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Everything posted by ThePro

  1. ThePro

    Custom Cars

    It might make the server more laggy.
  2. ThePro

    The Road Slayers

    All the members of TRS that are not on our discord yet, make sure to contact me so I can add you. My discord: ThePro#3352
  3. ThePro

    Fuel Canister

    A refillable fuel canister should be added, so we can refill our cars when the tank is empty.
  4. Maybe we could make a command or something like /fixcar that would reload car mods, and show the real mods and not the bugged ones. It would make the RP feeling a lot better.
  5. Date and time (provide timezone): This is happening all the time, not just in a certain moment. But rn, it's 8.3.2019 18:45 GMT +1 Character name: Brian_Statham Issue/bug you are reporting: The game shows different mods than the car has. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: I will add pictures, and describe how the car mods always change and how they are never right. I tried relogging, but it didn't work. This is happening since I've bought the car. 1. The car has the right wheels, but it has grey color on the sides for some reason. - Picture 1. 2. The car has all the mods visible the right way when looking at it in /modview. - Picture 2. 3. The car has the right colors after leaving the /modview, but the wheels changed for some unknown reason. - Picture 3. Pictures: Picture 1. Picture 2. Picture 3. Vehicle license plate number*: 91904SPJ
  6. ThePro


    Of course, I am fine with the oil change, and stuff like that... But I don't think that the car should break down at all if it was kept in good condition all the time.
  7. That's how you arrange a date.
  8. First, there should be a normal strip club, that would attract more interest, I guess.
  9. If that's true, then we are Gucci.
  10. I will get robbed while refueling my plane lol.
  11. ThePro

    License Plate

    Hmm, that's what I would do in real life right?
  12. ThePro

    License Plate

    But why would I scrap my car when I want to use it normally later?
  13. I was actually thinking about the same idea just a few days ago. +1
  14. ThePro


    And I don't want to pay thousands when just buying some ammo for the shooting range.
  15. ThePro


    So I should go over all the existing streets in the game when I am looking for one particular street? Makes sense.
  16. ThePro

    License Plate

    Why would I buy a scrapyard vehicle, when I want to go street race with MY sports car? I mean it makes no sense racing against Sultan with any Sedan.
  17. I could be on a button, as mentioned and I see no powergaming in it tbh. And it's not a thing you would forget since we could at it to the bottom right panel as: "SEATBELTS: ON/OFF" and the "ON/OFF" would be with green, and red so you notice.
  18. I am giving you a +1 if we get another way of getting money without a higher salary.
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