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Everything posted by Bala

  1. Right, great, you've played on the server but you're making assumptions that somehow I'm to blame for things being the way they are without actually any knowledge of the decision making process or why things are the way they are. There are no attachments in shipments because there was a planned weapon update in November that got pushed back. Obviously the update not being released is not a good thing, but it is what it is. Nothing really that anyone but one person can do about it. The weapon update was not something that anyone necessarily asked for to my knowledge, it was just added on spec. As for your opinion, it was just baseless accusations. What I suggested or some of the other criminals suggested was NOT what we got. You should be glad that there are people like me willing to consider the other side. I don't have any intention of playing a criminal character, because in part of the way things are but I'm just better suited to cop roleplay. The main reason why I've pushed so hard for criminal updates is because it's in the interest of the cop factions for there to be more crims to interact with and to have them less likely to be doing the sort of things that make playing a cop here a frustrating experience. You can believe what you want to believe if that makes you feel any better but if you think that anyone is listening to a word that i've been saying, you haven't been paying attention at all.
  2. That's an interesting take from someone that has been back, what, two weeks? I really wish that what you said was true and that these decisions that have been taken, were my decisions but that's simply not the case. What's actually closer to the truth is that criminals, credible criminals, criminals that weren't banned for example, were invited to share their feedback and ideas on what the criminal side of things need by NBDY in April of this year. Now, having invited those criminals, certain levels of the staff team were also invited to participate in those discussions. Now unfortunately in the process of those discussions, what the criminals themselves wanted went through the staff team and then NBDY and as a result, we ended up with an end product that it would seem the criminal player base didn't like and it had strayed some what from the original ideas. Chops were supposed to be disposable. Public Drug Labs were supposed to be re-added when the apartment labs went away. The hotwiring minigame was supposed to be a lot shorter but put some interactivity into breaking into cars over the RNG system we had. House Robberies were supposed to be done around that same time. We left quite a bit on the table. Now, in response to things still not working, I have on my own merit and at considerable risk to myself, continued to push the staff team and developers to make positive changes to the server for criminals. Anyone that is actually in the loop, will know that to be the case. Not even taking my own ideas into consideration and simply taking the ideas from the criminals and giving them straight to the developers. The staff team are sick of having to deal with as a result of this, because I'm constantly arguing with them over stuff like this. I spoke with Osvaldon directly and there was an agreement in place for certain things to be changed based on criminal feedback before this Christmas. Unfortunately, he then had to take some personal time and NBDY/The Staff Team felt they wanted to go in a different direction which is their prerogative to do. I don't agree with the direction, but at the end of the day, it's the devs server and the staff team is responsible for running it, in good times and bad. That was a nice shit way of telling you, we didn't get what we originally ordered. If I fucked something up, I'd hold up my hands and then do what I could to fix it. But on this, my conscience is clear.
  3. It's fine, RAGE MP makes the windows shatter when you get out of the car anyway.
  4. Oh boy.. What a good suggestion.
  5. -1. I can understand the reasoning behind the OPs suggestion but to be completely honest, it's merely a short term solution and it would hamstring factions more than anything. We have four illegal official factions. Rooks (40), Lost (32), Cartel (13) and Rising Suns (24). I don't wish to generalise but none of those factions are what I would consider as aggressive and none of those are necessarily going to squeeze any of the other potential or unofficial factions we currently have beyond an acceptable limit. The fundamental issue is that being a criminal on Eclipse now, is what being a non-enforcement legal roleplayer was pre-COVID, with little support and no real strategy to improve things any time soon. There is an underlying reason why we have more people in the one law enforcement faction than we do in all the legal factions combined. There is an underlying reason why we have only four official factions. There is an underlying reason why new factions is an issue. There is an underlying reason why Irish or GBK or Shenzhen or even Royals are no longer with us. We're just constantly trying to rebuild the same sandcastle but the tide is coming in. Opening discord discussions and running faction initiatives and pushing random updates absent part of a larger strategy while limiting your criminal player base further in ways like this isn't going to have a happy ending. We can tell ourselves everything is fine when we are hitting 200, 250, 300 players but does the player count translate to a fulfilling experience? Are you not entertained? I genuinely believe this server has all the tools to be the best server on the RAGE-MP platform. I'm not talking just in terms of action or deep, heavy roleplay or player counts or script or community but all those things combined, Eclipse can have the best combination of thrilling action and excitement with sustainable and engaging roleplay with a community that doesn't take itself too seriously and with a script that is user friendly but supportive. By my estimation, we could turn around the entire criminal scene in about four weeks and we wouldn't have to change much more than a few things to achieve that. The reason that that sounds so simple, is because it is. The OP's suggestion though is treating a symptom, not the illness.
