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Everything posted by Bala

  1. I think with all sincerity, the economy while inflated and out of whack is the way it is because of a lack of importance placed on it over a number of years and if you were to wipe assets at this point in time, it would mostly kill off the server's player base. I don't mind if people are asset driven, as long as they are good community members. Eclipse has a special formula but one of the ingredients was never an exceptional level of roleplay, Part of it is, the grind for assets. It wasn't really ever that way for me because i've been in PD for 98% of the time I've been here so to an extent, I dont have the needs that some players do.
  2. Maybe we can just cut the human intervention part out completely and just RP with ourselves. I don't think full automation should be considered, because its one of the only methods of cop/crim interaction that doesn't either end in a gun being drawn or a yelling contest. I also don't think leaving it as it is should be considered either, because I can imagine during the timezones where cops aren't online much and you want your car, it's a bitch. I'd be up for automatic un-impound under the following conditions. There are less than six cops online at the time (PD/SD combined). You need a valid drivers license. That way we still keep the RP opps there but if you having to wait, it's an in-character issue where cops are busy, not an out of character one where they are just not logged in, on duty. You shouldn't get punished because people aren't active but at the same time, this aint Burger King, can't have it always your way either. There are probably improvements there to make the sex more pleasurable for the cop too; Letting us know which Impound it's at, either City or Paleto. How much the un-impound fee is BEFORE release. Allowing us to set an optional time under certain conditions for a car not to be retrievable when impounding. Allowing us to un-impound your vehicle from your list of impounded vehicles like /ticket functions, instead of typing in the plate. Adding this straight fire flatbed script, that @Thang and me worked on improving, to flatbed the vehicle there so you don't have to fuck about with the positioning. https://streamable.com/lkzfy5 Also, if a vehicle is permastalled when impounded, charge the player an extra fee (like $500) but give them enough vehicle health left for them to take their car and get it fixed properly at Bayview or LSC. Quality of life that shit and every one wins. Damn, i'm good at this shit.
  3. So, a bit of an update as i've now tested some of the adverts that have been sent to me. It moves quite fast and I'm not sure I can slow that speed down, so what i'd recommend when sending your submissions is focus on logos and such and not a lot of text that people wont have time to read. I may be able to slow it down but this video will give you an idea of how it would look in game, at night, in adverse weather so brand recognition is more important than anything else. https://streamable.com/iqk83c
  4. Just to be clear, you don't have to ask me, just make them yourselves or have someone make them. Send them to me via Discord or post them on here and I'll add them. Please don't make them too memey though Remember, they'll be like 25 foot high.
  5. Attention, Player Ran Business Owners! @Paulo @QuirkyMayhem @Xoza @Larry Wrzosek @Puzzling @KimeyBear101 @Brody King @britbritxo @BillyDrake and any other interested parties. As part of next mapping update, I'd like to add some animated billboards that are around town to create more of a metropolitan feel for the server, particularly in the city. Now, one of the things that I really wanted to do was add some adverts for player run businesses and to that end, that is why I'm coming to you today. I'd like for you to make or have made, adverts in a certain size, for your businesses that I intended to add to these animated billboards, subject to their performance review and any potential impact they may have on the server performance. This is obvious a free service but some rules do apply. It cannot contain any real life logos or anything of that nature, it must be lore-friendly. It must not be unsafe for work and most advertise a business/organisation within the world of Eclipse. I should also point out that the addition of any or all images is completely subject to review by the development team as well, so don't get your hopes up thinking it's a sure thing! The dimensions of the image must be 540 x 540 and in a .jpg or a .png format. They should be uploaded and submitted to this thread in the next couple of weeks. I look forward to seeing the submissions and thank you!
  6. Yeah, it’s literally playing to the rules. Doing something in a very specific way because any other method leads to catching punishments. But, then you see complaints about how people are play to win and all the interactions are the same. If the goal is to create a better roleplay standard in the server, then we’ve failed. If the goal is create a more enjoyable environment in the server for illegal role players, then we’ve failed. I’m not dumb, I know this is going to fall on deaf ears but it needs saying because we’ve created this environment of soft, sweaty rule-players. They ain’t reporting if they win a situation, even if rules have been broken, why you think that is? I really hope the end goal here is a better standard of dynamic roleplay in the server because if it’s anything else, we are wasting our time but we ain’t ever gunna get there like this. If people are actually faced with real consequences that are backed up by common sense, they’ll be less likely to do the dumb shit.
