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Everything posted by Quietthecutie

  1. The way youve worded this sounds incredibly selfish. basically "just bring it back quick so i can buy one then you can lock it off for everyone else for all i care."
  2. I agree having more admins on would be beneficial to everyone, but i also agree that its not a job just anyone can do: -You need to have a very very good understanding of ECRP RP rules. -you need to have a good track record of adhering to those rules. -you need to have a proven ability to be totally impartial in any situation. -you need to be willing to basically work free of charge during your free time (this is the most common sticking point I see. committing to being an admin will impact your ability to have your own fun.) Honestly finding someone that meets all that criteria, actually wants the job, and can pass the application process, its rare. so whilst I'm sure the server wants and would benefit from more admins its not surprising that its a slow process.
  3. Totally disagree with this tbh... The IA system exists as a way for LEOs to be accountable on the job, a job they may do through multiple lives of their character. whilst yes IC actions have IC consequences, and a gang may get back at a cop for acting out of line in a singular life, they can just respawn, and get back on the job with the same outlook with little to no consequence as to how they conduct themselves as the NLRs dictates the crim must now stop targeting them. the IA system is a check and balance to IC abuse of power. taking it OOC should always be a last resort. LEOs are already pretty much a law onto themselves. no one but their supervisors holds any sway over them so its important those people are icly kept in the loop. and to say that a "hardened criminal" would not know how to submit one does not make any sense either as any time some kind of misconduct against an LEO is brought up icly, all anyone from JB/DOC/MD can do is say "you can file an IA report." and guide them through the process, because IC they cant do anything else about it that would have a lasting effect. shit many times during an arrest if it gets heated the LEO will just say "yeah, file an IA report against me then" and that sorta tells you all you need to know... In summary IAs are an important part of the IC check and balance system and restricting them from certain characters would totally defeat their sole purpose. the very character you are trying to restrict them from may be the people with the most pressing grievances. yes these characters might be "Hardened Criminals" but they are not idiots, and if they are happy with the extra scrutiny thats their call, not yours.
  4. I was referencing a top down rework of the in game phone, not strictly for just weasel.
  5. Rply they make 0 sense however from a gameplay perspective, how else would you get ads and news visible? anything that requires people having to open their phone and scroll through or tab out to a secondary site would in my view defeat the purpose of the advertising system, as 99% of players would not see the ad. they are also highly effective at conveying information to newer players as it requires no knowledge from them on where to obtain information. In full agreement that the phone needs a revamp tho. but this isnt the thread for that.
  6. Im in agreement with parts of what most people have said here: During peak times Robberies are extremely uncommon. as OP has said robbing one store is not worth it for 4-6 people (standard store robbery group) and robbing multiple is far too risky as LEOs are onto you after the first. However during quiet hours you can rob maybe 3-4 stores before running into cops and depending how many of you there are and how many of them you have a decent chance of winning the gunfight. that is until most cops log and youre locked out of doing them... in general its certainly a system that could use a look.
  7. yeah my first thought reading this is "abusable." you say used for car meets etc but i reckon they will be mostly used to barricade labs off etc...
  8. Im in agreement its almost impossible for small time crims to partake in drug manufacturing even on a small scale. perhaps making smaller, more compact farms that larger orgs wouldnt care about? 1-2 tables.
  9. Massive +1 No one mines right now. an argument could be made that because mining nodes are so abundant they should be worth less than trash or laundry, and i agree with it, but not to this degree. you make more money even at peak times just running around cells snagging the very occasional piece of trash or laundry that isnt picked up by someone else. coupled together with the fact that a pickaxe is a heavy stamp investment... To put this into perspective, i would have to mine 60 nodes of tin in order to gain the same amount of stamps for one full laundry wash. Now Each Node is a 5 sloooow stage skillcheck minigame, so lets be generous and say i could mine one node every 20 seconds (allowing for time to drop off the ore and move to a new node.) This would mean that in order to gain the same amount of stamps as a single full laundry wash i would have to: spend 20 minutes doing uninterrupted skillchecks and nothing else as this requires full attention. complete a total of 300 skillchecks. And all of the above is assuming i dont run out of nodes to farm. i am unsure of their respawn rate because again, people try it, realise its not worth it and stop. so ive never actually seen it mined out. Its so ridiculously unbalanced i was convinced it was a bug.
  10. Texas sized +1 said it so wonderfully. for a game that literally revolves around vehicles and the using thereof your options are so limited. if youre playing off peak time and you total your car you have almost 0 chance of getting it towed or roadsided as even if theres 1 or 2 mechanics on they are bound by company policy to not respond to your call and this goes double in the city as bayview mechanics will not touch your MR even after the wait time. what are you supposed to do? walk everywhere? get a cab everywhere? (if theres even any on off peak time.) Yes, I understand the concern of "taking away" RP for mechanics but honestly right now theres more RP than the mechanics can deal with... right now your only realistic option is to Mors it which is not very RP friendly...this is definately something that needs a look at..