  6. Speak for yourself, I never crash at Mission Row.
  7. Is it not somewhat NRP to be driving the top speed of your vehicle on what would be heavily populated streets? We all make certain sacrifices of realism because it's a game. The PD air unit is chilling on a roof top half the time somewhere anyway, so it's not a constant patrol of the sky.
  8. I'll snapchat kris and ask him.
  9. I have a Job Center MLO near Mission Row which would in my view, be fantastic for this. I assume the board is physical to drive players to the same area, which the Job Center MLO would achieve also. As for the text colours, it does feel a little excessive on the colours at times. [Daily Rewards] You have been awarded 12 credits for playing for at least an hour for 43 days straight. Looks a little more appetising and easier on the eyes than this. [Daily Rewards] You have been awarded 12 credits for playing for at least 1 hour for 43 days straight. Doing things like colouring text based on specific things in the server might seem insignificant but there comes a point where you just subconsciously acknowledge that something has happened, just by seeing the colour. When you gain something, green. When you love something, red. For example.
  10. I hope so, desperate to play.
  11. I'm still waiting for my application to be approved, it's been three and a half years!
  12. This is not something that has been confirmed as in development, so don't take it as gospel, but my intention is to at some point, add shell interiors to the game which are essentially just empty versions of the houses which would then allow for players to be able to furnish as they wish. We've seen the creativity of some of our players with using the furniture available to them, I can only imagine, given a blank canvas what people could achieve.
  13. We can't put it on our server because we need to load all the files but they won't release all the files. FiveM will give you say 90% of the files you need to host on the server yourself so you can change like textures and stuff. But the remaining 10% of files, you will never personally receive. They are streamed in seperately when you start a FiveM server.
  14. Content is encrypted and works via the FiveM escrow system. Texture folders are left open and thus remain adjustable. Main models cannot be opened or altered. So in short, no. The Escrow system for FiveM will give you basically x amount of the files and then when you load your server, it'll give remaining amount but encrypted. RAGE essentially needs ALL the files to load something. There is a singleplayer version but again, you have to go through some janky process for even that to work.
  15. I'm sorry like but criminal factions on an GTA RP server are a critical commodity. Even though they are usually different hex color versions of another group, they are needed for the ecosystem. In terms of MPT, what could you offer that LSC couldn't offer for example? My point is that adding you as a official would potentially take customers away from LSC and there might not be enough customers to make both factions viable. There is then a potential impact on Bayview. If there are two mechanic factions in the city, are you then more likely to go to the city? As someone who spends 99% of their time in LS, only time I go to Bayview is if no one is at LSC. Bayview has 70 members. LSC has 41. That's the current system, they are not necessarily competition for one another, they are geographical conveniences. An endeavour like MPT would work great in a system where instead of there being two big mechanic factions, there were individual garages in operation, like say 5-6 with say like 10-20 employees working each. Because then it becomes all about your relationship with players, your prices etc.. Same thing goes with cab companies. DCC has 53 people and an app. I respect what you are trying to do but you can't really fight convenience. Same thing goes with someone wanting another News Faction. Do we really need MORE adverts in chat? I'd rather see more from Weazel than another Weazel.
  16. To be honest, as much as I like people taking it upon themselves to create factions like Mirror Park Tuning, you have to ask yourself does our server currently need a third mechanic faction? Would our server need a second news faction? A second taxi faction? The answer in the cold light of day is no. If anything, it’d probably make more sense to only have one mechanic faction but that’s an argument for another thread. The success of an extra faction in the area would take away from something already established and with the player base we have, it’s not like we really need more of these types of factions. We need the ones have used more if anything.