  7. This is, if I remember, usually due to the game not being able to find certain files in a resource. I would go to your client_resources folder in your RAGE-MP directory and delete the Eclipse folder. The files inside are going to be named with letters and numbers so you can either look based on the dates of when you last downloaded files or you can delete all the files in the folder but if you do that, you'll have to download the files from every server you re-joined. Reinstalling GTA V won't fix this issue because it's likely not from the base game but from the content you download from our server. Failing that, uninstall GTA V and make sure your GTA V folder is clean of any mods.
  8. For me, I think the staff team collectively have made a real mess of what constitutes deathmatching and non-roleplay on this server for that matter, so we end up in these really ass backward situations where instead of going off of what feels natural and what makes sense, you have to make sure you fill out a checklist before you do something to someone and you can even catch a punishment for telling someone to attack someone now, which is absolutely wild to me. I can't tell if we're trying to be as realistic as we can be as a server or we're about player appeasement but whatever the set-up is, you've created the "gear fear" and "play to win" mentalities by offering people an outlet to get their own back out of game if they lose in-game. You've enabled that behaviour. If we just went off of common sense, then if you go into what would be considered a dangerous place, like a drug lab or a chop shop for example, all bets are off. If you are doing stuff there, you are doing dirt. If you are doing dirt, you're outside the law and if you outside the law, then anything that can happen will happen. Maybe that's the opposition coming and fucking you up for using a lab, maybe it's another criminal looking to steal your shit. YOU are making the decision to put yourself in a location where things can go south for you. I don't know if you've ever watched a TV show or a movie or read a book about criminal enterprise but generally, if you start throwing insults and threats at a person, you get lit up. If you refuse to hand over your possessions, then end up badly injured or dead. Don't want to get robbed? Don't go to illegal places. Don't want to die? Don't talk shit to someone with a gun to your head, don't refuse to hand over your stuff if they tell you to. If that's the only way you can make money illegally, you are just going to have to risk it and be smart about it. There's no private apartment to hide behind anymore. Why is it that we can do things like take NCZs away from Police Stations so people can now start robbing things from cop's personal vehicles parked at a police station but when it comes to shit like what is DM?, we're slapping people with punishments when they aren't even attacking people. Some of the attitudes towards violent interactions from people in position's of responsibility baffle me. You would think we were playing The Sims, not Grand Theft Auto. Honestly as well, we're three years into this way of thinking and hand on heart, has the standard of roleplay actually improved any? Because from where I sit, we've gone sideways and ended up handing out a bunch more punishments as a result of it to go nowhere. There's some proper good staff at Eclipse but the lack of consistency in the decision making across the board stifles the community as much as any late development update might. Encouraging deathmatch is a no no, but if the DM rules take more of an over-minded view of what is and isn't a reason to fuck someone up, then at the very least there's more consequences for actions and less punishments that can be avoided.
  9. Man like Gatt, one of the real Ghetto Block Killas.
  10. For what it's worth, I like the idea of adding some more locations and I'll look for some. Obviously not up to me if they change though.
  11. I don't know shit about shit for sure, because I could never stop giving my opinion and mouthing off at the wrong people when I was a senior support to make it to moderator, despite being overly qualified. But as nothing more than a long time player, I see a few fundamental flaws in this whole deck of cards that lead to inefficiency when it comes to moderation and administration. Number one, is that you have to consider the obvious, the staff team are just chosen players to represent the community and their enthusiasm for staff duties is going to depend on their enthusiasm for playing Eclipse. The mods and admins have all been here a long time and from what I've observed of them, a growing number of them are still here out of nothing but sheer loyalty and an understandable stubbornness not to want to give up what they've worked for. Like it or not, the community doesn't need a staff member that just goes through the motions. But, I understand exactly why more and more staff get jaded and pull back on their activity/involvement but that's not for public consumption. Number two, the reports themselves. I'm sorry but if an in-game report takes longer than five minutes to resolve, then it needs to go on the forums. The more time that a situation stays paused, the more frustrated the players get and it makes things then more difficult for the staff member to come to the right decision. I'd rather crack on with a situation to completion and then void it later than sit there paused for ten minutes twiddling my thumbs. During that time, that staff member could help a couple more people with issues. But having to navigate the he said, she said and review footage and things like that, na na. If it doesn't need instant resolution, take it to the forums. Number three, I can't tell what the approach of the staff team is supposed to be half the time to be honest. You have those staff that are happy just to let things go and go with the flow on situations then you have those that feel this should be ultra realistic and any horsing around should be stomped out. I know, depending on which admin I get, how I'm going to be treated if I get into shit and while some of that is inevitable, it'd be really nice if every staff member handled things with the same expectations in mind. Number four, either the developers fix some of the persistent bugs or make it so the situations that require admin intervention (like having to contact a mod to get a dead body despawned instead of the drop off working properly) are fixed. Number five, consider offloading some of the responsibilities to senior supports. When I was a senior myself, the amount of reports that came in about wrong dimensions or players being stuck and needed a mod to fix them, it's time consuming. If you trust someone to decide whether someone plays here, if you trust someone to see the reports in the first place and if you trust someone to work with a staff member on player reports, they can unfreeze a player without blowing the server up. That's all I got. For what it's worth, vast majority of staff do an admirable job in difficult circumstances and have to put up with some shitty attitudes from players. Personally speaking, an admin/mod is almost always there for me when I need something so I got no personal complaints really. These are just general observations.
