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Everything posted by Kellie

  1. +1 I think this would be a great addition. I play as a mechanic and the amount of people blatantly insulting me or being rude to me is way above what should be considered normal. I have worked in retail before and the amount of people insulting me over nothing, using sexist comments, is way higher than it should be. I have to listen to sexist comments about me every day, people openly talking about my character's "assets" in ways that nobody would do in a mostly professional environment.
  2. 25 to 30k for this stuff is a good service. You don't do graphic design in 15 minutes. You do BAD graphic design in 15 minutes. If you want to have that go ahead but some people like quality and foxcube provides that!
  3. I am really torn with this suggestion. Introducing ways for people to repair their cars on the road would take a huge load off the backs of mechanics. I'd like for people to be able to buy expensive repair kits for themselves at mechanic shops so they can do their own emergency repairs. Like running out of fuel, this would give them means to transport themselves to mechanic shops and get their work done there when we are not enough people to go on mechanic requests. I would like for mechanics to be able to do "emergency repair" classes, like people do at MD for BLS. I think this would help LSC a lot. In order to buy repair kits they would need to have a license. This gives LSC another roleplay thing to do and takes stress away from the shop floor. +1 for repair kits I do not like to introduce more mechanics to people on the shop floor. While interesting at first, those minigames would grow stale soon and one of the biggest problems we face on the shop floor are the amount of customers when only one person is on shift. Even for someone that has been way more hours than is healthy into the shop floor it takes a while to get a car to be repaired. This would slow down the process even more. Currently I am able to repair a car within less than a minute (considering the customer joins in on the play etc.) Using the vehicle parts would be another step doing those repairs, propably doubling or trippling the time it would take for someone experienced on the shop floor to do it. If we introduce this to new trainees, it can take way longer than this. The amount of emotional drain you get from multiple cars honking at LSC, people screaming at you, calling you names. -1 for changing the shop floor
  4. +1 Seeing how little people work at government jobs that are actually needed, an increase in the pay could be a good start to make them more attractive.
  5. I have a picture of Motorsports Mars Colonie. @Eriksen you have about 5 time units to respond or there will be actions happening against you.
  6. This is so cool. I love the dedication you put into this work and I really enjoy looking at the mods that you come up with (also definitely love to see my portraits implemented into something this is so cool) I am sad to see you stopping.
  7. Hello there. As someone that has played as a mechanic at LSC and have put a lot of hours into the roleplay there it's really difficult to pinpoint an exact reason why it is the way it is right now. There are definitely issues within the shop itself - the roleplay is rather stale as you're mostly just doing scripts. If you want to thrive as a mechanic you have to be a communicative person and figure out ways to make the roleplay aspect of it interesting for you. That's not something everyone CAN and WANTS to do. As someone that has recently started doing mechanic work for the sole reason of there not being enough mechanics at LSC it's a rather thankless job, though. You're basically roleplaying working in retail with the way people treat you. You get harassed, insulted, screamed at. Especially right now with LSC being unterstaffed while the demand itself is as high as ever people become annoyed if they have to wait in the bay for more than five minutes. I do not think that "go work LSC if you want more mechanics to be there" is a solution for this. Telling people "you know what how about YOU do this super boring thing in your freetime after a day of irl work" is not how we should aprpoach the issue. I also disagree with it being solely IC as well since cars are such an essential part of GTA that tying your ability to use them to a single faction is rather rough. People love grinding money on the server. Making LSC (and bayview while we're at it) a higher paying job could be the way to go, to be honest. It is basically volunteer work. Which is why I believe it not to be just an IC thing. The change needs to happen through RP and also the change of OOC policies (Like the pay cap).
  8. Sup. I'm Kellie and I think I just wrote this down on a whim but I like the idea. The server itself is in need of something like a social hub and Burgershot has served as such before. I believe the decline in people hanging around that place is due to a) the pay being bad b) because the pay is bad there are less people working c) less people working = people will just automatically assume there is nobody around I think if you made it into one of the salary jobs, thus adjusting the pay and maybe adding things like delivery to it (as mechanics do /mechrequests you could have /foodrequest and then add in the message you want to send) Tell people to roleplay making burgers and turn the shot into a bit of a social hub. I have seen LSC attracting people, when there were a lot of workers around and I think it could be fun to roleplay a wacky restaurant like this if it is done right.
  9. Hey there! Around February the person that worked those night shifts was usually me and I can assure you that I have not posted that many ads in that time. It's usually even difficult to have 3 ads to post every 5 minutes. My own feed gets clogged in ads sometimes at those hours, though, because there's just not enough bulks to do that kind of stuff.
  10. Kellie

    The DINOS

    Woah how do you join
  11. I don't know if I have the strength anymore. It was really scary
  12. I tried building one but it blew up what do i do
  13. Kellie

    PRB Arcade

    This is super cool and cute I love it. Will definitely challenge you all to pong and win
  14. Kellie had been part of The Underground for a few months now but never really felt like she did much besides… just being there. All she could offer were things like legal advice and her ability to buy property. She did not feel useful to the cause itself. She also did not really know what most of those in the gang she decided to join were doing. So one day Kellie decided to change that. After all, it was a new year so… new her. It was a rather normal day in Los Santos, someone shot up Los Santos Customs and got arrested, another person was kidnapped by some strangers and the police were as attractive as they were helpful. The gang decided to join in on the daily chaos of the city. They were six at first and met up to figure out what to do. Did they want to rob a bank or a store? Did they want to spray? The city was ripe with opportunities to wreak some more havoc on the capitalist oppressors. After checking the banks, one around the pink cage seemed to be open. And this was, when Kellie Vaeseri - the most legal person in the city according to a random bystander - joined in. She was just the lookout. The pressure she felt while sitting in her RV was immense. But she waited. And watched. And saw an off duty officer. When three of her pink friends drove around the bank on bikes the police got alarmed. So much, that they had one officer patrolling around every open bank at all times. The Underground was not successful in robbing the bank but got something of similar value to them: They got the police to waste time driving around. Every officer waiting in front of a bank was one less to give a random victim a speeding ticket. It was enough. Instead of banks, they decided that it was time to hit stores and so they did. Someone explained to Kellie where to stake out the stores. She learned how to position herself, how to listen in on the radio and give calls in just one run. After the first store went well, they got to a second one in chumash. Another store. Another position. Another set of radio calls. Then the big thing: A bank was open that wasn’t staked out on route 68 - or so they thought. At this point the roach decided to join them in their endeavors. Everyone was high on alert, they had the drills, they had the lockpicks and the motivation. So they started the drilling and… the bank was closed after all! No big deal. There is more to do in one day. They went to the pink cage again. The roach and Kellie were both the lookouts for this. But they did not see the police quick enough. People got arrested, others fled. Kellie got out without anyone of law enforcement interested in her. But she knew: today was not the last time she would be on the lookout. She finally felt like she did something of worth around the gang and soon there would be more opportunities. Because rats can smell the chaos.
  15. +1 to the actual topic at hand. I do not want children/minors to be groomed on this server. Stuff like this can have long lasting consequences on the psyche of a child and the least this server could do is add another barrier to it.
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