  17. conjecture noun - "an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information." I don't really agree that that is an accurate statement at all, there may be some of that but it doesn't really have any basis on whether or not something would need to change. If I scan 1 license plate or 10 license plates, it's the same outcome if the car is marked as stolen. --- My good friend Elise (one of those police that apparently scans license plates 24/7) had some suggestions regarding the vehicles, because in essence, the problem is not when a license plate is scanned, it's the information that comes back. When you successfully start a civilian vehicle, your in-game name is attached to that vehicle for x amount of minutes in the MDC. If someone scans the plate of the stolen vehicle within that window, it'd come back as you being the owner so it would be less conspicuous to a passing cop. That gives you some time to find a chop shop or whatever you want to do with the car. When that window of opportunity concludes, the vehicle is marked as STOLEN and whatever happens happens. So, when you steal a vehicle, you will have to get rid of it quickly so you might speed more and can't really just drive around in it with no issue but you are also not going to just get so easily caught if you play it smart. Instead of it being tied to your in-game name, just keep it as Los Santos Citizen for that window of opportunity. Same kind of premise really. There would be no obvious way of telling the vehicle is stolen within that window unless a regular traffic stop happened and the police officer asked to see a demonstration of your ownership of the vehicle (which is normal for a traffic stop) For me, that is a great suggestion because it gives criminals a real chance if they are quick about offloading the car but also, if they naturally get caught then it's one of those things. Fun and fairness on both sides.
  18. It's unfortunate that we've been dependent on private labs for so long, because if you can cook drugs conveniently and safely in an interior that you can only get into and then changes come along which threaten or change that in any negative way, you are going to feel negative about it. For me, there is room for public and private labs. I think if you have the organisation and the resources to run a private lab, it makes sense to do it. If you're a struggling, lower ender criminal that can't afford a property or the equipment, then a public lab is for more for you. Is a private lab good for the server right now? Kind of not, we need players in world but I think if you go full 2019 and force players to only public labs then you end up with big fish fucking little fish and little fish not really having anything to do so, there is a place for private cooking. I don't really understand the spill mechanic and what it means right now but in general, the overheating mechanic was never something I necessarily liked. Your apartment only really blew up if you were negligent but if you were smart, you'd never be found out. It also feels like constantly having to keep tables cool is like keeping plates spinning. I'll borrow from Rust/DayZ for a second here but what if instead of overheating, we went with something like; You have to use a fuel source like a generator or gas to power the lab equipment to cook. If you run out of fuel, the negative is that your production stops. Similiar to how a Rust furnace works. No wood in the furnace? Can't smelt Metal Frags etc.. Perhaps allow the oil refinery job to either drop their barrels for money or fuel. If they choose fuel, they can sell it to people for their lab equipment. That adds use to a job and brings potentially more P2P interaction. Add a damage status to the lab equipment. The more times you use the lab equipment to cook, it will degrade over time from say pristine to functional to unstable to ruined. Once it becomes quite degraded, it'll become unstable, it'll be a bit like Russian roulette to use it because every time it could go off. The lab equipment would last quite a while but it wouldn't be infinite so eventually you'd have to get a new table since you wouldn't be able to cook if it was ruined. Lab equipment prices would have to be reviewed in this case though for balance. The more equipment going in an interior, signs of what is going on inside would appear outside the property. We recently added the /fdos and we could have something similiar by the doors of properties such as, ** You would see smoke coming from under the door ** or ** You would notice a strong smell of chemicals by the door ** or if there were a lot of ventilators going ** You would hear the sound of machinery inside. ** That encourages moderate sized labs but also for people to have security on their properties and be more mindful of their activities being exposed. Restock the Public Labs as they were in 2019 but split the drugs that you can make in a public lab and a private lab into two different qualities, High Grade and Low Grade. Thanks @alexalex303 for this idea. Public meth would fetch less money per gram than private lab made meth. You run more risk being discovered at a public lab but if you get caught there, the equipment isn't yours so the collateral cost is less. The private labs are more professionally run, with better equipment so the yield would RPly be better. As for cops camping labs, if you have any evidence of any LSPD Faction Members doing that, then you are welcome to either inform us or legal faction management about it and we will make sure that it does not happen that way. If we discover it naturally or through RP it's legit, but no cop should be rolling labs IMO.