  12. So, you are complaining that you are being treated differently and being misrepresented? Well, how the fuck you think trans people feel or gay people or black people or any other kind of minority feels? I think you actually lying about what you've said pisses me off more than what you've actually said. Simple fact is, people of the LGBTQ+ communities need pride because they've spent so much of their lives being made to feel ashamed of who they are and who they choose to love. It's an expression of pride in themselves and people who are like them. It's not about their lifestyle being superior to yours, it's about them being able to openly be who they are without recrimination. A right and privilege that you get to have every day of your life. In PD, I'm usually the one sending out the messages about pride or at least I have the past two years but I'd like to point out that I did the same for Eid/Ramadan and Hannukah, because I support all the different types of people within PD. Pride is just the LGBTQ+ communities turn to celebrate and I'm absolutely here for it. Come Ramadan time, you best believe I'm hitting the habibis with a Ramadan Kareem as well.
  13. Because people like you need to be educated, usually more than once @Payn - usually slowly and without too many big words. Happy Pride dawg, I’m gunna wave a flag for you.
  14. I mean, you've got those people this actually effects pushing to be considered the same as everyone else, then you've got those that are not part of that community but support that change, then you have probably a bigger portion of people who probably don't care either way and would just rather everyone does what they do and gets the fuck on with it, then you've got what is becoming more of a minority, which are those people who think this is not the way. I said it previously but I think if you have beliefs that these lifestyles are not right, that's perfectly fine to a certain point. The contents of your own head and how you choose to view things is your own affair and you shouldn't be forced to feel a certain way. But the second you act on those thoughts, whether it's verbally or typing or whatever, you're going to get yourself into something and that is only going to get worse and worse for people doing that. Belittling people isn't really right but at the same time, some of the bigotry is just so fucking stupid, it's hard to react with anything else.
  15. End of the day, we're in a privately owned gaming community. The rules can be as arbitrary as those in positions of responsibility choose to make them. They can decide that any speech against LGBTQ+ is unacceptable and bannable or they could go the other way and say that you can say whatever you like. You could in theory be banned for anything or not be banned for anything. For me, I don't want to force something on someone. Whether that's acceptance of someone that isn't ready to accept OR making people in these communities feel like they have to hide who they are. It's a balancing act. The simple fact is that western society is moving in a direction where LGBTQ+ is being integrated more into our society. Regardless of your own personal beliefs, that is the reality. Reality is, in the western world, LGBTQ+ lifestyles are being integrated more into our society and while online gaming is often the worst parts of our society, the acceptance and integration of those communities is reflected our own community with more and more people coming out homosexual or transsexual for example. I think regardless of whether or not you personally feel it is acceptable, this is happening and it's not something that is going to stop. I'll share with you a personal story. I'm now well into my thirties and I grew up believing all the stereotypes about gay people that you can think of. I openly used the f slur and I believed that being gay made you less of a man and that it was disgusting and all the things you can think of. In fact, growing up, to my knowledge all my family was white and straight. All my friends were white and straight, with a couple of Muslim mates. In terms of other cultures and lifestyles, I was really fucking ignorant. I got into RP servers in 2007 and for the first few years, I kept to what I had believed growing up. I found it difficult to start friendships with people of colour and the odd time someone came out as gay, I'm ashamed to admit I ridiculed them for it. Like, the shit that gets people banned from here now, I said it and I did it. I got to about 2013 and a friend of mine came out to me that he was gay. Bare in mind, my friend was a "man's man". Police Officer in the NYPD and the polar opposite of what I'd always thought a gay man was. Then a little while later, one of my best friends came out as gay and at that point, it actually fucking clicked. Being gay didn't make you less of a man or make you a bad person, in fact, aside from what physical characteristics a person was attracted to, it made absolutely no difference. I was still ignorant and confused about transsexuality when I came to Eclipse in 2019. I was more open-minded but I didn't know shit about shit and had never met a trans person in my life. If you said trans to me, I thought of Bangkok lady boys or blokes with beards in dresses. It's so stupid but when you don't have the life experience, your brain tries to fill the gaps from whatever scraps of information you have. But through actually getting to know people who are trans, again, it became obvious that it didn't make a bit of difference whether they were trans or not. A good person is a good person and a shitty one is a shitty one. They're not exclusive to genders or races etc. I went from not knowing shit about shit to having some members of the LGBTQ+ community be some of my best and longest friends. The reason why that was able to happen though was because I gave people a chance that I hadn't given a chance before. I'm not saying that you must do that but ask yourself, honestly, what is the worst that could happen? I'm actually real glad I did it.
