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Everything posted by Bala

  1. Essentially it's a shared space, it would be like putting down objects outside Eclipse Towers. Not everyone in that complex would want that around their house. That's perhaps the problem with claiming a shared location as a faction HQ in the first place. Not every property is going to be opened by that faction for obvious reasons. It's unfortunate that Underground has taken the decision to move, especially considering the leader's take on the changes and also, potential revisions to the area but moving also creates something new to roleplay and different opportunities for that faction.
  2. For full transparency, the leader of Underground was made aware of a potential change to Starlite on the 23rd of February and I was told that Underground may be forced out of there due to turf restrictions. Now bare in mind, this stuff was finalised and submitted for implementing on Friday. Underground apparently made their decision to stay according to Nathan Snow on the Saturday and the map has gone in today. So, with all due respect, it's not like this has come completely out the blue, in fact I believe the Starlite Motel was on my mapping showcase from last week as well. While it's unfortunate potentially for people like AtlasOLimbo that Starlite is no longer what it was, it also added additional houses and upgraded the aesthetic to the benefit potentially of the owners of the houses there and also, those maybe wanting to move there. The Jamestown area is a big stretch because it's just some trees and some trash removed. I'm sorry if some of you don't like what's been done and in some cases, we've taken steps with the upcoming revision to address some of the feedback but some of it unless a significant amount of people are unhappy, it's something you'll just have to adapt to.
  3. I ain't ever seen a criminal with a Rolls Royce if i'm honest. There's a reason why the first thing a rapper does when they get big is move neighbourhoods. That said, I don't think making things blindly cheaper makes sense but if it's in the interest of balance, why not.
  4. Greece, Egypt, Romania.
  5. It was recently brought to my attention by @Alexx. that there is currently no Greek flag to purchase in the furniture store and requested that I could add one. Now obviously, if we did add flags, it probably would only be for those countries that a lot of our players come from. So, for example, countries like Lithuania, Estonia, Greece and if the VPNs are to be believed, Uganda. My question is, what flags do you think we should add, and maybe why? Currently there are flags for the following; Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Canada China Colombia Croatia Czech Republic Denmark England EU Finland France Germany Iceland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Lichtenstein Malta Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Nigeria Norway Palestine Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Russia Scotland Slovakia Slovenia South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey UK US Wales
  6. Currently, all government ran factions (PD, SD, DOC, LSEMS, DCC, JB, GOV, LSC, Weazel and Bayview) operate on a cap of $8,000. In short this means that even if the faction budget allows for it, faction members cannot be paid anymore than that $8k. I am currently earning $8,000 an hour in game and i've put in 4 years to get to the point where I do that but to be clear, as someone with a regular pay check and like rest of the PD Command, a very active player, that $8,000 is $5,200 when you hit the maximum tax bracket of 35%. For those lucky enough to have VIP, it's like $6,400. Each faction leader is expected to manage their budget appropriately and currently, the top 4 ranks in PD all get paid the same which is capped out at $8,000. An entry level faction member might make almost half that and respectfully, lowering the amount they get paid in an inflated economy doesn't make sense. Now personally speaking, I have more or less everything that I want in the server at this point, so earning an extra $500 or $750 or whatever an hour isn't that important to me but it seems to me that in certain cases, particularly with the factions that are critical (PD/SD/MD/DOC), being able to tier the pay out over a larger scale makes sense. I'm all for LFM putting some control in place so we don't have everyone earning 8..9..10k an hour and only having higher pay for roles that RPly it would make sense to get paid more. I realise this ain't a criminal suggestion and honestly, I don't want no criminal sweaties in here complaining about how much legal RPers might make. I'm not counting your money, don't try and count mine. $10,000 an hour please. @Lewis
  7. Don't with that attitude Double J, gotta be positive.
  8. I've said it before and I'll say it again, we've wrapped the server up in cotton wool for the best part of three years where people are overly insulated from taking a loss and having to find ways around a problem, rather than just punching through the meta solution. Yes, there will be some clapping at the public labs and likely there will be some deathmatch punishments but public labs haven't been shit for three years and we've had people getting deathmatch punishments and there's been a lot of clapping regardless. Forget it being about the roleplay for a minute here, which is the whole point to this type of server. The only way this shit right here works is if we all interact with one another. This ain't singleplayer where the NPCs give you quests to drive your experience. This ain't FiveM where you got NPCs walking and driving around making the world feel lived in. This shit right here only works if we're all out in the world and interacting. The map is huge and even with 200-300 people, sometimes its a stretch finding people. Private Labs were the single worst thing we've done on this server. Forget development updates not coming, forget staff decisions, forget clap crews, forget dso videos, fuck all that. Absolutely nothing is worse than people being able to lock themselves in interiors and unless they're speds, they can print money and don't have to interact with a single other person. When in reality, all the other people outside are the ONLY people they can interact with. Let people get their investment back for the equipment so private lab makers don't get double fucked, but yoink the private labs out of the server and keep them out. Nothing in the server should be that private ever again.
  9. I agree with @alexalex303 in that private labs should just be yeeted from the server. Private Labs were introduced as a response to the violent interactions around public labs but the reality is, that kind of interaction is exactly the sort of interaction that the gangs wanted to be having, whether it's 2020 or 2023. The public labs and by extension the chop shop, were the Pier of Criminal RP. If you encountered the wrong faction, you got robbed or worse. But then also, you had factions that would tax you and let you use the facilities if you developed relationships with them. I know this because as a solo criminal, I had that kind of relationship with the likes of Triads and Wanted. If I wanted to chop a car or cook some LSD, I didn't get fucked with so long as I handed some of the money over. Cost of doing business and that whole risk/reward thing people like to mention. If Division 6 and OTF want to clash over a lab, let them go at it. At least they're fighting for something that makes sense. They're not focusing their attention on cops, they're doing what they should be doing. The only thing maybe faction services should maybe say to factions is don't be so quick to shit on the small time groups/solo crims and try to work with them. Just so the public labs aren't a no-go for solos that are willing to work with the big fish. As for this water bottle change, change that back. There is already too many instances of that "minigame" on things and it's not an enjoyable game mechanic to use. It's nothing to do with realism and it's just awkward to use. I'd rather take my chances with RNG like the bolt cutters than have to use that. In terms of private labs, just stick a fork in it, get rid of it and try not to piss more people off in the process. Let them trade in their lab equipment for the import price or like 75% of it. Yes, some lab owners will have made a lot more than their investment but the damage is already done. They've still got properties that won't have a function anymore but having a system that the devs will let you use but don't really want you to use doesn't make any sense to me If you are going to keep private labs though, why not add like Water Purification Tablets and like 15 Litre Jugs of Water to the 24/7s so they can purify the water (it wouldn't remove the salt but it's a game) and allow you to keep the tables cool in a more efficient way than just filling up bottles with sea water like a schlub.
