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Everything posted by Bala

  1. You could look at it that way or you could look at it like the community was far too lenient on some people abusing in character chat for a reaction out of character. You could also look at it like some people in the community may abuse "free speech", thinking that it entitles them to say anything, without any repercussions. You could also look at it like telling someone to kill themselves without any reason or connecting roleplay is a easy, poor standard of roleplay. I think you missed the point. If you use these kind of phrases so flippantly, especially to someone in a poor headspace, then they can be hurtful. There's no way of knowing what kind of a headspace someone is in. If I was thinking about killing myself or in a really dark place mentally and a stranger tells me even in a video game to kill myself, maybe that's the difference maker and I go do something, maybe it's just another notch on the wrist or maybe just maybe it's another shit roleplay experience because telling someone to kill themselves in a roleplay server for no reason fulfils that need to be edgy. The same way calling someone the N word or calling someone a f****t does.
  2. Preamble A while back, I made a discussion regarding the use of racism and homophobic language in roleplay and how using those kinds of terms might effect someone on an out of character level. Naturally, there was somewhat of a mixed opinion. Most seemed supportive and in the end the staff team were also supportive, some were against what they perceived to be unnecessary censorship and some simply thought in was a non-issue, in part due to their own beliefs about racism or homosexuality. In an ideal world, what you say on a video game wouldn't have an impact on someone on an out of character level. In an ideal server, people wouldn't use slurs as a method of getting a reaction from someone out of character but we have to deal with the practicalities of the situation, not the ideals. The Discussion Point Now, putting aside racism and homophobia, I'd like to talk about the thread title "kill yourself". I was personally involved in a role-play recently with an individual who will remain nameless but in the course of their roleplay, on a number of occasions, told someone else involved in the roleplay to kill themselves. This was, naturally, in-character so there wasn't a violation of any out of character laws. The context was a simple arrest, where a weapon was found in the glove box. Yet this individual felt it was appropriate to get very angry and tell someone to go and kill themselves. To be clear, this is not the first instance of this happening, nor the first time that this individual has told someone to kill themselves. One of the other times, the individual told the other person verbatim, "kill yourself IRL". Now while this was done in an in-character method of speaking, that obviously crosses the line because how can a character living in their own reality tell someone to kill themselves in real life if they're remaining in-character? This might not provoke the same reaction as homophobia or racism or transphobia might for example but the same thinking applies. Suicide is a very real thing, especially for people between 18-35 which would be our core player-base. In my experience on Eclipse, I've met a lot of people who have had various different problems with mental health such as suicidal thoughts, depression, anxiety and even in some cases, self-harm. Why? Eclipse and gaming in general is to those people and in fact, pretty much everyone, intended to be a getaway from whatever it is they've got going on in their real life. That might be a stressful job, it might be problems with their relationships or they have low self-esteem or any number of scenarios. I don't want to come across as a care bear or discourage players on this server from being more realistic with what their characters say but to be honest with you, I think that it's important that communities like Eclipse are some what of a haven and a reasonably positive experience for everyone. No one is getting their feelings hurt if they cannot tell someone to kill themselves but if you are in those negative headspaces, hearing stuff like that can have a very real and legitimate effect on you. I've had mental health problems in my teenage years and even in my twenties. Bouts of depression and even still to this day, I have periods of social anxiety that limit the experiences that I have had in my life. I'm not ashamed of that fact and don't mind telling a community of people that I've had that but having gone through those kinds of things, gives you a real sense of empathy and understanding for those people that feel the same or have it worse. I've never wanted to self-harm but I've been friends with people that have done just that and even attempted to take their own lives. I'm aware through discussions from players here that they have had their own experiences with suicide in their personal lives as well so, for me, I think it's important to raise the issue surrounding this. TLDR Long story short, I think that telling someone to kill themselves or using things to that effect should have the same classification in the rules as the racism and homophobic amendments we made earlier in the year and be classified as disgusting roleplay as part of IC and OOC Interactions, because like with homophobia and racism, these can negatively impact people on an out of character level. I welcome counter arguments as well as support on this matter, but for all our sakes, keep it respectful so no one ends up getting themselves banned.
  3. Increasing the minute cap would be nice, to 60 minutes, a lot of playlists and such are 1 hour now. I'm just not sure if it would cause any performance issues? I'm not familiar how the streaming works.
  4. I'm not really sure on whether this would be doable, due to technical limitations but I'm pretty sure there would be a legal issue as well.
  5. I mean again, a good shout and you get people overlapping in jobs. You could probably apply that to the mining and lumber jobs too tbh. Poor Dovah doesn't look where he's whackin and a log falls on his head, happens to me all the time in Valheim.
