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About Lipq

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  1. +1 The jail times on ECRP are so exagerated and ridiculous that it inevitably drives players away, my character has been at doc for probably 5 months now because i simply feel that i have better things to do with my already limited time than go afk answering afkmaths for potentially 10+ hours especially when there is barely any content available for when you get out, it was more than enough to make me quit personally. The jail times should be capped at something reasonable (max 4-5 hours) or all the charges should have lower jail times associated with them, every single crim player shouldn't have to sit there and give up rp opportunities due to the inevitable IRL punishment associated with them, its just so stupid and i really cannot grasp how so many people can sit there and be like "JuST bE SmARtEr LOOOOOL" or "JuST rP BeTTEr" If you really want to keep these ridiculous jail times then at least provide the player base with some actual content that isn't some monotonous bs like fishing or bus jobs to create a balance because grinding the same 3 pieces of content does not really make the countless hours of jail time worth it at all.
  2. I'm always glad to see a post which highlights the issues within the server, yet I always get disappointed reading these threads as any well written, good posts are always met with a mentality that supports the writers play style. The "ThIs iSnT ReALiStIc" bullshit is fucking tedious, normally backed by some link from a similar irl case and as you have stated, this is a game and it should be treated more like a game, when I log on to a roleplay server I want to seek interesting RP interaction and opportunities, live out a criminal fantasy and get the adrenaline rush from being chased by the police at no IRL risk, yet if I put in effort in to my RP and try to RP a scenario, I get shut down by an unstoppable force which comes full fist up my asshole, ruining any chance at a good gameplay experience. The truth currently is that apart from spamming /me's and /do's there actually nothing to do on the server once you pass the 200 hours mark, don't get me wrong however, as for me personally, the first 200 hours were fun and i feel that the server is great to start getting the hang of RP, but once you pass the stage of learning everything it just becomes a monotonous grind fest and the grind (for criminals) is really only to go pew pew pew at your opposing gang because that's all the fun that is really available and if you really wanted to grind for assets that you may lose during gameplay then you may as well just go play Escape From Tarkov instead. This lack of things to do has caused many of my favorite people as well as myself to quit, as fishing at the pier was literally the most interesting content the server had (in my oppinion) Eclipse claims to be a high standard roleplay server, yet the standards, aren't seen, and the amount of poor roleplayers, from all factions is crazy, I understand that RAGEMP servers survive of off player counts but the knowledge required to join eclipse is piss poor, you can legitimately copy and paste things from the rule book in to your application and you will be accepted, which multiple people have done, and it is abundantly clear when you encounter any new player, who has no concept of what the rules actually are, which was the case for me when i first joined, I got in without even understanding how to properly use /me's and /do's or what the rules really are. The level of entry should be raised, so that a community of responsible role players can develop, allowing less restricting rules, and higher standards of rp, and honestly, if people abuse any loopholes, or any rule changes just fucking get rid of them, they clearly aren't any good anyways.
  3. I completely agree with more or less every point made here, i have recently quit ECRP due to the fact that the experience became a monotonous cycle of go fish to make money, buy some guns, pay off impound fees, and then afk in jail for 5 hours all because you wanted to engage in some criminal RP which went south and you had 27 cruisers, 11 choppers, 20 supers, and a precision airstrike you me all at once, the attitude from the majority of criminal "Role players" didn't help either as it was a constant fuckfest of who can be the new epic #1 gang, always out to shoot and hardly ever out to RP which is an attitude i expect the newcomers to have but this attitude is extremely present withing the established "OG's" of the server which is incredibly disappointing, I've only met a handful of actual RP'ers on this server which really is sad considering the server currently has 400+ players at peak times. A thing i found the most confusing is the fact that any crim rp based complaint is always met with "just be smarter" or "Just rp better" which is just a bit dumb. I had a character in SD which was a lot more fun but that was purely due to the massive imbalance between crim and LEO, I'd log on, do my patrol, arrest people with the most fair sentences possible and go on with my day until I got tired or annoyed that PD all of a sudden decided to give someone an 11 hour jail sentence and log off (SD rp standard felt much higher than PD and i didn't see the play to win mentality there which massive props there, a really well ran faction with real role-players). I also do feel that the server developers do not take the community's opinions in to consideration, as a matter of fact i've wanted to make a big rant about what i dislike about the server in the hopes of maybe seeing some change but i just knew I'm going to catch a ban or something of that sort since constructive criticism is not liked here and is taken as an insult which is just, baffling? The community is actively paying money, supporting the server dev's yet the same people are being ignored and actively silenced? Like maybe implementing a system similar to what OSRS does, where the community votes on propositions made by the devs would be a fantastic way to approach future development and would lead the server towards massive improvements. Another thing i do not like one bit is OOC nerfs? The OOC nerfs, in my opinion are a massive reason this server has become a cops vs robbers server is the fact that the large focus seems to be on making sure that the crims aren't too op and any and all tools they have are either taken away OOC'ly or matched by adding things to the PD/SD arsenal which is just not where the priority should be. Also, the rules? Legit just get rid of half the rules and let admins take initiative, the admin team is all pretty intelligent and have got a sound understanding of role play, they are meant to be the example of what roleplayers are supposed to be like yet they are constricted to this mundane cover every little thing rule set which causes ruleplaying and 200 daily reports, the staff team needs to sit down and discuss what the essential rules are and keep them only. I do however understand that there will be abusers, but, just ban them? I personally see no need for people who are here to abuse rules and look for loopholes, rather than spending their time and energy on rp. A fantastic example is - someone calls you a cunt - you punch them - you catch a dm? like please go outside, and start calling random people cunts, and see how far you can get before someone wallops you because I'm sure it won't be far, yet this is DM under the rules because there wasn't enough escalation, like what? And lastly, the "This isn't realistic" shit needs to go man, of course shit isn't going to be realistic, this is a video game, and the fun thing about video games is that they aren't real life, nobody wants to go and play a game which is trying to be a hard copy of real life.
  4. Lipq