  10. The reason why there is not one in Paleto Bay is that everything in Paleto Bay is right next to the Sheriffs Department. It would be the same thing as the Legion Square bank being robbable. The Grapeseed and 68 locations are to give both SD and crims more locations to use. It’s not something us city cops will use that much at all. Plus although there is a bank on 68 already, that road stretches 2/3rds of the map.
  11. It's my shitty graphics
  12. Bala's ECRP Map Showcase From a few of the threads that people have created, they want to know a little bit more about the development of the server and what new things are going to happen and such. As part of the modding team with the likes of Arrta, Timmaayy, Kraah and a few others we've been working on a number of different projects over the past year of content that we might feel we would develop the world we choose to do our thing in. I thought, that as far as some of the stuff I want to get implemented, that I'd share some of the stuff with you so you could take a look and see some of what is possible to be done. Some of the stuff is free from GTA5Mods and CFX, some of the bits have been purchased by myself by other creators and also, bits and pieces have also been created by myself. I can't and won't make any promises about these things being implemented, I just want to show you all them so that even if they aren't added, there's still something to be taken out of it. When I started this, I knew absolutely nothing but with every new project, I find myself learning new things. I'll try and perhaps explain some details or the reasons for the additions/changes and I welcome your feedback and suggestions. Additional 24/7s There are five stores here in new locations. While this would slightly increase market saturation for current 24/7 store owners, it also gives others the opportunity to own these businesses and also, adds additional reasons to visit certain areas. Hawick Avenue by the Clothing Store. Legion Square. Roy Lowenstein Boulevard near Impound/Atomic. Fort Zancudo/Route 68. East Joshua Road, opposite AutoRepairs. Additional Ammunations The same reasoning as 24/7s really. Grapeseed East Joshua Road by AutoRepairs. Mission Row Mirror Park Updated Dealerships Both the AutoRepairs and Heavyflow Dealerships have had their surrounding areas cleaned up and also, had branding added to them to better identify them as what they are. Additional Fleeca Banks Two additional locations for Fleeca Banks in Blaine County, for both the Sheriffs Department and our criminal player-base to make use of. One location is in Grapeseed and one location is on Route 68, by Fort Zancudo. Cleaned up Potential Chopshops What occurred to me with some of these locations is that although they are set-up to be areas to relieve vehicles of their parts, there is quite a lot of clutter that maybe prevents the vehicles being in cover or being manueverable when at this locations, so i've removed some of the obstacles in the way. Faction Locations - Past and Present Eventually, factions make a name for themselves and in often cases leave an lasting impression on the server. Also, in some cases, there's just a real cool idea that suits a faction. We have a DCC garage of sorts in Del Perro for maintaining their fleet. The creation of a Little Mexico on Clinton Avenue for the Zetas as well as the Bathsheba church and the old LS Drift Garage. Government Faction Locations There is a new Paleto Station for SD as their main headquarters and the main point of contact/activity for SD. But, also potentially both PD and SD would also get a second location at Vinewood and Sandy which would be used for more faction-related duties such as meetings, doing paperwork, making briefings, hosting the faction properties and basically where having high player traffic is not ideal or wanted. In addition, to support the new prison additions, the prison has also been upgraded to match the needs of the DOC faction. As well as a new City Impound Location at the current Mors Insurance. Additional Map Locations There are a number of projects I've not included as the post would be a lot longer but there are some assorted locations here as well such as a Mors Insurance closer to the Parking Lot at Legion, a cleaner Starlite Motel with extra doors, an update on the Los Santos Pier with railings/hotdog stands/seats, a physical tribute to Nicholas Harm, update on the bank mapping and removal of the scaffolding there, clearing of the foundry and garbage job areas, hangout area at Legion Square as well as an open parking area for the Incident Worker job.
  13. Bro, what are you on, lmao. There ain't no Jegal Jaction Janagement. I think in terms of what the original poster suggested though, it's not applicable in every situation and I wouldn't want to see this used if the RP took 5-10 minutes for example but once you start spending 15-20 minutes in the process, I could see maybe something where you get time off your sentence if it's over that. Say you spend 25 minutes doing MD RP and there's a prison transport and you got a 60 minute sentence coming. The person who puts you in prison does something like /prison [id] 25. You'd get your fines as normal. You'd get your time as normal but it would be discounted the amount put in the command (so 35 minute sentence) and in the message that says such and such as been prisoned, it'd have the time discounted in (( )) as an OOC measure so it's public what's been discounted to lower the potential for abuse. Obviously if people stalled the RP, they'd get jack shit.
  14. It's the truth though, people are going to back the point of view that benefits them the most and if you ask a crim on this server if they want to be given charges for the crimes they've committed or if they want to be let off some of them and have to spend less money and less time in prison, what are they going to say? It's not that much different on the cop side. Cops will upvote what benefits them. I agree, crims are just as important as the other groups but who decides what is balanced and what is unfair? Cops? Crims? Staff? Players? For me, the answer is simple, both PD and SD find a compromise to treat crims the same no matter the arresting faction. Yes SD and PD IRL are different but in the context of our server, consistency is key. How we arrive at a compromise though is the difficult part, because ultimately you've got people in PD that think this is the way it should be and people in SD that think their way is the way.
  15. That's it in a nutshell though, people don't see a need to put effort in unless it benefits them to do so. You're not wrong for saying what you've said because it's something that happens across crim, cop and every other area of the community. What that tells me is that subconsciously, a lot of our players want the speedy resolution and to move onto the next situation. I don't know sometimes why we fight that because that mentality isn't going anywhere, so why not lean into it? Personally, I'd love to give people who go above and beyond with their RP time off but it's not that simple, particularly now. You have JB who will want to account for every charge you make if a case comes through them. You will also have the natural bias of some cops wanting to do that and others not. Some people will have differing ideas as to what good RP is. Some will do it for their friends on alts but not their enemies. That's what it was like before. The vibe I get from being on the other side of crim is that the time you get in prison is fine, as long as you got stuff to do. The prison updates helped shift how prison is viewed now some what and that's great for crims/doc. Prison should be an IC punishment but shouldn't be an OOC one. Maybe there's more work to be done there but it's a start. It's the fines that go with it that seem to irk people because you're kind of railroaded into criminal systems to make money but it so often leads to getting caught that your progress gets wiped and in some cases, you lose a lot more than you gain. That's where I'd look personally, not at the times or what charges people get but at the fines.
  16. Bala