  6. Someone mentioned doing essentially what we do now with the spawned civ vehicles and having random bodies spawn, so the coroners would always have some work to do. I think adding capabilities to LSEMS is a no brainer but I guess they didn't do that at the time as they didn't want EMS just taking all the work for themselves and EMS is there to help players as a primary role. Thing is, if you're on coroner duty and not handling a call, there can just be a random amount of time and then you specifically get a call about a spawned body, so it's essentially spawned specifically for you. Could add a bonus to the amount of stored bodies you have in your vehicle to encourage people to do the job for longer too. As well as adding them to the phone. Given our murder rate, everyone should have the coroners on speed dial
  7. I was asked to provide feedback and it just feels a little bit like the faction cap suggestion that Melody made, in that they are short term "fixes" to a long-term problem. I'm not going to comment on the helicopter one because I don't know anyone in PD that goes flying over labs deliberately to look for people. I can't imagine that Osborn and Co. would allow that sort of thing from SD either. I'm sure there are odd cases where it's happened but certainly nothing to take drastic action over. Now, when it comes to the prison time adjustments and the charge stacking stuff, I do feel a little bit like you could cap the prison time at 30 minutes and only have one instance of a charge on your jacket and you'd still have a shit time in prison. If anything, it's the fines that are a killer because making money as a criminal from what I've been told, is a real grind and to lose it in a heartbeat over what you might consider to be some fuckery would be a tough thing to swallow. Prison has always been a rough experience in Eclipse or at least since I got here in 2019. It doesn't matter who is running the faction, what the prison looks like or how long you go there, going to prison in Eclipse is an OOC punishment because not only is there not anything of real interest or significance in that place, everyone is either fighting or alt-tabbed watching whatever is popping on Netflix. If we fixed up the prison to the point where you could continue to build your roleplay but also take part in activities that stimulate and make sense for a prison (not digging for ore in the middle of a concrete yard) then those 2-3 hours don't feel quite so bad. There's been too many instances where we treat symptoms and not root causes and it gets us nowhere.
  8. It's important to consider all sides, particularly with criminal and cop changes. Because you have to consider not just how something will be used by criminals but how cops might be involved in that and vice versa. It's selfish on my part, but I want crim to improve so that PD is more enjoyable. It's not so that I can start or be in a crim faction. It's just that thing of Batman needs The Joker and vice versa. Cop/Criminal are absolutely linked and both are at their best when they are both supported and balanced. While you or your friends / allies not being contacted yet about those discussions could easily make you feel some type of way (as it would me, if I was you), what I will say is that the criminals that have been asked for their two cents have represented crim very well. It's just that the feedback hasn't really been acted on or listened to. Is it better to be asked and then your answers left there or not to be asked in the first place? To me, they feel more like one and the same. When it comes to the faction cap, to circle it back, it does just feel like capping factions isn't the problem right now. It's improving crim to the point where people want to make sustainable criminal factions that have a shot of being around long enough where they can get a roster of 20-30 people and get on the tier list.
  9. Right, great, you've played on the server but you're making assumptions that somehow I'm to blame for things being the way they are without actually any knowledge of the decision making process or why things are the way they are. There are no attachments in shipments because there was a planned weapon update in November that got pushed back. Obviously the update not being released is not a good thing, but it is what it is. Nothing really that anyone but one person can do about it. The weapon update was not something that anyone necessarily asked for to my knowledge, it was just added on spec. As for your opinion, it was just baseless accusations. What I suggested or some of the other criminals suggested was NOT what we got. You should be glad that there are people like me willing to consider the other side. I don't have any intention of playing a criminal character, because in part of the way things are but I'm just better suited to cop roleplay. The main reason why I've pushed so hard for criminal updates is because it's in the interest of the cop factions for there to be more crims to interact with and to have them less likely to be doing the sort of things that make playing a cop here a frustrating experience. You can believe what you want to believe if that makes you feel any better but if you think that anyone is listening to a word that i've been saying, you haven't been paying attention at all.
  10. That's an interesting take from someone that has been back, what, two weeks? I really wish that what you said was true and that these decisions that have been taken, were my decisions but that's simply not the case. What's actually closer to the truth is that criminals, credible criminals, criminals that weren't banned for example, were invited to share their feedback and ideas on what the criminal side of things need by NBDY in April of this year. Now, having invited those criminals, certain levels of the staff team were also invited to participate in those discussions. Now unfortunately in the process of those discussions, what the criminals themselves wanted went through the staff team and then NBDY and as a result, we ended up with an end product that it would seem the criminal player base didn't like and it had strayed some what from the original ideas. Chops were supposed to be disposable. Public Drug Labs were supposed to be re-added when the apartment labs went away. The hotwiring minigame was supposed to be a lot shorter but put some interactivity into breaking into cars over the RNG system we had. House Robberies were supposed to be done around that same time. We left quite a bit on the table. Now, in response to things still not working, I have on my own merit and at considerable risk to myself, continued to push the staff team and developers to make positive changes to the server for criminals. Anyone that is actually in the loop, will know that to be the case. Not even taking my own ideas into consideration and simply taking the ideas from the criminals and giving them straight to the developers. The staff team are sick of having to deal with as a result of this, because I'm constantly arguing with them over stuff like this. I spoke with Osvaldon directly and there was an agreement in place for certain things to be changed based on criminal feedback before this Christmas. Unfortunately, he then had to take some personal time and NBDY/The Staff Team felt they wanted to go in a different direction which is their prerogative to do. I don't agree with the direction, but at the end of the day, it's the devs server and the staff team is responsible for running it, in good times and bad. That was a nice shit way of telling you, we didn't get what we originally ordered. If I fucked something up, I'd hold up my hands and then do what I could to fix it. But on this, my conscience is clear.
