between the members. And between it's use it is stored in random peoples homes and vehicles to avoid police siezure. Meanwhile here we have every other person with a pump action shotgun or AK-47 stuffed in his jeans somehow. Walking around with rifles and shotguns slung on your back like your LSPD SWAT without a care in the world is kinda lame. Unless your LSPD SWAT of course. When it comes to larger weapons players should be threatening to " pop the trunk " on people so to speak and break out the big guns. Not merely walking around with them hidden and ready to use on a moments notice. Technically speaking isn't what everyone is doing now called " Ass pulling " and or " Non RP Weapon Drawing" ?. I mean the only argument people can make is if you carry a large duffel bag you could argue you can RP storing and carrying a rifle/shotgun with a folding stock in there you could whip out. But even then, nobody ever RP's taking a weapon out of those duffel bags everyone walks around with. They just right click, use and pew pew pew.
  5. LSD is the only one that even slightly lasts any realistic extent of time. +1 More effects, longer timers.
  6. +1 As of now I have 3 outfits, and two of them are stored in my apartment stash and the other I obviously am currently wearing and can change out of. They take up a fair bit of space, would be cool to having a clothing specific storage system inside the house as OP said called like a " Closet " or something.
  7. I don't believe so. The other parking lots all just despawn your vehicle when you /park it and store it server side. Technically speaking all that would need to be added and scripted into the server would be a map icon for the parking lot itself for people to know it's there, and the /park arrow point where people actually pull in their vehicles to /park. Although I'm not a coding, programming or scripting expert by any means. I like to think adding another parking lot with the pre-existing parking lot system would be easy, but maybe it isn't that easy.
  8. Not going to lie, it does feel odd funding an entire armory of 20+ guns all from fishing money roflmao. But the economy is the way it is. And not to mention processing is sadly more of a robbery scene than a drug processing RP scene these days. Who would want to go there when they can just casually fish and listen to music while doing it and not die?.
  9. Was a long time coming, and well deserved. Criminals in the County and beyond be on notice!.
  10. I like this idea, however as some have mentioned certain drugs do yield certain physical affects and or bonuses. To me the whole concept of processing drugs, piling them up and then smuggling them to some drop off point is just remedial, grindy work. And all it results in is minor pay outs and a high probability of arrest and or robbery. If the drugs were more about using and roleplaying with them and selling them between players instead of through a scripted smuggling delivery service I think things would be cooler. For example I have had people outside the new Casino ask some of my members for weed to smoke, same with the hood. Legit have had people pull up to guys standing on the corner and ask if they have any dope to sell. That's the kind of drug sale and use RP that should be more prevelent here. I have nothing against Processing, and smuggling and the drop off points and how they work. However I merely wish more people were interested in actual ROLE PLAYING with the drugs instead of just going from point A to point B getting and dropping them off. Well anyways that's my personal opinion. As above person mentioned it seems each drug has it's own effect, if I had any suggestions regarding effects of use based on drugs this would be it. Marijuana Use : Causes increased appetite, resulting in your water/food meter going down maybe 25% quicker?. Simulating cotton mouth and the munchies. Cocaine Use : Slight increase in running speed for certain period of time? , Maybe grant 10-15 Armor if you snort enough lmao. Heroin Use : Slows down your run speed and makes you sluggish, but your health can recover quicker if you are wounded. LSD : Trip balls, this is fine for now. I see the visual effect it has and it can sometimes last for 30 actual minutes. LSD use is almost perfect so keep it the same. I know there is other drugs, if anyone else has suggestions for potential effects when using those that could be cool too.
  11. This would be really cool if you could get the traditional GTA Online Casino updated mini-games to work as they are meant to with RAGE MP. I cannot imagine how you would have to code/transfer this from vanilla GTA Online to RAGE MP though.
  12. With the set still in the starting phases the gears were still turning daily. No matter what the grind was the set members were putting in work. However even with the recently secured housing and vehicles and other assets such as narcotic and weapon connections there were still other major bases to be covered. The set was in desperate need of muscle, and with the original Grove Street Members being all locked up, dead, or moved out of state it was up to what few OG's and members were left around in the sub-set to find new young blood to step up. However even when changing focus from guns and bud to manpower and muscle the laid back members of the set were still not above partying and hanging out themselves. Although various gangs and groups battled in the nearby streets and gunfire echoed through the neighboring area...-...Forum Drive Families laid low and minded their own business. With not enough manpower to involve themselves in any sort of gang war they watched from the sidelines. Joint and beers in hand as they continued to grow the family while the streets filled with blood otherwise.
  13. I take it you have gone into the standard game settings under voice and boosted it all the way?. The above mentioned idea is also good.
  14. I can assure you no Official Faction vanishes off the face of the server without notice. The Marcello Family is still operating I'm pretty sure.
  15. I noticed a lot of people on Discord are freaking out and spamming the #I Have A Question section with requests for help or not understanding how to back up their game version in preparation for this coming update. No worries as I have typed out a simple tutorial for you all to back up your files easily.
  16. James_McNulty


    Stories like this legit warm my heart. Most player faction groups rob people indiscriminately whether it be at processing or farm or hunting, mining etc. Any Player Faction that is more focused on proper roleplay instead of repetitive robberies has my support. Also this shows dedication and continuity from the old Clowns Faction, which to me is impressive.