    Id understand if this was roleplay PD/SD actively pursued but considering that I for the last 4 times of using the impound have spent between 30mins and an hour waiting answering afk maths, just to get a car out, and I know numerous other people have too. People shouldn’t have to free up an hour of their roleplay to get A vehicle out of impound, and it is totally to do with mentality, nobody can be arsed doing it which is fair because it’s not exciting for PD/SD, don’t feel like the minimal roleplay that the two factions get are worth the time people have to lose
  5. Lipq


    The impound serves no real purpose for rp and feels like an extended jail sentence because you have to (most of the time) spend up to an hour waiting for someone for 1 minnute worth of RP of which majority is PD/SD checking MDC, it should just be made to be like MORS
  6. Hello everyone I have had the idea for a revamp of the current drop off system for the numerous freelance jobs available such as mining, fishing, hunting etc. The way it works currently is a case of, you do the job, and take the respective product to one of the drop locations to sell and get your money, even though this way works and doesn't have issues as a way of selling things I feel that it negates a lot of opportunity for role play, leaving a void for player interaction that could be filled. So this is what my proposal is: Allow players to run these drop offs, and control the pricing of the goods bought. Let's say Gang A decides to open their own slaughterhouse where they purchase meat's from different animals in a similar fashion to how the current butchery works, they set the prices and they can be sold there, adverts could be made, giving weasel news more work and role play opportunities via advertisements, and the location would have to be found IC'ly just the same as how it would work IRL as new businesses open every day. But then at the same time, Gang B for example, could open their own slaughterhouse, and potentially try to undercut Gang A's one with pricing, creating competition withing the business, and rewarding the players who take their time to look in to what slaughterhouse has the best prices (I'm using slaughter house as an example obviously, this could be done for all the other jobs too), this would also allow for gangs to front their illegal activities and actually be able to properly legitimize their income, rather than having an rp business that gets used once a month to get a few screenshots for a forum post. This would also then mean that the respective members could hang out at the business legitimately without getting hassled. Making the products purchased have a purpose, would be required to make this work. Obviously just purchasing the meat with no return on the investment in my previous example, would be no good as it would just be a pointless money sink, which wouldn't encourage anyone to use it so what could be done is having this implemented in to the larger scheme of things, for example having shops order the meat to supply the food goods they provide or even have the business owners themselves invest money in to making these goods in to burgers, tacos, etc. to then sell them to the shops and supply them, having truckers pick these orders up and deliver them, creating a more immersive and realistic experience. What could also be done, is that the business owners could have their own sell points that only buy in bulk, or from a licensed business owners at a set price, that would be a guide line for the prices set out by the community, which would be an easier way of scripting this, but obviously it would be at the expense of player interaction. The former part requires more thought as all the jobs would need to be accounted for and a use for Wood, ores and oil would have to be thought of, hence if anyone has suggestions please drop them bellow. I do however understand that this would take a lot of time and resources to implement but i feel that it would certainly be for the greater good of the server as a whole rather than a single variety of players, benefiting crims, civs and legal characters alike. Let me know what you think guys
  7. I like this idea, but i feel that to create realism, it should be time spent with the person while they are unmasked rather than amount if times /alias command was used, you will often meet people on a night out, at a job, or at a gathering of some sort, you'll hang out with them for a few hours, and most of the time if the experience was really pleasant or really unpleasant, you will remember them since our brains love clinging on to experiences that cause us to feel a certain type of way, where as if you meet someone for a brief moment you're naturally going to forget their name sometimes in a couple hours. Maybe if there was a timer of like 3-4 hours you have to spend with the person, while they are unmasked within the first week of you using the /alias command for the alias to stick, then that'd be pretty cool.
  8. Hey everyone This is a rather simple suggestion purely for quality of life purposes I think it would be pretty cool if the way that cruise control worked was slightly revamped where instead of L toggling it on/off it would shift between options of 80-120-145-off with each press of the "L" button, could potentially take this a little bit further and make it work similar to radio binds, where you could use /cruise 1 *value* to change the first setting of cruise control to 89 for example I feel this would be a nice convenience mostly for legal/civilian characters especially SD as it is quite annoying switching with /cruise when entering PD juro or using country roads while patrolling.
  9. I've personally had a lot of thoughts about a radio interception script where crims would be able to acquire a radio which can tap in to the PD/SD freq, but since I've joined SD on my alt, I've realized that it wouldn't really work as majority of the proper comms happen on TAC or JTAC, so a system of some sort, where maybe you are notified that a police car is nearby when it comes lets say within 100-200 meters from you with no indication of direction and the requirement to be in the vehicle to get notified (Let's say it would be an item you slot in to the car inventory like a charger or a speaker) would be a great bit of fun, and i feel with the right pricing, the limitation of what information this would provide and requirements that have to be met (i.e. being in your vehicle) balance could be found rather easily, and would potentially allow for a lot of fun rp opportunities as well as create new laws and charges, would benefit both sides of the cat and mouse chase! +1
  10. Hello everyone, i'm relatively new to this server, got maybe like 40 hours playtime so far. Been doing the odd jobs here and there (truckers, mining, farming, etc.) as well as just casually driving around the streets, some of you may already know me as the guy who stopped in the middle of a highway to give you a ride to town, or the guy who drives you to poleto from bank for free, hopefully i'll meet many more of you on the server and have some quality RP!
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