  11. are we not reading a little too much into this? i didnt realise it was such an issue, so long as the people youre talking to understand whatever nomenclature youre using...
  12. -1, Here's why: Unfortunately, as OP pretty much said, the delay isn't with MD performing their RP. its all the other admin RP that has to be done after a major shootout. multiple casualties, police work, scene management, vehicle impounds and general untangling of the situation, the bigger the incident the more things that need to be done. Realistically MD can only transport the patient once law enforcement is able to provide an escort and in 90% of incidents this will be once they scene is entirely cleared. what OP is suggesting will just mean that the medic has to run back to their ambulance every few minutes to check on them which may end up slowing down scene clear up more and making wait times worse. On the other side of the coin, depending on who was involved in the shootout this may be the only RP ops that divisions like law enforcement/detectives/MD gets out of the whole scenario, so again its not really fair to put them on a timer. you had your fun, let them have theirs. When you willingly partake in large scale criminal activities like shootouts part of your decision making should be accepting the risk that you may get hurt or arrested and spend some time in the back of an ambulance or cruiser. TLDR; I agree, sitting around waiting for others to finish their RP is boring but I don't think this suggestion would actually fix the problem
  13. +1 would be 100% behind this. particularly the concept of boat interiors. Presently boats and sailing are, to say the least, a niche mechanic. as a method of transportation their usefulness is limited to around the coastal areas, even once you get where youre going you're stranded and need ground transport. however, if you could live out of one, that would be cool, you could harbour outside Paleto for a while then maybe swing down to the southern docks, stay on the move. i think the Journey 2 was a really cool way to make RV's relevant and would love to see the concept explored further!
  14. in agreement. not least of all cus i am physically mute and cant actually talk. therefore typing everything (particularly the repetitive RP parts/repetitive radio calls) out slows everything down. certain jobs such as MD and law enforcement have alot of these kind of lines framing the actual creative roleplay posts and typing them out constantly is both tiring and screwy because one typo can derail everything. i think we should be allowed to use macros for the non creative, repetitive sections of roleplay and then freetype the fun creative parts.
  15. im sorta on the fence for this one but i will say i have never seen someone buy a truck to fish or mine with. people buy trucks to truck with. i entertained the idea of sinking a considerable amount of money into getting my own truck back in the day but after asking people about it most everyone agreed it was not worth it. hence why almost no one uses their own trucks, which is indicative of a system that does not work. but again not a system i have deep knowledge on, unenlightened monke brain
  16. solved, through some forum magic that was not obvious. thankyou.
  17. the system appears to be not sure what my login name should be and im buggered if i know either as its not my forum name, nor my gov name, not my login email....
  18. sorry to spam but im trying to self resolve with the "forgot my password option" when i try to log in but its not recognising my username nor my email for it
  19. and again to be clear i have tried using my username as stipulated in the forums. gives me the same problem, 404 not found.
  20. i have used the same email linked to my account, the same one i use to log in to ECRP server. it gives me a 404. unfortunately from here theres no way for me to recover despite this being the account all my progress and characters are saved on. (computer recently updated windows thus i lost all my cookies :c. ) to be clear i still have access to my gov account and forums just not my panel which is crucial to screenshotting for applications etc.)
  21. My panel uses the same email that my forum account does, so far as i know. but when i try to log into it it gives my a "could not find account" error.
  22. Gonna -1 on this. reasons being: 1- Yes spending 1000 bucks IRL for a nice jacket is nuts, but so would earning 1000 bucks an hour. the economy of the game dictates prices. we spend hundreds of bucks on food and fuel too because even low paying jobs pay thousands in a day. rply if you worked all day and you pay covered food and a brand new outfit you would be quite satisfied with that. 2- as a new player your priority should not be filling a wardrobe anyways. much like an IRL situation you live within your means and buy cool clothes when you can afford to. 3- this means that when new players finally do have the disposable income to buy nicer clothes it feels more like a progressive reward than a reskin. you earned those clothes they weren't given to you etc.
  23. +1 yeah as someone well put it, theres not really a motivation for having your own truck right now apart from customisation and maybe a little more speed. a rental fee deduction per job would be good. make it so people can still use trucking to make money but in order to make it actually quite good money buy your own truck.
  24. such a +1. right now i'm having to google what cars look like in GTA online as I cannot get a good look at them in the server.
  25. +1, basically for all the very good reasons skeletee and others have already outlined. its a tactic that has, for better or worse been generated and used by pretty much all sides as a consequence of this being a videogame, not for tactical RP reasons. RPly it makes 0 sense as you're putting yourself in abnormal levels of danger in a shootout doing this. Now if we are talking dressing up in gang colours for the purposes of non combat infiltration of a rival gang, That's a different discussion and should not be brought up regarding this suggestion as its not what's being suggested.
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