  11. It's fine, RAGE MP makes the windows shatter when you get out of the car anyway.
  12. Oh boy.. What a good suggestion.
  13. -1. I can understand the reasoning behind the OPs suggestion but to be completely honest, it's merely a short term solution and it would hamstring factions more than anything. We have four illegal official factions. Rooks (40), Lost (32), Cartel (13) and Rising Suns (24). I don't wish to generalise but none of those factions are what I would consider as aggressive and none of those are necessarily going to squeeze any of the other potential or unofficial factions we currently have beyond an acceptable limit. The fundamental issue is that being a criminal on Eclipse now, is what being a non-enforcement legal roleplayer was pre-COVID, with little support and no real strategy to improve things any time soon. There is an underlying reason why we have more people in the one law enforcement faction than we do in all the legal factions combined. There is an underlying reason why we have only four official factions. There is an underlying reason why new factions is an issue. There is an underlying reason why Irish or GBK or Shenzhen or even Royals are no longer with us. We're just constantly trying to rebuild the same sandcastle but the tide is coming in. Opening discord discussions and running faction initiatives and pushing random updates absent part of a larger strategy while limiting your criminal player base further in ways like this isn't going to have a happy ending. We can tell ourselves everything is fine when we are hitting 200, 250, 300 players but does the player count translate to a fulfilling experience? Are you not entertained? I genuinely believe this server has all the tools to be the best server on the RAGE-MP platform. I'm not talking just in terms of action or deep, heavy roleplay or player counts or script or community but all those things combined, Eclipse can have the best combination of thrilling action and excitement with sustainable and engaging roleplay with a community that doesn't take itself too seriously and with a script that is user friendly but supportive. By my estimation, we could turn around the entire criminal scene in about four weeks and we wouldn't have to change much more than a few things to achieve that. The reason that that sounds so simple, is because it is. The OP's suggestion though is treating a symptom, not the illness.
  14. Speak for yourself, I never crash at Mission Row.
  15. Is it not somewhat NRP to be driving the top speed of your vehicle on what would be heavily populated streets? We all make certain sacrifices of realism because it's a game. The PD air unit is chilling on a roof top half the time somewhere anyway, so it's not a constant patrol of the sky.
  16. I'll snapchat kris and ask him.
  17. I have a Job Center MLO near Mission Row which would in my view, be fantastic for this. I assume the board is physical to drive players to the same area, which the Job Center MLO would achieve also. As for the text colours, it does feel a little excessive on the colours at times. [Daily Rewards] You have been awarded 12 credits for playing for at least an hour for 43 days straight. Looks a little more appetising and easier on the eyes than this. [Daily Rewards] You have been awarded 12 credits for playing for at least 1 hour for 43 days straight. Doing things like colouring text based on specific things in the server might seem insignificant but there comes a point where you just subconsciously acknowledge that something has happened, just by seeing the colour. When you gain something, green. When you love something, red. For example.
  18. I hope so, desperate to play.
  19. I'm still waiting for my application to be approved, it's been three and a half years!
  20. This is not something that has been confirmed as in development, so don't take it as gospel, but my intention is to at some point, add shell interiors to the game which are essentially just empty versions of the houses which would then allow for players to be able to furnish as they wish. We've seen the creativity of some of our players with using the furniture available to them, I can only imagine, given a blank canvas what people could achieve.
  21. We can't put it on our server because we need to load all the files but they won't release all the files. FiveM will give you say 90% of the files you need to host on the server yourself so you can change like textures and stuff. But the remaining 10% of files, you will never personally receive. They are streamed in seperately when you start a FiveM server.
  22. Content is encrypted and works via the FiveM escrow system. Texture folders are left open and thus remain adjustable. Main models cannot be opened or altered. So in short, no. The Escrow system for FiveM will give you basically x amount of the files and then when you load your server, it'll give remaining amount but encrypted. RAGE essentially needs ALL the files to load something. There is a singleplayer version but again, you have to go through some janky process for even that to work.
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