  19. We obviously want to encourage people to be creative where it makes sense for them to do so like you have with your fire pit but at the same time, I think we also have to be considerate of what people are building. I put those pink trees into the furniture store and I hate that those trees don't load in straight away. But my concern would be that once you start adding more, would it impact performance? Mod wise, we have a few scraps of ideas to bring to the server in terms of properties and furniture like empty shell interiors and such. This is perhaps something that could be looked into. Personally, I'm a fan also of being able to upgrade with in-game money as well. Like, in the house menu, being able to buy "planning permission" which would give you say 15-20 extra exterior slots OR you could go to the credits route. It then makes your property a little more appealing to a seller because you can customise more.
  20. The problem for me with this is who decides whether something is petty or toxic? Because, we all have different understandings and tolerances. One admin might be a complete snowflake and another might be let a lot of things go. I think the report section is a bit of a circus to be honest, given that everything is done out in the open, it almost becomes like an open jury where everyone can have their opinion. I think the whole report system should be between those being reported and the admin taking the report and done privately. There are surely ways in which it can be done and I think that if you aren't being judged by the court of public opinion, then being involved in reports isn't as shameful experience. Even when I've been reported and not done anything wrong, it's still been shitty to have to defend my actions publicly.
  21. Thanks meow, I just wish that the powers that be shared your endorsement of my ideas. We never needed to be so drastic in how we changed as a server over the past three years, we only needed to finetune and build on that to be successful. I do believe that getting to 350-400 players out of COVID consistently is possible again, we have everything that a server needs to thrive. Money to fund it, a loyal player-base, a consistent and trouble-free hosting situation. It's any server owners wet dream. The best ideas for us right now, are the simple ones. It's easy to get bogged down in these convoluted systems but the beauty of Eclipse has always been it's simplicity. You don't need a manual to play here but there is enough structure where you can take what you are doing somewhat serious. Perhaps at some point, if something miraculous happens and I can be more significantly involved, I'll go through all these freelance things and share my ideas in more depth. The threads that I've made previously have always gone down quite well.
  22. Doesn't have to be off topic, since adding specific freelance jobs within the corrections environment would be a positive step towards improving that environment. You'd unfortunately have to be a prisoner to do them but still. Adding mining in the middle of a concrete yard was is kind of just, "bleh, give them something". Point why I brought up the other stuff is that there are very specific things in the server that need urgent attention and going down this route doesn't really achieve that, despite there being some good suggestions.
  23. The argument around public labs and people going there to rob is somewhat simple because one, big groups of crims don't exist anymore and two, if you are there, you are there to make money illegally so you kind of have to take your chances. It's like being a cop on the server, you kind of expect people to run from you and resist arrest. The difference between 2019 and 2022 is that you do still have the option for cooking privately which did not exist in 2019. Labs and Chopshops were as much a positive meeting point for crims as a negative one, it depends on your relationship with the another criminal and what criminal you encounter. Criminals being able to lock themselves away and cook in apartments was a lack of attention to detail. You need your legal player meeting points and your illegal. You're not going to get innocent people or civvies at drug labs are you? When it comes to DOC, the only difference between a 60 minute jail sentence and a 6 hour sentence is that a negative gameplay experience doesn't last as long. Overhaul the prison, @Chunder made a beautiful suggestion thread which a lot of people have shared ideas on and lower the fines, then people won't care as much about the time because they can get an interesting experience in DOC like they could on the street. You shouldn't RPly WANT to go to prison but you shouldn't OOCly have to hate it. If we overhauled the prison, Netflix usage would take a hit from ECRP members The process is simple in it's execution. You sort the biggest issues first, go back to the fundamentals of Eclipse, keep things simple so everyone gets them and then you rebuild the community. Not just in terms of development, but eventually the rules and if necessary, the staff team. Don't worry about retaining new players who may or may not stay regardless of what you do, worry about keeping the good players that got you to this point and remained loyal even when we perhaps didn't deserve it. It's the good players that you build around.
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