  17. Thanks, I made sure to credit them all too. It would seem this would have been suggestion enough times to possible be taken into serious consideration. I'm really hoping this can happen at some point. Even having the addition of one more in the City would be cool. I think one in the County would also be logical. But then again obviously you don't want too many. I'd say 3 max in the City, and one in Blaine County. Anyone else have any cool ideas about what lots or parking garage style buildings could be utilized for the possible new parking lot?. I think the right parking garage could be cooler to use script wise than a lot. - Potential Parking Garage for Parking Lot At least when it comes to visually immersive RP. Instead of /park and your vehicle vanishing infront of everyone in a flat lot, you would have to drive it inside the parking garage to the /park script point to store your vehicles. That way the characters using it can be seen pulling in , and then walking out. Without having people see the RP immersion breaking vanishing act that is vehicle storage. Then again, that's just my take. Anyone else?.
  18. +1 , seems like a lot of people are on the same page in regards to this. Bare in mind we are not saying MORE vehicle storage slots or anything ( decreasing vehicle theft RP potential ). Just talking about another lot.
  19. +1, Love it and forgot to search before posting the same suggestion myself!. Let's make this happen!.
  20. + 1 Had this suggestion myself and want to show support for this persons same idea.
  21. That's once again all In Character (IC) information. They cannot disclose any hangouts or locations to find them or arrange any roleplay on here, as mentioned previously it's all OOC. Just ask around IC'ly and do some snooping. Try picking a hot spot in the City and hanging around until the possibly frequent, or maybe go out asking about them and such , etc.
  22. I never see cops in the City and have no problem with the new LEO faction. It's logical for County RP and the wide map. Not to mention there are 250+ people on and only 30 or so of them are EMS or LSPD. That makes 200 other people that I can assure you are all criminals aside from a few bundles of couriers, farmers and fishermen. I'm returning home from a camping trip , what changed in the criminal system in the last 72 hours?. Was the value of all the drugs you process depreciated?, is chop shop or processing tables have supply spawn time changes?. What specifically is changing for criminals in San Andreas other than the Sheriff's Department being created?. I personally think that processing, smuggling drugs and committing crime should be anxiety inducing. Not because you could just get robbed and or killed..-.. but because you could get pulled over and arrested. IMO I don't see a lot of cops as it is unless I'm in a hot spot, and the creation of a new Law Enforcement Faction is not that intimidating or balance changing in my eyes. But that's just me. If there has been some serious script or payout change with a recent update in the last few days I will stand corrected, but other than that the SD is not that big of a deal for criminal balance and crime statistics. This is entirely what's wrong with the server and also another reason IMO that the presence of more law enforcement is not a bad thing.
  23. As title says, I think there should be more parking lot options. Los Santos is a lively and bustling City and there are tens and tens of parking lots all over the City. Yet you can only park in a certain one. My general and simple suggestion is to simply script more parking lots. Simply copy/paste the script and parking points and apply them to different relevant parking areas around Los Santos. Technically speaking script and logic wise for RP you could also utilize the parking garage structures for this too if you wanted. It would diversify things and allow players living or doing business some choice in their vehicle storage outside of their homes garages. There is potential to script 10+ of these in the City alone but I feel an additional 2-3 of them would be sufficient. Anyone have an opinion on the parking lot system?, agree and or disagree like or dislike feel free to reply to the concept below with a reply. Thanks for reading!.
  24. -1 Two hours is not that long, especially if you are talking 5-7 serious felony or murder charges. Based on what people are saying here you would think Corrections does no RP and people in jail do nothing but stand in a cell. Is that actually true?. There needs to be scheduled activities and routine RP done within prisons between the guards and inmates. The Yard, food, laundry, etc. People hate Prison so much because they are painfully bored and just want to AFK and listen to their music. I think that longer prison sentences are fine and add to the quality of your RP. Makes you think twice before making what would IC'ly be considered dangerous and illegal decisions. Am I talking four hours for a DUI?, no. But if you rob a bank and bang out with SWAT you should expect to be RP'ing in a Prison for at least 3-4 hours IMO. If we keep the sentences heavy and serious and adapt and evolve the NLR and CK rules this server could go from light to medium RP to a heavier status. Which would be awesome.
  25. People need serious ramifications for their actions. A mere half hour or hour in jail is a joke RP'ly IMO. For people stacking 5-7 major violent charges or murderous ones we should be talking multiple hours at a minimum. With the Corrections faction and appropriate members and RP standards and routines the prisoners should have enough well regimented and scheduled roleplay stuff to do in prison to keep them from wanting to AFK or be isolative. Have guards schedule them to RP'y go to the laundry room and do laundry, or virtually any other recreational or scheduled activity. I don't think there is anything wrong with extended prison and jail sentences as long as the activities and RP in the prisons is kept to a certain standard to avoid people just walking around doing nothing to avoid being AFK kicked and listening to music. These longer sentences, along with the possible NLR change and CK arrangements could really step up Eclipse Roleplay from a light-medium RP server to more of a heavy one. And I for one would appreciate and embrace that gradual transformation. And I think in the long run all of these aforementioned changes would not only benefit our current community but cause it to grow. Good suggestion and thread, love it.
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