  16. We appreciate you Aldarine, thank you!
  17. I mean they do kinda suck, sucks you can't rob them solo, sucks the money is packed when you get it, sucks you can't crack the safe in the back. The alarm at the end is pretty much useless, like closing the barn door after the horse is bolted. Only time you really catch someone is on the off chance. But we move.
  18. It's a bit of a contentious issue because I think there is a fine line between being openly supportive and starting to force other people to support something they might not believe in. I think for some, they have as much issue with feeling like they are forced to accept something as they do with the actual thing they are accepting and to an extent, I can appreciate that. To me, everyone is entitled to think and feel a certain way about any topic for any particular reason. We've been blessed with independent thought for a reason, right? There are some religions that do not recognise these lifestyles or actively believe they are wrong. We have players from all around the world, some living in areas that have very limited exposure to people of colour or trans people or gay people or in a nutshell, people that don't look like them or are into the same things as them. It's some what natural for humans to be distrusting of, resistant to or even hostile towards people they don't understand. It shouldn't be that way but we're somewhat hard-wired to be "tribal" and have to fight that, socially, to be more welcoming and accepting as a people. I don't get the vibe from some of these individuals that they are hateful, just ignorant and/or close-minded but to someone that these prejudices affect directly, they are one and the same. Ultimately, you have the right to free speech but I think sometimes people think that's freedom to say anything without repercussions. Think and feel what you want but when you put them thoughts and feelings out there, there are consequences that come with it. I think it's a difficult one for the community because ideally, I think it's best to be supportive but also, you have to stay somewhat neutral because if you go too far in your support of something you declare a position on it and in doing so, you might alienate a part of your community by doing that so it's important to get the balance right. When someone is blatantly disrespectful and/or abusive though, there is no excuse, you cannot let that behaviour stand.
  19. Brother, I'd love to know what it is around here that makes you think the average player on the server cares about lore or whether something makes that much sense. You're generalising a problem that isn't really a problem. It's literally just people buying an asset that they'll likely barely use then eventually sell, like everyone else does with their houses. You literally just summed up the pointlessness of what you are saying in your reply. "a millionaire cop ain't gunna live in a trailer park occupied by a motorcycle club." - How many cops do you think there are in real-life that are millionaires that are actively employed as law enforcement? So, applying the same logic that it's not realistic, it's not realistic for cops to be millionaires but they are on this server. Nobody is going to tell me where I can and can't buy a house on this server. If it's for sale, it's fair game.
  20. Just so we're on the same page, your issue is about cops buying about the Mandem block that is opposite the Fleeca Bank right? The same Mandem Block that is two roads away from the Vinewood Police Station? The same Mandem Block that is situated on a pretty heavily travelled road? The same Mandem Block that is a motel that comes with a swimming pool yeah? This on the same server where you can drink water directly out of the ocean, criminal organisations all wear the same colour clothes and run around talking on radios about their criminal dealings, yeah? The point I'm getting at here is that this person you encountered bought a motel room, at a motel, just down the road from a police station in a pretty decent area of town. It makes no roleplay sense for a career criminal to own vehicles that cost over $500,000 or for them to run around permanently masked up like it's New York during Canadian forest fire season. But this isn't real life, this is just fantasy. Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality. It's about what fits Eclipse. As for not buying them in heavy crime locations? Why would I not buy a house in a shit neighbourhood. If it's dirt cheap, maybe I can flip it and make more money.
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