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Everything posted by Drizzy.

  1. https://streamable.com/ojr1a https://streamable.com/diejq
  2. Some of the points above touched the reasons why I am reluctant to log in to my criminal alt from as much as I would of like to. Of which @alexalex303 keeps reminding me
  3. Date and time (provide timezone): N/A Character name: Joe Deys Issue/bug you are reporting: Bug abuse - looting through wall Expected behavior: Not to be able to do the commands/bobby pin through a custom garage wall Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: If you teleport to my store in grapeseed you will see a external garage to my store. I logged in today and found my vehicle looted of its contents where the gate was closed and you cannot enter it. However they bug abused by bobby pinning it through the brick wall and pressing what they need to to open the doors then easy loot. You should not be able to do this. Vehicle license plate number*: DRIZZY
  4. Date and time (provide timezone): Not applicable Character name: Joe Deys Issue/bug you are reporting: When someone gets injured, it could be from shootouts, car crashes, whatever the cause. Sometimes their body leviates above the ground or half under the ground making it a sync issue. The sync issue is you cannot search them and they are in a different position for some of us. We manually can resync this by picking the body up and dropping it again but this seems to be a growing issue. Expected behavior: When the person gets injured, gravity puts them on the floor and in the same sync location for all to interact with. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: In the video below you see someone is half under the ground. Alsoyou can see myself on a alt, trying to search someone but I had to pickup and drop someone so I could search them as when I tried to first, it wouldn't register the player. You can also notice ID 206 realises something is not working and asks in /b desync? Wanted to add this is the same with the bag object, when dropped. Sometimes I am even standing over it, it would not let me search it unless I am the one who dropped it.
  5. Drizzy.


    As much as I love free stuff, and the fact that I was kind of hurt because some of the certain stuff leaked...this is distasteful. Nobody in the staff would ever want the leak. It's just one of those things that has happened. If you want something free, here. Free advice, change your ECRP passwords and email passwords.
  6. Don't know if the population is ready for stuff like this.
  7. -1 asset wipes should be dealt with a case by case basis and for money farming.
  8. I feel like players have not read the suggestion properly. I would be opposed to further lowering the current player inventory from what it is. Sure backpacks could be cool but not at the cost of limiting normal player inventory.
  9. It's not hard to press the arrow button to turn them on yourself.
  10. Date and time (provide timezone): N/A Character name: Joe Deys Issue/bug you are reporting: If one of your saved contacts call you, it dosen't show the name it's saved under. Just the number. What the expected outcome would be is the name of the contact comes up when someone calls. Expected behavior: If I save someone as John Doe, when they call it should say John Doe calling, not just his number. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Easily produced by adding a contact to your phone, then that person ringing you. Vehicle license plate number*: n/a
  11. Can confirm it's been happening for me today too
  12. Drizzy.

    Theme Park NCZ.

    We need changes like this going forward as a community. Try get small food stalls here and possibly rideable rides? Would be awesome.
  13. I dislike most timers as is, sorry but -1. It already takes me long enough to drink water...
  14. Would be a dream come true.
  15. Plastic surgery is done in seperate single operations, it doesn't change your whole face in one go. You have it done in bits like ears, jaw, nose one by one. CK's are on hold, it does not mean plastic surgery is replacing CK. Facial surgery changes how you look abit but does not change who you are. CK's are being worked on if I'm not mistaken somewhere in the ether.
  16. You have my support aslong as it dosen't mess with the undershirt like other things do
  17. If you can afford a business you have got somewhere in this city. It's not just passive income it's a luxury bought through hard graft 9/10 times. People who own businesses should not be limited so much and have options of hiring help when needed. I disagree whole heartedly that owning a business is unfair. I worked literally all year this year on government pay (without doing excessive hours/afk hours) to finally own a business. I shouldn't be limited as a owner to the point where I can't appoint a manager who can do the essentials. Essentials are as follows: Insert money to the treasury but not withdrawal Ability to manage stock/purchase stock/ alter prices Inability to sell the business (not being able to) Add furniture and objects Change the name of the business Be able to view the treasury but not withdrawal (this would help partners trust each other) There are no ''unfair'' or ''excessive'' income because of this change but simply making MORE people involved in businesses they may not be able to afford and opens different roleplay avenues. Altogether this is a picture of moving forward!!! P.S add this to all businesses : Gas, 24/7 etc
  18. Agreed also the ability to close the the front doors/entrances to the stores by the owner/manager.
  19. Drizzy.

    Outlaws MC

    Try keep this going @iAchieve, do like the screenshots.
  20. I can see WCA getting official very soon. I know I'm not the most active member but keep up the work/activity.
  21. Thanks for this bug report, well done on reporting it @Revelt. Hopefully we can fix this and anyone trying to abuse it.
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