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Starting Bank Heists

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Let me preface this by saying that the new Bank Heists have been an extremely good addition to Criminal RP. It takes (to a certain degree) planning beforehand and execution so that not every small time criminal can do it, you need to be generally well-versed in Crim RP before you participate in one which I think is fantastic. 

That being said, I’ve found it a little troubling that Heists are sometimes unable to be started due to the fact that there are not enough LEO’s on duty. 

To start a heist, a minimum of 10 people are needed to be on duty from either PD or SD, the numbers between the two cannot interchange though (for example, there cannot be 7 PD and 5 SD, it has to be 10 PD or 10 SD). This leaves a few small times throughout the day where banks heists are unable to be started due to the fact that neither faction is able to get 10 people on duty. 

There are a few fixes for this if that’s something that the community would be interested in. Firstly, it could be a mix of the two factions instead of separating the two factions in terms of how many people are on duty. The scenario mentioned above (7 PD and 5 SD) would let the heist start, as they combine for over 10 on duty members. 

Another option could be to raise the total number of units needed, but instead of on duty make it the amount of units online (keeping the two factions separate). I’ve not been PD, but I assume there could be a type of paying system that could be used to get units on duty if there is an excess number of people online but not on duty (Similar to SWAT pagers?) 

All in all, it feels like there is a certain time zone that is struggling to find the full hype of an addition that I believe to be one of the best in recent updates for Criminals. Hopefully something can be done for these players to be able to do heists!

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13 minutes ago, Will215 said:

There are a few fixes for this if that’s something that the community would be interested in. Firstly, it could be a mix of the two factions instead of separating the two factions in terms of how many people are on duty. The scenario mentioned above (7 PD and 5 SD) would let the heist start, as they combine for over 10 on duty members. 

  Big +1, This quote makes complete sense as SD will come and backup PD in a shootout like at chumash we had the other day and vice versa. Just makes sense to have all of SD and PD on duty units count towards being able to start the heist.

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4 minutes ago, CaesarSeizure said:

Maybe lets not make it too easy OK?

i dont think you get definition of "easy"

the banks are currently 10hours+ in the mean while so many people fuck it up cause alarms are bugged and theres only 4cm to aim at 

lets skip the part PD camping at them 

how about now?

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Big -1

This is totally absurd and I can only see official illegal factions saying +1, because of the big numbers that they have. Now for them store robberies are being replaced by bank robberies. Infact banks need to be even harder to rob. Nowadays bank clerks have little buttons under their hand sleves and as soon as they see something suspicious they would press the button and the alarm would go off.

15 hours ago, Will215 said:

It takes (to a certain degree) planning beforehand and execution so that not every small time criminal can do it, you need to be generally well-versed in Crim RP before you participate in one which I think is fantastic. 

I 100% disagree with this statment. Now everyone OBVIOUSLY drives around banks and as soon as the timer ends they go in blindly and hope that police doesn't come.

Do you think attempting 5~ bank robberies a day with the SAME clothes, tattoos, hairstyle, mask, vehicles that has same license plate is considered high rp? Realistically you would rob only ONE bank and then you would hide and stay undercover for like 1week. But no instead its the opposite and people rob multiple banks in just 1 day.

Just look at the toxicity when someone else not involved in the official illegal faction tries to rob a bank:



Like give other people a chance who are here to provide good rp instead of blindly going in and robbing every bank nonstop.

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7 minutes ago, Vubey said:

This is totally absurd and I can only see official illegal factions saying +1, because of the big numbers that they have. Now for them store robberies are being replaced by bank robberies. Infact banks need to be even harder to rob. Nowadays bank clerks have little buttons under their hand sleves and as soon as they see something suspicious they would press the button and the alarm would go off.

That last part, the part about buttons that clerks have, is a very good point. It's important to realize that the server isn't going for 100% realism though, most players don't obey traffic laws at all for example.

9 minutes ago, Vubey said:

I 100% disagree with this statment. Now everyone OBVIOUSLY drives around banks and as soon as the timer ends they go in blindly and hope that police doesn't come.

I've robbed a few banks and we have not done this once. When that happens, it usually results in the players who were flashing themselves outside of the bank in jail so I'm not sure why it's an issue. If people are going to drive around banks and attract attention to themselves from LEO's, it's on them.

10 minutes ago, Vubey said:

Just look at the toxicity when someone else not involved in the official illegal faction tries to rob a bank:



Like give other people a chance who are here to provide good rp instead of blindly going in and robbing every bank nonstop.

He wanted to rob a bank and someone messed it up leading him to be angry. IC issue.

I think that the first quote you put would be a great server suggestion though, like a 2-3% chance of the bell randomly sounding even if the heist is being done properly.

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7 minutes ago, Will215 said:

I think that the first quote you put would be a great server suggestion though, like a 2-3% chance of the bell randomly sounding even if the heist is being done properly.

Yes I would love that. But also I would like it so there are limitations for how many banks can 1 faction rob. Because don't get me wrong I have only seen official factions rob all the banks, no one else. Im not complaining about them successfully robbing a bank and getting all the money, good for them. But doing the same bank robbery over and over multiple times in just 1 day is super non rp.

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4 hours ago, Vubey said:

Yes I would love that. But also I would like it so there are limitations for how many banks can 1 faction rob. Because don't get me wrong I have only seen official factions rob all the banks, no one else. Im not complaining about them successfully robbing a bank and getting all the money, good for them. But doing the same bank robbery over and over multiple times in just 1 day is super non rp.

I dont see where you see super non rp? Robbing multiple banks as organized group ? what's wrong with it? Also it's a lie that only official factions robbing them. As a "fog city" member been robbing them for a while. But in the end of the day we again getting in the point "it's all IC" how you going to deal with it or split the banks with another criminal organizations. 

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+1 to some extent, and I partially agree with @Vubey, the bank heists are way too easy as it is right now. A bank getting robbed daily would surely put it out of business. Additionally, if PD aren't allowed to camp chop shops and drug labs, I think it's only fair that they aren't allowed to camp banks. Realistically, cops wouldn't know when a bank is 'available' to be robbed.

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12 hours ago, FrankieP said:

+1 to some extent, and I partially agree with @Vubey, the bank heists are way too easy as it is right now. A bank getting robbed daily would surely put it out of business. Additionally, if PD aren't allowed to camp chop shops and drug labs, I think it's only fair that they aren't allowed to camp banks. Realistically, cops wouldn't know when a bank is 'available' to be robbed.

That doesn't make any sense, does it? Bank is not a criminal location that would realistically be hidden. If they camp banks, there probably is a IC reason for it and an IC issue for you.

I do agree that PD and SD should count together as law enforcement. Another way to handle this is if SD has 10 people and PD has 8, banks up north could be robbed, while city ones would not.

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