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Alias Retention to realistically remember Names.

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Make it so that when you alias someone, the alias will last for a period of time, then disappear after a few days (Maybe a week) if you do not see that person regularly. Then you will have to re-alias them a few more times so that when you alias them for the 3rd or 4th time, the alias will stick and you will realistically remember the persons name. You would be able to re-alias them as much as you want, in case you made a typo in the name, but this wouldn't restart the timer.

I am proposing this to avoid people from remembering people as Cop1 etc., even though they have only met them once. It would also prevent LEO's from seeing someone once on a scene, and then remembering their name forever, to then be able to identify them on another scene in the future, where realistically, you would forget their name if you do not regularly meet them. 

Let me know what you think and if you can think of any issues with this that I have not thought of. 

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I like this idea, but i feel that to create realism, it should be time spent with the person while they are unmasked rather than amount if times /alias command was used, you will often meet people on a night out, at a job, or at a gathering of some sort, you'll hang out with them for a few hours, and most of the time if the experience was really pleasant or really unpleasant, you will remember them since our brains love clinging on to experiences that cause us to feel a certain type of way, where as if you meet someone for a brief moment you're naturally going to forget their name sometimes in a couple hours.

Maybe if there was a timer of like 3-4 hours you have to spend with the person, while they are unmasked within the first week of you using the /alias command for the alias to stick, then that'd be pretty cool.

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Honestly I wanted to create a suggestion back then regarding alias changes, which is removing the /alias command completely and add a different UI for OOC based reasons.

To be honest for OOC reasons all you need is the ID or a small tab such as character info can pop and display the information needed. 

Technically speaking you wouldn't remember someone's face because you're seeing his name above his head which is kind of metagamey I would say. You recognize someone's face through the actual face. 

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23 minutes ago, Papadakis said:

I even remember girls I met in school and I'm 30. -1

Now if you suggest no NUMBERS in alias, sure. Let's start from there.

The point I made was that if you alias them 3 or 4 times, then it would stick forever. Of course you remember girls from school, because you spent long enough with them to remember them forever, not just 10 minutes.

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Just now, PhenomenalX said:

Technically speaking you wouldn't remember someone's face because you're seeing his name above his head which is kind of metagamey I would say. You recognize someone's face through the actual face. 

Problem is, this is GTA. You are third person for 99% of the time AND theres no such thing as a unique face.

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6 minutes ago, CaesarSeizure said:

Problem is, this is GTA. You are third person for 99% of the time AND theres no such thing as a unique face.

Adding to this, and I know this is not officially stated in server rules, but the alias can basically be considered the person's face. If their character is not in direct line of sight of you, the alias disappears because you cannot see their face. The alias disappears when they cover their face with a mask. If recognising someone through their alias is metagamey, then what's the point of an alias ?

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9 minutes ago, CaesarSeizure said:

Problem is, this is GTA. You are third person for 99% of the time AND theres no such thing as a unique face.

Yes you are correct on that one, 99% it is 3rd persons but why you think criminals are forced to wear a mask 24/7. By removing the /alias command not will only improve immersion, it will decrease amount of NLR events. If person A killed you at a shootout or whatever, then 2 hours later you see him again and starts calling you by your name like nothing happened because once again he sees your name above your head, quite unrealistic imo.

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I've always been for any kind of change that mimics actual memory retention as it can be immersion breaking to constantly have people aliased who I don't even remember OOC let alone IC, no matter if I RP that I don't know them it takes you out of it a bit.

I'd prefer a system with this and also the ability to have a keypress that disables alias' altogether for those that want to be more immersed in their RP experience. Keeping the ID system would be needed for larger scenes/conflicts though on account of text RP.

Also regarding faces being remembered, voices are also a large part of remembering a person too, if not even more noticeable. Whilst some don't use voice on the server I can remember a large portion of people without needing to see an alias just by voice.

Edited by Maccy
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My biggest issue with alias is the misuse of the command. I find that if you meet someone reasonably, i.e. hey I'm Jason Steel, you're John Doe, that's fine to /alias. The issue for me arises when during a robbery, someone aliases rob1, rob2, kos3, etc. 

I'd consider making /alias tied to /license, or require approval similar to /frisk. Obviously if you introduced yourself to someone, you will be able to /aliasapprove or whatever, but it should help stop random alias abuse.

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3 minutes ago, alexalex303 said:

My biggest issue with alias is the misuse of the command. I find that if you meet someone reasonably, i.e. hey I'm Jason Steel, you're John Doe, that's fine to /alias. The issue for me arises when during a robbery, someone aliases rob1, rob2, kos3, etc. 

I'd consider making /alias tied to /license, or require approval similar to /frisk. Obviously if you introduced yourself to someone, you will be able to /aliasapprove or whatever, but it should help stop random alias abuse.

This is such a good proposal on the second option.

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I don't think there is any issue with how alias works at the moment.


I do think that they should severally reduce the range that it displays at. So unless you are extremely close (quite literally face to face) the person's ID is the only thing that shows up, then once you are closer and provided they don't have a mask, the alias will display.

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