    fire rp

    Nice to meet you crhis, this is unfortunately the wrong section for this though. If you would like to introduce yourself and say hi properly, post a thread in here; https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/forum/8-introduce-yourself/
  17. I don't know if people will actually bother to listen to this but while the PD and SD currently have differing methods of applying charges, no one legitimately gets a charge for a crime they have not committed. IA and JB work to make sure the charges are above board. Of course criminals are going to want PD to adopt SD's policy, it's more favourable to them. If I was a criminal, I would probably feel the same way. It's not for me to say which policy is the right one, in terms of the server but honestly, I think having two different interpretations of the same penal code with JB looking over everyone's shoulder is a lot more trouble that it's worth. I don't think PD taking SD's approach works and I don't think SD taking PD's approach works either, there's probably concessions on both sides to meet in the middle. The real life argument doesn't work on Eclipse because the only thing people are going to give a shit about at the end of the day is the amount of minutes and the money they're going to have to pay. They don't care how SD differs from PD until it comes down to charges. Also, if anyone is caught leaking our faction announcements outside the faction, you're getting booted. Been told a bunch of times now and someone will always snitch on you for doing it eventually.
  18. Not really, it closed in 2014.
  19. I haven’t actually noticed a lack of players and speaking from experience of RP servers, the population starts increasing from April for some reason. Absolutely nothing to worry about.
  20. The good part about things not being so good, is that you can be a part of the come up.
  21. With the amount people turn off their phones to avoid tracing, crims would never see any adverts I'm not fond of weazel posts being any less visible than they are currently, it's hard enough for them as is but i'm sure there's some other way other than the chatbox.
  22. The plan at some point with the character customisation update is to add the GTA hair overlays, which will make the little bits of hair on the side not as pronounced. Currently, it's just hair and scalp so it looks a little fruity. I don't have an ETA on that, but ye, it shouldn't be a problem in the future.
  23. Bala

    Chat Box

    Extended chatbox for VIP donators.. hell ye
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